Chapter 101

Making our way back down the hill, I saw my porters still hauling off different bodies of creatures we had slain. Despite their strength, the porters could only move one of the huge bison bodies at a time, dragging them clear up to the previous floor.

Raven had spotted the stairs leading down to the next floor and we headed that way.

Our plan had been to continue on down, but we stopped in surprise at what met us. At the bottom of the stairs was a group of humanoids with mushroom cap heads that were all variations of red, with either black or white spots. Their skin was milky white, with veins of red running through it, and they wore armor that appeared to be made of dense organic matter. They held weapons, but they did not point them at us. When they saw me approaching, every single one of them dropped to their knees and began saying something in a language I did not know.

What are they doing? Raven asked.

Surrendering? And, not to sound like a monster, but I dont really want minions, especially if I cant communicate with them.

I got a flat look from Maxwell. Are you seriously saying that? Youre a necromancer, you dont talk with your minions at all.

Thats not true, I do talk with them, just mentally, I protested.

Thats not talking, thats ordering things around, Maxwell entered.

What even are they, Raven demanded. They dont smell like food.

Theyre miciliums, I explained. A type of mycelium, or mushroom, humanoid. You dont often see them though.

They are much more common in Tehomal, a powerful voice saidcultured, deep, and one I knew, even if I didnt recognize it until the figure became visible in the light coming down the stairs. They want to become your the figure paused and asked something in their language, slaves.

His eyes drew my attention, faintly glowing red, but not like the bloodred of blood magic, the scarlet red of his kind. Pale, smooth, perfect skin covered his face, and pitch-black hair was cut short and stylized. He wore fine black robes laced with dark purple designs that reflected my eldritch magic. The robe was dirty; something Id never seen on it before. In one hand he held a sheathed sword that I knew very well.

Vito? I said, my brain stuttering to put together how he was here.

The miciliums were also surprised by the sudden presence of Vito. But they overcame it quickly and jabbered at him.

Not slaves, my apologies, vassals, Vito corrected himself even as he glided through the miciliums.

Vampire! Maxwell exclaimed, stumbling backward.

Indeed, vampire! Vito revealed predatory fangs. Is that a werecat, my lord? He studied Raven with interest. Fascinating. Your own creation. Well done, well done indeed.

It was more of a happy coincidence, I said evenly. How are you hereand coming up from below for that matter?

It is simple. Vito gave me a confused look. I have been on the lookout for you since you disappeared, and when I felt the beginning of your power arise, I knew where to find you. The last place I expected was in the heart of this accursed nation, so I had to travel through Tehomal to reach here with no issue. Under no circumstance was I going to chance running into those terrifying priests on my way to rejoin you.

There was a beacon of my power? I asked, worried.

I assumed you sent it out to summon me here. Was that not the casedo not want me to join you?

No, Im thrilled to see you, Vito. I was a fool. I should have tracked you down as soon as I was reborn. But in my weakened state, I was scared and borderline insane. What Im worried about is the people whove been hunting me.

I could tell your power was reduced Vito squinted at me. I see the thread that has been attached to you. We shall separate it promptly. But first, introduce me to your friends and let us deal with these fine folks.

This is Maxwell and Raven. They have been with me through a lot and stayed with me when they didnt have to. And I dont want to necessarily kill these people. I gestured at the miciliums, knowing Vitos tendencies well.

Vito approached Raven and bowed deeply. I thank you for protecting my master. I am in your debt. He then approached Maxwell and repeated the gesture. Maxwell still looked nervous, but he at least ceased backing up. I was not going to suggest genocide, these miciliums would make quite useful vassals. Especially if this becomes a dungeon under your control. They can stay here and run it for you when we move on.

Okay, I can agree to that. Tell them for now that we accept their vassalage, but well come back later to hammer out the details. We need to talk, theres a lot I need to tell you, and I would like to get this tracking ritual completely severed.

Of course, my lord. Vito bowed, then talked with the miciliums for several minutes. When he was done, I ordered my minions to guard the stairs leading down while we headed for the upper floors.

Passing back through the combined floor we just cleared, I could already see the black waters effect as the vibrant plant life was rapidly dying around it, something else replacing it.

That is a stroke of genius, my lord. Turning this into a prosperous death biome laced with your own eldritch magic will make it a source of quite a bit of power, especially at your current strength.

Vito clearly knew something about dungeons, I would be certain to pick his brain later.


