The First Store System

Chapter 401 - (5) Beginning

Chapter 401 – (5) Beginning

Chapter 401: Beginning

"It's time for you to leave," Aakesh told the remaining customer in the weapons room.

The customers, hearing Aakesh, had no choice but to leave as they still hadn't selected what they wanted to buy, while a few of them were only testing their strength on the slab put in the center of the room.

"Thank you, store owner," The customers thanked Aakesh one by one, left the weapons room, and then exited the store.

Only Aakesh remained in the store. Since he had told Lily not to return this morning, she hadn't come back.

Aakesh then exited the weapons room, proceeded toward the door, and closed it, bringing another fruitful day for the store to an end.

"Hey, system, I want to start the quest," Aakesh wearing an emotionless face, told the system.

[Host, what weapon do you need to materialize?]

The system responded in its usual emotionless and mechanical voice.

"Bow," Aakesh responded straight away. He didn't even have to think for a second as it was the reason behind him using the bow to conquer the fort.

The next moment, the bow Aakesh had been using for the past years started materializing into reality.

A few seconds later, the bow presented itself to him, floating in front of him.

Unlike in the selection area, the bow didn't look ordinary. The material used in its making was the same, the wood of the Primordial World tree, while the string was made up of the roots of the same tree.

Unlike the bland look in training, the bow was now colored in black, while patterns of elements engraved in golden on it. It looked like an inverted W, but the curves were semi-circular. The central part was wrapped with the leaf of the World tree, while there was a golden ring attached to both ends of it.

The golden ring was not only an ornament, added to give a pleasing appearance to the bow, but it was the strength manipulator. The smaller the golden ring, the harder it would be to stretch the string, and vice versa.

The system had already set it to what Aakesh felt comfortable operating. He didn't have to interfere with the ring or the size of the bow.

Aakesh then grabbed the bow. The next moment, the system added the information of the three Absolute attacks the system would give him to complete the quest.

Since Aakesh had chosen a bow for the attack, the three Absolute attacks were in the form of arrows. The two were AoD, while one was a single-kill.

Then the information of the arrows that Aakesh could shoot using the bow appeared in his mind. There were no chanted arrows available for him to shoot in this round.

Since his offensive preparation was complete, the information about the organization he had gotten until now appeared in his mind.

According to the memories of the intruders, Aakesh had found three bases of the organization.

All the three bases were in different Universes, with each of them quadrillions of lightyears away from each other.

Even the nearest Universe FoTan was around tens of trillions of lightyears away from the store.


Universe FoTan, Planet XXXI,

"Did you hear about the missing case of several of our elders?" A man guarding the white building behind him asked his fellow guard soldier since it was the inner part of one of the bases of the organization Nielle.

Even in his dreams, the man wouldn't believe that they would get attacked here since Nielle was one of the top organizations of the Primal dimension.

"Pshh. Don't talk about the things you aren't allowed to. You would get us both fired," The other guard told him to get silent. If the higher-ups found out about this conversation, getting fired would be the best thing that they could get.

"Coward!" The first guard mocked, seeing such a reaction from his fellow guard.

The second guard ignored the mocking of the first guard. He couldn't get fired since his breakthrough was coming, and he needed to get as many contribution points as possible for a successful breakthrough.

Getting no response from the second guard, the first guard murmured, "How can someone this coward join this organization?"


Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard across the planet.

Alarms began going off as it warned of imminent danger. The guards looked into each other eyes and could see fear. Someone who dared to attack the base of Nielle couldn't be an ordinary being.




The sound of continuous explosions rang on the planet, with each blast sounding closer and closer for the guards.

Despite continuous alarms ringing, no signs of battle could be seen or heard on the planet. Only explosions were audible.


The explosion finally reached the area around the guards. They first saw an area of several miles exploding, and only the next moment did they hear the sound.

Right when they heard the sound, they saw another area going up in flames as a mushroom cloud made of soil appeared.

This time, the guards could see the destruction from their own eyes. They also felt the heat as the heat storm released by the explosion attacked them.

"Wh…who is there?" The first guard yelled, with his voice trembling at the start, but then it stabilized as he attempted to steady his heart.

The guard only got silence in response to his question. Both guards suddenly sensed something approaching the building they were assigned to guard.

They looked around, only to find a small projectile coming toward the building.

At first, despite being an intermediate and early Tao Palace level cultivator, they couldn't clearly see what it was. They don't have to put an effort as it was approaching them at an unimaginable rate.

They finally saw it was, and their faces turned pale simultaneously.

It was an arrow approaching the building, with an orange fire in place of the arrowhead.

The guards then looked at each other and could sense the fear in each other's eyes. Similarly, they could see their future at that moment.

Before any of them could speak, the arrow arrived and clashed with the building.


The next moment, a loud explosion occurred right at the center of the building.. The two guards were not able to see the explosion's result since the heat immediately vaporized them, resulting in a pain-free instant death.

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