Chapter 372 – Deaths

Chapter 372: Deaths

After destroying all the meteors, the bowl suddenly began enlarging. In no time, the bowl had covered the sky for as long as Aakesh or the soldiers could see.

The ruler of the fort, watching the bowl even covering the sky above him, couldn't help but smile.

"Get ready!" He ordered. Since he couldn't interfere in the battle at this stage, he ordered the shields men to get ready to defend themselves from what was to come at them.

The soldiers on the ground continued their charge, while soldiers from the fort were still jumping down in large numbers.




Suddenly it began raining down. The soldiers on the ground couldn't help but tremble in fear, seeing the scene as it was a rain of lava.

Since the bowl in the sky had turned around, the lava stored in it began raining down.

Without even the help of the meteor, the heat it released was already very potent, but now that the lava had the heat of the meteor, wherever its drop touched, a burning pit appeared.

As for the soldiers, they didn't even feel the pain, as a single drop of lava was enough to entirely melt them even before their brains could process what was happening.

The next few seconds, these scenes of one-sided deaths continued, as the soldiers, irrespective of their levels or the weapons they carried, couldn't save themselves from the lava.

The lava was so potent that not even their ashes remained in the ground.

Such scenes also happened on the fort, but the higher-ups intervened right away and stopped further deaths from happening.

A few seconds later, only countless burning pits and Aakesh remained on the ground.

The arrow Aakesh used was 'Bowl of Annihilation'. It wasn't a regular arrow as despite Aakesh having quite a high level of skill set in archery, he couldn't use it twice since it had a cooldown of eleven hours.




The next moment, the land around thousands of miles began shaking as beings spanning over hundreds of meters belonging to different races started jumping down the ground.

After their numbers reached a hundred thousand, the beings belonging to the Yultes race began jumping down.

In no time, the combined number of these giant beings and Yultes reached around three hundred thousand, with the Yultes being in the majority.

Aakesh didn't flinch, seeing so many beings having higher levels than Aakesh charging toward him. He instead aimed his bow at them, stretched the bowstring using his right hand, and when a complete arrow appeared, he released it.



The arrow flew, tearing through the air, aiming at the giant being in front, but before it could reach the creature, an invisible wave clashed with it, which resulted in an explosion.

The force released by the explosion was nothing compared to the creature, so they were unharmed, but before they could even complete their step, another arrow with the same momentum came at them.

Fortunately for them, they had expected something like this. It was quicker than the creatures wanted, but it still was manageable, so another invisible wave clashed with the arrow, and it resulted in another explosion.


The explosion hadn't even subsided when another arrow flew at them. This time, it proved to be unmanageable and undefendable, so it flew right at them and pierced their heart.

Unfortunately for Aakesh, the arrow didn't have enough strength to destroy the heart of the creature, so despite getting pierced in the heart, the creature survived.

But soon, Aakesh showered a flurry of arrows, aiming at the same spot.

After the sixty-seventh arrow, the creature's heart finally gave up and exploded, resulting in the first casualty of this high-level army.

Time flew by. Around fifteen minutes had passed since the tragedy caused by the 'Bowl of Annihilation'.

Out of the around three hundred higher-level soldiers that had jumped down after the incident, Aakesh had killed two-thirds of them while only having superficial injuries.

The most severe injury Aakesh had received up to now was from one of the Yultes. His broadsword had successfully bypassed all the restrictions caused by Aakesh's arrows and had cut his right hand.

If not for Aakesh acting on time, he would've lost the hand at that time, and then the battle would've become even tougher.

Aakesh knew there would be another level of higher-level soldiers after this, and only after that the higher-ups just below the ruler would involve themselves, and if at that point the damage on the fort or the number of fatalities had reached 75%, the ruler would intervene.

In the past few minutes, Aakesh had used the chanted arrow, 'Inferior Nihility of the Beast' twice. It had caused some severe damages to the fort while it had also killed around a hundred thousand soldiers on the ground.

(A/N: The name of the first chanted arrow used in previous chapters.)

"…, Godatam Tatsam Uhapa…,"

Aakesh was chanting a mantra for his chanted arrow while dodging the strikes coming at him.

The chant took five seconds of time to complete, and since Aakesh didn't have the level of knowledge required to chant for this weapon while shooting regular arrows, he had no choice but to dodge the attacks coming toward him.

Fortunately for him, his agility in the past two days had grown by a large margin, so it didn't take much effort for him to dodge regular slashes, arrows, throws, etc., coming toward him.

The problem only arose when the level of attacks released by the soldiers was high, so Aakesh had no choice but to take some damage.

"…, Omator Ugar Yurto…,"

Aakesh continued chanting while also dodging at the same time.

The archers from the fort had also begun intervening in the battle as they could sense the destruction the new arrow would cause, so they also started giving problems to Aakesh.

Aakesh, with a cold and calm look, continued chanting and dodging, without caring for what attack came at him. He only had two things in his mind at that point: chant and dodge.

When the fourth second of the chant arrived, the sky began rumbling while the land started shaking.

Before anyone could even understand, darkness had engulfed the entirety of the area, bringing a halt to the actions of the soldiers on the ground while archers on the fort.


A/N: I got some time, so I wrote chapters for today, but it would result in tomorrow's chapter getting late.

Sorry for the trouble! The book would return to its usual schedule from the day after tomorrow.

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