This is a fine gift to receive from you, my lord. Vito examined the relic illusion ring, the last of the rings Id collected.

From what I understand, they should give you a certain amount of resistance to sunlight even, I said.

I shall be careful in my testing of that. Vito slipped the ring onto one of his fingers where it fit quite snuggly. Youve had quite a few adventures since we parted ways.

Yeah. How are things back in Dothar? I asked. The undead city had been quite large, and the last I heard, its influence was spreading and quickly becoming more of a nation.

Things were chaotic for a while after the madness swept across the lands. Vito shrugged. But as far as I understand it was easier for us than it was in many other places. Your guild still rules there, though your sudden disappearance was something of a mystery to them. They eventually decided you likely had just decided not to come back. I didnt believe that for a second. Though I couldnt locate you, I could feel your power lingering in this world.

I thought the connection wouldve faded with my loss of strength. I leaned on the balcony railing looking out over the harbor.

Connection such as ours are not so easily broken, Vito assured me. Though in the technical term I am the greater in the connection, if I wanted to, I could control it.

I doubted he would do so, but nonetheless a pit of worry opened deep inside me. It spoke to how well Vito knew me, with the ease at which he read the worry. I didnt even think I had enough flesh on my face to show most expressions.

Worry not. This is not something I would ever consider. Unless you are about to do something that would most definitely get you killed. From what I understand, youve lost your immortality, with the exception of your phylactery.

I indeed have lost my immortality.

A companionable silence stretched, and I wondered what Vito must be thinking. Raven and Maxwell joined us after a short while, the conversation drifting this way and that with bits and pieces of information they could supply about how we wound up here and where we planned to go.

You said you came through Tehomal, Maxwell said. So, it connects here like it did to Maltis?

Indeed, it does, Vito said. However, there is a large difference between here and that connection you found in Maltis. That one was nothing more than a winding narrow tunnel that barely counted as a connection. This is a major connection to the underways of this region of Tehomal.

Must be why they built the ziggurat out here, I said. We knew there mustve been a reason.

That would be a fair assumption, Vito agreed. If you wish, we could flee into Tehomal. With me as a guide and acting as protection, it would be no more dangerous than what youve already been facing.

I thought about it for a long while before shaking my head. I dont know, the thought had crossed my mind, but Its hard to explain. I have a nagging feeling thats not the right course for me.

If I may presume, Vito said. Listen to that nagging, the Order of Equinox is likely where its coming from.

What makes you say that? I asked in surprise. He hadnt said much when I told him I was part of the order other than nodding solemnly.

The order is very old, Vito explained. I have had my run-ins with them, and know people who were members. Suffice it to say there is a fair number of soul vampires and regular vampires in the order.

Soul vampires? Maxwell asked. Ive heard that term used before, but I dont really understand the difference.

Vampires, such as myself, are devolved soul vampires, Vito said. In my case, I am the product of the lineage of a devolved soul vampire. When a soul vampire drinks bloodthough technically all vampires feed off of soul energythey have traded gaining an ease of access to power for the downsides of vampirism, sunlight hurts us, we have weaknesses to holy magic, light magic, and other such things. Blood is the vital force of the body, and through it, energy flows more easily.

Does that mean you can cast dark magic? Raven asked with sudden interest.

Vito is quite the powerful dark magic mage, I answered for him.

In that case can you teach me some? Raven stared at Vito with big eyes. Zeke is supposed to, but he keeps forgetting and doesnt teach me anything useful. I need to learn so the funny gal in his Mindscape can teach me time magic.

Vito raised an eyebrow at Raven. Time magic you say? If the time wizard says you can learn it, then truly you have a powerful affinity for dark magic. I of course would love to teach you.

I dont think theres any rush for me to make a decision about what to do going forward, I said, turning back to the interior of the ziggurat. Why dont we take some time to think about it and continue to explore this place. I feel like theres hidden secrets deeper in.

I did not stop to investigate. Vito headed for the door, gesturing for Raven to follow. But there are some very interesting things deeper in this ziggurat. Oh, and so I dont forget, we need to vassalize the micilium, but we also need to procure new creatures for that floor. Those bison and goats were their farm animals.

Wont it be problematic since they were blood biome creatures? I asked. The micilium looked to be oriented toward blood magic, judging by the color of their caps and skin.

Vito smiled. Thats the wonderful thing about this odd race. They absorb the magic around them like sponges and evolve and adapt rapidly. As that biome shifts into a death biome, so will the micilium.

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