The First Order

Chapter 574 - Blasting a way ou

Chapter 574 Blasting a way ou

As the dense group of Experimentals swarmed into the stronghold from the west, the stronghold residents only felt panic and despair. And what was even worse was that the stronghold residents had already been starving for so long that they did not even have the energy to run anymore.Some people had just run a step or two when they fell to the ground helplessly.

Some people watched as the Experimentals got closer and started cursing the Experimentals’ mothers in fear and the incompetence of the Zhou Consortium’s troops. Then they were either easily killed by the Experimentals or knocked unconscious and captured alive.

A middle-aged man yelled at his parents inside a house, “Dad, Mom, let’s hurry up and leave. Don’t wait! The stronghold is already done for!”

But the old couple looked at each other and said to their son, “We can’t move anymore, so don’t let us drag you down. Just take your wife and child with you.”

The middle-aged man was in tears. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times to his parents, but he could not say anything to them.

The old couple said, “We don’t have any regrets after living for so long. Go now.”

After that, they started pushing their son out the door.

In this world, it would be hard to find someone like them who would treat you so purely. They were willing to sacrifice themselves to ensure their son’s survival.

However, as soon as the middle-aged man went out with his wife and child, they saw the Experimentals approaching. The Experimentals were so fast that the family was caught before they could even start running.

The world was this unpredictable.

On another street, a man carrying a child in his arms was running and knocking on windows of vehicles passing by. “Please, take my child with you. He’s very smart, not a picky eater, and easy to raise!”

The people in the car looked at him, but the man inside did not say anything. Just as he was about to step on the accelerator, the woman in the passenger seat opened the window and took the child from the man.

The man cried and thanked her. But at this moment, several people rushed out of nowhere. They put their hands through the open window to unlock the door from the inside and pulled the woman and child out of the car.

The man cried out as he picked his child up, but the child was already bleeding profusely from the fall after being pulled out of the car.

The good, the bad, the old, the young, the men, the women.

Suddenly, the stronghold descended into carnage gone completely out of control.

Ren Xiaosu made a mad dash through the streets with Zhou Yingxue. They had planned to steal a vehicle but realized it would only allow them to travel a little faster at the beginning. Once it got crowded on the streets, the car would not be any faster than the running pace of a person. Furthermore, by driving a car, they might just end up as a target.

Li Ran and the others were following close behind. A plainclothes guard suddenly roared, “Let’s head east! The east gate’s the only one that hasn’t been sealed. We can’t get out if we go anywhere else!”

Fang Zhi, who was following him, added, “That’s right, we saw it with our own eyes. Only the east gate hasn’t been sealed. Ren Xiaosu, head towards the east gate!”

In fact, Ren Xiaosu had the same thought initially. But when the plainclothes guard and Fang Zhi shouted this behind him, he suddenly felt that something might be wrong.

Almost everyone in the stronghold knew the east gate was the only one that had not been sealed yet. But the problem was that the Experimentals should know this too!

This time, it could be said the Experimentals were fully prepared for the siege. Would such a smart enemy miss out on an important detail like this?

Ren Xiaosu suddenly changed his mind. “We’ll head north!”

There were Experimentals to the west, and there might be Experimentals to the east as well. Meanwhile. the heart of the Central Plains lay to the north. If reinforcements were arriving, they would definitely come from the north. So Ren Xiaosu chose to head north!

But when the plainclothes guard behind him heard that, he started panicking. “How can we possibly head north? Are you stupid? The north gate has already been sealed with concrete. It’s a dead end if we go there, so I don’t agree!” Then the plainclothes guard noticed that Ren Xiaosu ignored him as he continued running straight north.

Ren Xiaosu couldn’t care less if they agreed. They could just fucking go wherever they liked since he was only leading the way. Whoever followed him would live while those who did not would die, and it was as simple as that.

The plainclothes guard watched Ren Xiaosu run. To his surprise, he realized both Director Mu Wan’ge and Li Ran kept up with Ren Xiaosu’s pace. With that, everyone followed Ren Xiaosu and ran north. In the end, that plainclothes guard could only follow them.

During the escape, Ren Xiaosu had been leading everyone the entire way. All the obstacles blocking their path were pushed aside by Ren Xiaosu while any crowds of people were also mercilessly broken up by him.

This made the flight extremely easy for those who were following him. Furthermore, this group of people had been eating potatoes every day. Although it was not a lot, their stamina was still in much better shape than the other residents in the stronghold.

Before they could reach the stronghold walls in the north, everyone saw the residents in the east starting to run west. They happened to bump into the residents who were fleeing from the west, and the streets got jammed as a result.

Even Li Ran could understand the Experimentals must have appeared in the east as well. Otherwise, the stronghold residents in the east would not be running here. However, they should still be quite far away from the Experimentals in the east. Therefore, they could not see those terrifying gray figures yet.

The plainclothes guard who disagreed with Ren Xiaosu did not say anything. He knew Ren Xiaosu’s choice to head north was definitely not a coincidence, and he must have thought of this scenario in advance.

This was probably something the Zhou Consortium troops did not expect.

On the congested streets, Ren Xiaosu was still breaking up crowds as he ran northwards. When the residents who were at a loss saw Ren Xiaosu and his group running north, they also followed after him.

The flow of people in the stronghold acted like a wave, and Ren Xiaosu, who was farthest ahead, was the crest of this wave.

Ren Xiaosu looked back and saw many escapees following him. At some point, he even thought about using his steam locomotive to take these people to safety. But what about the aftermath? Would he have to face the endless pursuit of the Pyro Company after using that power?

Ren Xiaosu was not a saint. All he cared about was leading the group of people towards a path of survival. As for whether they could keep up or not, that was not something he had to consider!

When they were about to arrive at the northern walls, Zhou Yingxue felt a tinge of despair as she looked at the gate in front of her that was sealed with concrete. The measures used to guard against the Experimentals were actually blocking their way to survival at this moment?

When she was about to turn her head and ask her master what they should do, she saw Ren Xiaosu take four poker cards out of nowhere. As the cards swayed in his hands, she could even see that they were four “sixes.”

“Master, how are we supposed to get out of here?” Zhou Yingxue asked.

Ren Xiaosu answered, “I’ll blow it up with a bomb!”

Zhou Yingxue thought to herself, ‘Master, you can’t be fucking thinking of using those four “sixes” in your hands as a bomb, can you?!’

After Ren Xiaosu, who was in the lead, slapped the four “sixes” onto the wall, he turned around and ran away from it.

With a loud boom, a huge hole was forcefully blasted out of the wall sealing the stronghold gate!

Zhou Yingxue was stunned. That was really a bomb?! What kind of strange powers did her master possess?!

Honestly speaking, up until now, Zhou Yingxue only knew her master could conjure up strange seeds that could produce potatoes and that he was very proficient in using a sniper rifle. And this was yet another eye-opener for her.

Ren Xiaosu took the lead to squeeze through the hole in the wall. Due to the existence of the foundation and rebar acting as load-bearing structures in the wall, this small explosion was not enough to cause the collapse of the entire wall.

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