The First Store System

Chapter 1519: The Terror Gibbon!

Chapter 1519: The Terror Gibbon!

After waiting for a few minutes, it was Ziro's turn. "Store owner, please complete the sale," Ziro requested, handing the beast card to Aakesh.

Aakesh took the beast card and returned it immediately after glancing at it.

"You need to pay 25 ultimate and eleven higher Sacred stones," Aakesh expressionlessly informed Ziro.

Ziro nodded and paid for it using the Ultimate Store Card he purchased after the borrowing. Even though the sale was complete, Ziro didn't leave the queue and requested, "Store owner, please tell me about the Terror Gibbon."

Aakesh didn't refuse Ziro and informed him of the beast's history. Gibbons came under the large family of Apes in the Beast group and was a weak race in that family.

Gibbons had numerous species of their own, but there was no species that could join all the species together and form a powerful alliance of Gibbons for more benefits from the Ape family and the Beast group.

The relationship between the Ape family was also not very good due to the intense territorial nature of the Apes. Since Gibbons was a cluster of weak races, they were slowly getting squeezed out by other races in the family.

The strongest cultivation in the Gibbon species was an early Sacred King, and there were only two of them, despite Gibbons having a large population of several billion.

Having a large population but insufficient territory further aggravated the disputes between the different species of the race, resulting in a war to gain control over the biggest resource point they controlled at that time.

The war turned brutal, and only two species were left fending for themselves at the end, due to them being the only two species with the Sacred King as their leader.

As both the leaders were only early Sacred Kings and neither of the two had any superiority over the other, it resulted in considerable losses for the two races due to a high number of lower-level cultivators dying.

At that time, the Flame Gibbon decided to employ the help of another species that wasn't a Gibbon, and that turned the tide in favor of the Flame Gibbon.

The Flame Gibbons became the de facto leaders of the Gibbons, while Aqua Gibbon slowly turned to extinction after their leader's death due to intense persecution from the Flame Gibbon.

Peace returned to the Gibbons, but it didn't last long since the Flame Gibbon's leader's betrayal came back to bite him. It resulted in Gibbons losing their freedom and becoming subordinates of the Blue Cyclone Chimpanzees, a race with a Sacred Emperor.

The Ape family decided not to intervene because of the leaders of the Blue Cyclone Chimpanzees. The man was the son-in-law of the leader of the Ape group.

The Gibbons lived under the chimpanzees' control, and their numbers kept dwindling. In the span of three hundred million years, the Gibbons went from having several billion members in their mix to a few hundred members, and even they turned out to be outrageously weak.

The highest cultivation was only the late Divine Lord, and even that was slowly regressing.

Gibbons seemed to have reached the end of their lives, with them inching closer to extinction day by day. They hoped for a miracle, and that came at a terrible cost.

When only the last seven members of the Gibbon race were left, while searching for hope of survival, they came across a ruin.

The Gibbons disappeared from the face of the Sacred Dimension after that, only to return three billion years later.

Only the last Gibbon was left alive in the Sacred Dimension at the time, and even that was no longer any of the Gibbon that existed before. That was the first Terror Gibbon, caused by a rare item gained by one of the last Gibbons.

Due to the mutation of that item, the Terror Gibbon appeared. Since Gibbons had disappeared for three billion years, the Blue Cyclole Chimpanzee treated them as an extinct group of races and stopped worrying about it.

Since the Terror Gibbon was no longer prosecuted, it slowly grew in cultivation. The second Terror Gibbon was a half-beast, but the mutated bloodline of the Terror Gibbon dominated the non-beast bloodline, resulting in the second Terror Gibbon.

In seventy thousand years, the number of Terror Gibbons reached three digits, and once it reached that mark, the mutated bloodline disappeared from the future generation, resulting in the appearance of the earlier Gibbon species.

The first Terror Gibbon stopped growing in cultivation after the Supreme God level, dashing any hopes of the Gibbons to avenge their humiliation against the Blue Cyclone Chimpanzees.

Things changed for the better when the seventieth generation, Terror Gibbon, broke through the Supreme God level and became the third member to do so in the history of the Gibbons.

The Terror Gibbons then started research on their mutated bloodline and found the strongest purity to be in the hundredth Terror Gibbon, despite being the last one to be born in the Sacred Dimension.

In the three millionth year after the reappearance of the Gibbons, Corlis reached the Sacred Emperor level, becoming the first of any species of the Gibbons.

Another ten million years later, Corlis succeeded in another large breakthrough and stepped into the Sacred Monarch level, reigniting the hopes of revenge against the Blue Cyclone Chimpanzees.


Ziro couldn't help but suck a cold breath of air after listening to the history of the Terror Gibbons. Aakesh also informed Ziro of the mutation. It was caused by the bloodline of a creature long extinct from the Sacred Dimension.

There have been only one hundred Terror Gibbons in the Sacred Dimension, and three of them have been powerful enough to step into the Sacred Creator level.

Corlis was the first of the race, who later ascended. Following him was Teris, who also ascended after the third Sacred Creator's appearance in the Gibbons group of races.

In present times, Gibbons were at the peak of their authority, with the Sacred Emperor in double digits and numerous universes under their control.

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