The First Evolution

Chapter 534: Being Infested?!

Chapter 534: Being Infested?!

These boxes had been opened with brute force. The thick metal was torn apart like paper, revealing an astonishing hole with disgusting green mucus.

[Athenas Blessing] around Fang Linyan could only absorb damage, so the viscous mucus also stuck to Fang Linyans body, affecting his movement.

From Fang Linyans point of view, there was an obvious interlayer in this torn shipping box! However, the goods inside looked very strange like wheat grains shining with a metallic luster.

Fortunately, while resting before, Fang Linyan had checked some information about this starport. There happened to be a description of these goods.

It was said that this was a rare metal ore that only existed in space meteorites. It was called true molybdenum ore. It is widely used in the manufacturing of various high-precision equipment. It could only be collected deep into the meteorite belt. Its price was dozens of times more expensive than gold.

Perhaps because of this, even though there seemed to be some problems with these standard shipping boxes, they were still moved to this secret warehouse.

Not only that, Fang Linyans eyes constricted when looking at the newly printed letters on the boxes.

The letters were clearly: Kerots!!

This was the English name of Coles.

In other words, this was the batch of Coles goods that Jha delivered at noon.

These boxes were previously placed in Warehouse No. 21, but then something strange seemed to happen, so they were transported to a secret warehouse.

Obviously, the strange events didnt stop in the secret warehouse. Almost all the guards in the secret warehouse were brutally murdered by the mutant monsters hiding in this batch of goods.

At this moment, Fang Linyan suddenly heard a click sound in his ears, then he immediately looked back and his pupils suddenly constricted.

It turned out that the top of a half-meter-high giant green egg on his right actually split open!

This splitting method was different from the ordinary eggshell cracking method. It was like a cooked crispy sausage with a flowering top.

It was like a vertical bullet with a cross-shaped opening at the top.

Green mucus flowed out from the opening. There were still strands of bloodshot-like substances in it.

Immediately afterward, a yellow-white tentacle came out from inside, and then another.

Finally, a monster that resembled a spider larva crawled out. It was yellow-white and translucent. He could even see the green liquid flowing continuously along the translucent veins.

This creature seemed to have weak eyesight. After crawling out of the egg, the 2 slender tentacles on the front of its head kept shaking up and down.

Many arthropods sensed the world with this method. The 2 tentacles contained a large number of olfactory cells and vestibular sensor cells, which could capture free gas molecules in the air and determine the location of prey.

Fang Linyan also felt threatened at this time. He raised his wrist, preparing to cast [Dragon Cough Flash] at it.

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

However, this larva seemed to have a heightened sense of danger. Just when Fang Linyan turned his wrist to target it, it raised 4 of its 8 tentacles.

Then it pounced on Fang Linyan!

The speed of this pounce was really indescribable. It was not appropriate to use the word swift, because when the larva pounced, it still performed many direction changes in the air.

Swift should be describing moving in a straight line, but when the larva pounced, its trajectory was a wavy S-line, and it was even irregular.

This was clearly predicting and dodging the enemys possible attacks!

Fang Linyan was caught off guard, and the monster covered his face entirely.

Not only that, the moment he was pounced on, an indescribable fishy smell came from his nose, and then his body became stiff and out of control.

The combat prompt coming from below the retinas was also clearly displayed,

The mutant larvae launched [Tackle] on you.

This skill has extremely high priority.

Your [Athenas Blessing] shield has been breached the [Tackle] takes effect!

You will be paralyzed for up to 60 seconds.

Not only that, Fang Linyan also discovered something very strange. After he entered a state of paralysis, his mouth opened slightly uncontrollably.

After the larva pounced on his face, it stretched out a flesh-red tube that was tenacious without losing its hardness and stuffed it into his mouth bit by bit.

That feeling of something crawling in his throat and being unable to do anything about it was really devastating!

Fang Linyan, who experienced this scene personally, was going crazy,

Ahhhhhh!! Am I being oral f*cked by a monster bug?!

Looking from the outside, Fang Linyans entire face was covered by the monster, and his whole body was trembling slightly due to stiffness.

At this moment, the larva suddenly stiffened, seeming to feel something amiss. The next moment, high-explosive grenade from the air exploded above it. It was [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] that came to the rescue just in time.

The larvas back was scratched by shrapnel, causing a 6cm long wound. It convulsed painfully, and its 8 long legs twitched violently.

Not only that! When it was hurt, the [Tackle] was interrupted, and Fang Linyan regained freedom. He immediately bit it hard without thinking!!

After biting, Fang Linyan felt as if he had bitten something like tire rubber. It was so tough that he couldnt break it with his teeth.

Of course, it wasnt a great experience to bite, and the creature being bitten wasnt anywhere better. After the larva was bitten, it immediately let out a series of dull squeaking as if it was extremely painful.

Some strange fishy-smelling liquid also sprayed out from the tube. Fang Linyan swallowed some, causing him to retch repeatedly. He was so disgusted that he hurriedly let go of the larva.

The larva immediately crawled away frantically.

But the most outrageous fact was that Fang Linyan actually received a prompt at this time,

Contractor ZB419, there is a large amount of food that meets the definition of dark cuisine within 10 meters of you. You have eaten 6 grams.

Please continue to eat and maintain digestion to achieve the goal.

Seeing this prompt, Fang Linyan shook a little and finally vomited

But as he vomited, he realized something,

How come there is a lot of similar food around here? That mutant larvae can only secrete 20-30g at most, right? Could it be!??

Just before Fang Linyan could react, the surrounding eggs split open at the same time.

F*ck me!! Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan said in astoundment.

He ignored the viscous liquid on his body, stepped on the standard shipping box, and quickly climbed back up.

He looked back again, and he was terrified.

From each strange giant egg, 2-3 mutant larvae crawled out. They converged and swarmed toward him.

In this case, Fang Linyan ran away decisively. He was chased by at least 30 of these mutant larvae.

Although Fang Linyan was running with all his strength at this time, his speed was obviously inferior to these mutant larvae.

Fortunately, the nearby shelf suddenly shook. Guseer arrived, smashed through the shelf, and sprayed [White Frost Breath].

This was an aoe damage with 1 second stun.

The [White Frost Breath] instantly covered an area of more than a hundred square meters in front, hitting all the mutant larvae.

Immediately afterward, [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] dived and launched the remaining 2 high-explosive grenades.

With 2 loud explosions, these unlucky mutant larvae were blown to pieces almost as soon as they regained their freedom. The broken limbs and green mucus were splashed everywhere.

Although these mutated larvae were extremely fast and possessed the extremely high-priority ability [Tackle], their most deadly characteristic was their low health.

They also had the characteristic of being vulnerable to cold damage, which meant that ice type attacks were twice as powerful on them, and the ice type slow effect was also doubled on them! But when they grew, this weakness would no longer exist.

But now, for these mutated larvae, 1 [White Frost Breath] could take half of their lives, and the rapidly falling temperature had also greatly restricted their speed.

The 2 high-explosive grenades immediately caused serious damage to them, killing more than half of them on the spot.

Fang Linyan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his attack was effective. He then pulled out a steel pipe from the nearby shelf and smashed the monsters jumping on the ground like playing whack-a-mole.

The mucus was splashed everywhere amidst a burst of crackling sounds.

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