Chapter 560: Bet

Fang Linyan pondered,

“Personally, I have no problem with it, but I have 2 buddies. Without me, they can’t do anything.”

Black Shield pondered for a moment and said,

“This is not a big problem. I checked when I came here. You guys have just joined, and you even get A+ Evaluation in the novice mission, so it complies with a reward policy within the consortium.”

“So, if you can accomplish the mission, I can specially assign 2 low risk and high reward missions to them. Of course, this must be on the premise that you accomplish the mission.”

Fang Linyan snapped his fingers and said,



Soon, Fang Linyan went to space in a scout spacecraft. After flying for about tens of thousands of kilometers, he saw a giant mothership with the Star Consortium’s “Crescent Moon” docked at the peripheral port of Tutuga Starport.

This was Fang Linyan’s first close encounter with a real battleship in this world.

This giant mothership had a spindle shape, and there was a layer of silver-gray armor. It looked mysterious and powerful. Its shape was quite similar to the airships of the Earth age. Coles was already considered a behemoth, but compared with this thing, it was just like a toy.

There were hundreds of fighter spacecraft cruising around it, seemingly still in a state of combat readiness. The mass-produced “horsefly particle funnel” was also slowly cruising on the maglev track near the mothership, forming an impeccable defense network with the fighter spacecraft.

On both sides of the strange crescent moon logo were a pair of unfolded silver wings. The surface was decorated with snowflakes. The pattern was sprayed with the latest fluorescent paint, so it looked particularly cool.

This mothership named “Lakshar” was also the latest battleship currently in service in the Human Federation. Even in the military, it was an ultimate killing machine.

Its main purpose was to expand territory, launch interstellar expansion wars, etc. Basically, a mobile fortress that integrated the most advanced technology.

After getting closer, there were many beam cannons under the thick silver armor of “Lakshar”, It was conceivable that such a design would make the mothership have no blind spots for attack. The wonderful design of the beam cannons allowed the mothership to turn and fire at will, thus responding to any sudden situation on the battlefield.

However, distance brings beauty. After the distance was further reduced, he could see a large number of damages on the surface of Lakshar. Some places were pierced through, revealing the internal structure. Some places were still sprouting thick smoke.

The most obvious damage area was at its tail, which had a diameter of more than 50 meters. It should be blasted by some kind of powerful weapon.

Even the internal passages were exposed in space, and the cables were roaming free in the space. It looked like a large piece of flesh had been dug out of the body, making it even more desolate.

Around this huge damage, there were many engineering ships repairing it. Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan couldn’t help but think of the scene of those small fish gathering on the feet to remove dead skin when he was doing fish therapy… …

The scout spacecraft was escorted by several bat-shaped fighter spacecraft, and it slowly entered the navigation channel leading to the interior of “Lakshar”. Then, it was fixed to a platform by 6 squid-like tentacles.

With the puffing sound of opening the hatch, Fang Linyan and Black Shield left the scout spacecraft. Under the guidance of a soldier, they stepped onto the conveyor belt and finally entered an assembly hall.

At this time, there were all kinds of people in the hall. Judging from their clothes, they should all be recruited maintenance workers.

Each of these people had backpacks and chatting noisily. There was a pungent smell of tobacco and alcohol mixed in the hall. It was obvious that there were many people who liked to talk loudly.

Seeing a newcomer, these guys all looked over with vigilant eyes. Black Shield ignored these people and whispered directly to Fang Linyan:

“Not only are senior engineers lacking here, but skilled ordinary maintenance workers are also scarce. Let’s go to the interview.”

Fang Linyan nodded and followed Black Shield toward the side passage.

In fact, before coming here, he had already prepared a hundred different words to face the interviewer, but what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

There was no stern-faced female interviewer in the imaginary black stocking OL outfit, no thorough questioning, no questionnaire so detailed that even eighteen generations of ancestors had to fill out…

He was taken directly by Black Shield into a huge workshop, which was as messy as a garbage dump. The workshop was filled with the smell of heavy engine oil and burnt plastic.

The mix of various sounds was deafening, and one had to shout when speaking. From time to time, the welding spark would blind one’s eyes for a while.

A burly man with extremely muscular arms and big lumps of oil on his clothes and face stood in front of Fang Linyan. His eyes were bloodshot. Probably hadn’t slept well for 2-3 days.

He was wearing a mechanical exoskeleton device in his left hand, holding a huge welding machine. His right hand was holding a large brown wine bottle with strong vodka in it.

He raised his head, took two big sips, then blew out a breath of alcohol and said contemptuously to Black Shield,

“Huh? This is the veteran you found?”

This guy’s status should be quite high. Black Shield said somewhat cautiously,

“Yes, Engineer Ivan, Mr. Ruvel is an engineer with outstanding talent. Coles was able to escape from the meteorite belt thanks to his repair operations on the hull under sail. Several people can prove it, and there is also a recording.”

Engineer Ivan sneered,

“I’ve heard people talk about this. Laget, I understand your efforts for promotion, but when it comes to professionalism, I only believe in my own eyes!”

Only then did Fang Linyan know that Black Shield’s real name was Laget. He hurriedly said,

“Engineer Ivan, that’s not the case…”

But at this time, a man walked out from the machine beside and said with a contemptuous sneer,

“Laget, you are such a liar. Just admit defeat! Even if you are just trying to fool around with others, why do you even find a dumbass who doesn’t even have the most basic welding certificate?”

“This is something that even a kid who just graduated can get it. Aren’t you too careless? Do you really think everyone else is a fool?”

Black Shield Laget’s face suddenly turned red, and he roared,

“I’m not a liar. Let me tell you, Feromone. Wrench has true skills.”

Feromone said sarcastically,

“Really? Do you dare to make a bet with me? I bet there is no way he can become the special talent hired for this emergency mission. If you lose, leave this competition for the director!”

Laget ground his teeth in anger,

“What if I win?”

Feromone/’s eyes flashed with light. He had already carefully investigated the information of Ruvel at any cost!

According to the information, although this guy had published something in well-known publications since high school, unfortunately, he knew nothing about machinery.

His publication was just a sentimental and pretentious love poem.

Moreover, Ruvel studied in the Chinese Department of a university, and then he worked in the editorial department of a publication. He had probably never touched a welding gun in his life.

Therefore, the information on Coles must be forged. Even if he had a hobby in this aspect, he absolutely couldn’t meet the requirements of Engineer Ivan.

So Feromone decided to go all in!

“Hehe, if you win, of course I will quit and give you the shop on Central Street.”

Laget eagerly said word by word,

“Okay, deal!”

Needless to say, Fang Linyan knew that he was involved in an internal struggle.

Engineer Ivan seemed unwilling to get involved in these nonsenses. He took another sip of wine and said to Fang Linyan,

“Boy, this is a world of engine oil, welding guns, muscles, and noise! Little kid like you should go back and drink your milk. Don’t ask for trouble for some petty gain. This is not the place you should stay!”

TL: I can already hear Ivan’s amazed scream…

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