Chapter 291: Beginning

The town of Wolfden, which had been in a solemn atmosphere for the last two days, suddenly turned cheerful.

The citizens forgot about the death of their Townhead as they learned about the auction for the new Townhead for the town.

"How much savings do we have?" The son of the Townhead, Mark, asked his account manager. His name was John, and he currently was a Level 41 expert.

He had also seen the scene of his father dying by the adventurer's strike. He, who was the second most influential person in the town due to his father, lost the majority of his influence after Mark died.

Those who were stronger than him distributed the areas of the town according to their power. Even the army chief, who always had a respectful expression on his face, didn't help him when a person who had Level 44 attacked his store.

If not for the protection amulet his father had provided him for his safety, he would've fallen and lost the only influence, the skill store he had in the town.

John was only thinking of ways to salvage the situation and survive this ordeal when one of the guards arrived and told him about the auction of the egg of the wolf king and the golden key.

The guard didn't know much about the golden key, so John only found out that whoever owned the golden key would become the new Townhead. John had even forgotten about the death of his father at that moment. He instead felt grateful to the adventurer for not taking this opportunity.

"Owner, we have three hundred eighty-two million, seven hundred ninety thousand, and four hundred sixty-eight low soul stones," The account manager responded.

The account manager still didn't stop and further added, "Owner, we also have thirty-eight medium soul stones."

The medium soul stones were one grade higher form of currency than low soul stones. The numerical difference between the stones was only one-grade, but the literal difference was even wider than the sky and the earth.

The conversion rate between the low-grade and medium-grade soul stone was a whooping 1,000,000:1. With this conversion rate, John had thirty-eight million low soul stones more.

John nodded after hearing the amount he had in his treasury; He had already made up his mind to buy both the egg of the wolf king and the golden key, so the more money he had, the easier it would be for him to win the bid.

The army chief hadn't informed anyone about the qualification to own the golden key, so everyone was preparing as much money as possible to win the bid for it and become the new Townhead.

"Father, I would become the new Townhead. Just wait," John mumbled as he clenched his fists in determination.

As for revenge, John never even thought about it Aakesh had killed his father at his peak, so even if he became the new Townhead, how would he even be able to survive a single blow?

Like John, all the higher-level citizens of Wolfden were preparing for as much money as possible. Almost all the citizens were willing to empty their treasuries to win the golden key.

While the higher-level citizens were preparing money, the guards were announcing the auction to everyone. 

Anyone who heard the announcement gasped in surprise, hearing it. Some ordinary but wealthy citizens even decided to give it a try in the auction.

Even though their chances of winning the bid was zero in their heart, they still decided to give it a try, hoping that their luck would suddenly turn around and they would win the golden key.

From child to old, everyone eagerly waited for the auction to begin after getting the announcement. There was only a single place that could handle all the citizens of the Town, and that was the battle arena, and that too after adding seats on the ground. So, the battle arena was chosen as the site of the auction that day.

Time flew by, and hours passed.

Aakesh had already arrived in the town and was waiting for the auction to begin. He was currently sitting in a VIP room with the army chief. The egg of the wolf king lay next to him on the seat.

"What's the starting bid of the egg, adventurer?" The army chief asked Aakesh, seeing the giant egg peacefully lying next to him.

Even though the golden key was the most significant of the two products in the auction, the egg of the wolf king was still a valuable product.

If the golden key weren't available in the auction, the egg would've been the most valuable auction product in the entirety of the history of the town.

"Fifty million low soul stones, with each bid of ten million," Aakesh expressionlessly responded.

The egg was purely a moneymaker product for him in the auction. Even though the starting bid was low for the value of the egg, Aakesh still went with it as a low bid would increase the competition. The more the competition, the more tense moments there will be, and the more tense moments, the more outrageous the bid by the customers.

The army chief also understood this logic, so he only nodded. He then asked about the golden key. In response, Aakesh still gave the same answer as earlier. He would announce it when the auction would begin.

After that, silence fell in the area while Aakesh and the army chief patiently waited for the time of the auction to arrive.

The army chief will be the auctioneer for the auction since Aakesh had no interest in becoming one.

As for the biddings by the army chief, Elsie, his daughter, will do it.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into an hour, and then just like that hours passed. And finally, the time for the auction arrived.

When there was still an hour remaining for the auction, the battle arena had already gotten filled. But Aakesh didn't begin the auction since he wanted to do things according to the time.

The crowd was eagerly and silently waiting for the auction to begin, and as the time arrived, suddenly on the center stage prepared for the auction, a being out of nowhere appeared.

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