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Fortunately, since the death of Lucen, the deputy captain, Mert and the others had also disappeared. They must have left to protect Mir.

However, Fang Linyan still released an enhanced version of [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] to closely monitor the surroundings.

Soon, the unmanned relay station appeared in [Mechanical Gyrfalcon]’s sight.

A 4 meters giant blood worm was squirming and eating next to the relay station that was being repaired.

Its body was strangling a human figure, and its large mouth with circular serrated fangs seemed to have swallowed up the figure’s chest.

The terrifying mouthparts were constantly squirming and chewing downward, emitting terrifying bone breaking sounds. A large amount of blood and mucus flowed out. The scene was extremely bloody.

Judging from the dress, this man should be a guard of Stassen.

However, Fang Linyan noticed that the monster was also seriously injured, especially near the tail. There was a terrifying wound that was half a meter long. The skin and flesh were rolled up, revealing the yellow fat and white fascia*** inside. A large amount of green bodily fluids flowed out.

Vulture said in the team channel,

“The difficulty of this area is too high. My [Reconnaissance] failed again. Only a little information is displayed.”

“However, based on the little information, this blood worm is different from the giant blood worm elites that attacked the convoy before. It is an ordinary monster and has suffered moderate injuries. We should be able to kill it.”

Through the blinking indicator light on his peripheral vision, Fang Linyan saw a deformed SCI lying a dozen meters away. It occasionally emitted sparks.

In addition, there was a soldier exoskeleton squeezed into a metal pie on the wall next to it. The blood splattered all over the wall.

Because he was lying head down, the exact situation couldn’t be seen. Even so, blood was still seeping out from inside. The soldier was most probably dead.

Because they had encountered giant blood worms before, they learned some of the monster’s habits.

The giant blood worms had poor eyesight, but their sense of vibrations on the ground and sense of smell were very keen.

Therefore, they approached quietly from downwind. Fang Linyan took out the grenade obtained from Lieutenant Hank, and Vulture equipped the electromagnetic rifle.

Why were they using the weapons of aborigines? Because both Fang Linyan and Vulture lack the means to deal with these monsters.

They absolutely couldn’t fight the monsters hand-to-hand. Moreover, Fang Linyan and Vulture’s long-range attacks were not as powerful as Hank’s grenades and guns. The key was that they had no cost.

After they were ready, Fang Linyan took off a dark-looking grenade from his belt, pulled out the fuse with his thumb, and pressed the firing pin rod, and his remaining four fingers held the grenade tightly.

After aiming, Fang Linyan released the firing pin rod, and light blue smoke immediately emitted from the tail of the grenade.

After counting for 2 seconds in his mind, he threw the grenade toward the huge monster 40 meters away!

3 seconds later, there was a loud blast from the unmanned relay station!

The grenade was accurately thrown under the ferocious round mouth of the giant blood worm. The huge impact immediately caused the soldier’s remaining lower body to be blown to pieces. A cloud of blood mist filled the air, accompanied by a thick smoke and splashing gravel!

Under the impact of hundreds of small steel balls, the giant blood worm’s head was blown back violently. It let out a shrill scream and rolled in pain on the ground.

After the thick smoke faded, the ring-shaped serrated teeth were filled with disgusting thick yellow fluid.

At the same time, Vulture also pulled the trigger. The bullets of the electromagnetic rifle turned into lines of fire and shot directly into the tail wound of the giant blood worm.

To make it more vicious, Vulture used those disgusting explosive bullets!

Although the giant blood worm immediately rolled around crazily when it sensed something was wrong, 5 explosive bullets had been shot into its wound and exploded like firecrackers.

The intense pain triggered the survival instinct of the giant blood worm. It decisively cut off the wounded part of its body, leaving it twitch violently to attract the enemy’s attention.

The main body let out an extremely painful hiss and burrowed into the underground tunnel beside.

After repelling this monster, Fang Linyan had no intention to pursue. He was afraid that the grenade explosion would attract more enemies, so he quickly rushed to the side of SCI.

After getting a closer look, he realized that the SCI had been critically deformed. It was spattered with spurting blood, but the deceased inside was not Stassen he was looking for.

Based on the dog tag, this was a soldier named Henry. It was not difficult to infer from the situation at the scene that his combat exoskeleton armor was severely damaged, causing his leg injury.

So his companions let him run away with the SCI.

But apparently, Mr. Henry was out of luck.

The only good thing was that SCI saved his corpse from being eaten.

“If Stassen isn’t here, he should have fled into the building, because there are many dangers in the wilderness. Just a thorn beast can pose a fatal threat.”

With this in mind, Fang Linyan walked toward the unmanned relay station. When he came to the door, he saw a bloody handprint on the iron door.

If it wasn’t Stassen, someone must have escaped inside.

After entering the unmanned relay station, Fang Linyan let Guseer walk ahead to explore the path. He soon discovered a corpse in front, which was a warrior in exoskeleton armor.

He should have escorted Stassen into the unmanned relay station, but he suffered 2 injuries. The fatal injury was probably on his head.

The mask made of bulletproof glass was cracked with a clear hole.

The fatal wound was in the center of the forehead. A white and red turbid liquid flowed out from the hole, which looked extremely tragic.

The body below the navel of this warrior disappeared mysteriously, and even his internal organs were hollowed out. Only the part protected by the exoskeleton armor was spared.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan’s heart sank.

The fatal injury was obviously a gunshot wound, and the mutilated body should be eaten by the giant blood worm.

Vulture checked the traces and said.

“This giant blood worm should be a larvae, less than 4 meters long.”

Then the answer was obvious. A Red Barracuda Phantom Pirate shot and killed the warrior, then a larval giant blood worm followed the smell of blood and ate most of the warrior’s body.

They kept moving forward and saw a big hole on the ground, which should have been dug by the larvae giant blood worm.

At the edge of the big hole, there was a copper lighter with blood stains on it.

Fang Linyan had seen this lighter several times. It was an antique that Stassen often showed off to his friends. It was a limited edition from 50 years ago.

Upon seeing the lighter, Fang Linyan immediately realized that this should be the clue Stassen left for the rescuers.

Obviously, Stassen exposed his identity as a senior engineer, which increased his value to the Red Barracuda Phantom Pirate and made him capture Stassen.

Fang Linyan decisively activated Guseer’s Ability: {Wild Hunt Tracking}.

The description of this skill was that Guseer could remember the breath of flesh and blood of anyone who had been harmed by Guseer and could track them over a long distance based on the principle of occultism.

Although the skill said so, it actually only required the smell of flesh and blood.

The lighter left by Stassen also had his blood on it. After Guseer activated {Wild Hunt Tracking}, the blood turned into a red mist and was absorbed by it.

Immediately afterward, Guseer looked back and jumped into the hole with fresh soil.

Needless to say, the trio jumped down immediately.

At first, the hole only had about 1 meter diameter. They had to bend down or even crawl forward, which was an uncomfortable experience.

Fortunately, after moving more than 30 meters, they entered the dry underground river. Here, they also found those viscous green body fluids on the ground.

TL: Would there be a nest of worms?

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