The First Evolution

Chapter 532: Surprise Attack

Chapter 532: Surprise Attack

Fang Linyan took a deep breath,

What a monster! Even its blood is lethal to humans!

Vulture said with an ugly look,

This is not the scary part. I used [Reconnaissance] and got first-hand information about it. This monster can actually infest and evolve!

Immediately afterward, Vulture shared the monsters information to the team channel:

Mutant Larvae

Race: Carbon/Silicon-based hybrid creature

Background: This is a very ferocious mutated creature. It is highly suspected that it is not a product of nature, but a very powerful biological weapon created by mixing various genes.

Racial Talent: [Infest]. Organisms with this type of talent can reproduce quickly. Combined with different organisms, they can evolve to get different talent abilities.

Host Evolution Talent: This mutant larvae has been strengthened by absorbing the cats genes, thus gaining additional ability, {Stealth}.

Basic Attributes: Strength 4/Agility 22/Stamina 4/Perception 12 (larvae state)

Racial Characteristic: The skin of this mutant creature is naturally very resistant to abnormal status effects, so acid/fire/low temperature attacks deal 30% less damage to it.

Passive Ability: {Rampant}, this mutant creature can feel pain, but the pain will stimulate its body to secrete more hormones, causing it to burst out with more terrifying lethality while increasing its HP by 500%. (based on the base stamina value)

Passive Ability: This mutant creature is born with strong hunting instincts. Basic Melee LV5, it gains the attribute of quick strike, which significantly increases the attack speed of the next attack. It has a 5 minute cooldown.

Passive Ability: {Alien Creature}. The blood of such creatures is highly corrosive and can cause damage to enemies.

Passive Ability: {Hunting Instinct}. Creatures with this ability will not wear equipment, but their evasion will be increased by an additional 15%, their crit rate will be increased by an additional 15%, and they will have a special attack method.

Passive Ability: ??? (You come into contact with too few mutant creatures, so the data sampling is insufficient. The specific data cannot be obtained.)

Active Ability: ??? (You come into contact with too few mutant creatures, so the data sampling is insufficient. The specific data cannot be obtained.)

Active Ability: ??? (You come into contact with too few mutant creatures, so the data sampling is insufficient. The specific data cannot be obtained.)

Explanation: This is a creature that escaped from hell. Every cell in its body is born for killing.

Looking at this explanation, Fang Linyan also frowned.

At this time, Goat saw a handwritten list on the table. After taking a glance, his face became solemn,

Boss, come and take a look.

Fang Linyan immediately looked at the list and realized that it was a warehouse entry.

Today received 2 pieces of goods in Warehouse No. 21, 218kg, No. KLS1134

The reason for storage is that it is suspected to be expensive contraband, and someone seemed to be snooping on it, so it was placed in Refrigerated Warehouse No. 3 for safekeeping.

Warehousing receipt duplicate.

Warning: After these goods are put into the warehouse, 2 additional people will be assigned to guard it.


Fang Linyan looked at this warehousing slip thoughtfully.

After he pondered for a while, he found that Jha had crawled under the table in fear. Goat wanted to pull him out to comfort him before questioning.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!! The seemingly dead mutant larva suddenly ejected from the ground.

The ejection speed was extremely fast! The trajectory of its ejection was clearly in their direction.

In that split second, Fang Linyan had already blocked in the front of the mutant larvae.

He activated [Athenas Blessing], his HP was restored to about 3/4, and his defense was also astonishingly high, 49.

Unless the enemys attack could penetrate the magic shield, it would be difficult to cause damage to him, so he of course tanked in front.

After realizing that Fang Linyan was tanking in front, Vulture shot a flying knife at the mutant larvae.

Unexpectedly, after he shot it, the mutant larvae exploded like a balloon filled with water.

The body fluids in this creature were all highly corrosive liquids!

Fang Linyan tanked most of the body fluids that splashed out. Looking closely, these highly corrosive body fluids were about 1cm away from his body.

There seemed to be a layer of translucent glass covering his body, and the body fluids flowed down, unable to contaminate him at all.

However, just because most of these liquids were blocked, it didnt mean that they were all blocked.

Some liquids still splashed on Vulture and Goat. Smoke immediately rose on their bodies. Especially the parts uncovered by their clothes, their skin turned red as if being burned by hot cigarette butts, making them grin in pain.

At this moment, there was a loud pong above the office and dust fell. A big hole opened in the ceiling!

As the smoke and dust dispersed, 2 strange and twisted black shadows fell down. One rushed toward Goat and the other one grabbed Jha and rushed outside.

Such a surprise attack really caught them off guard!

This surprise attack seemed to be initiated by the dead mutant. It launched a suicide attack to attract their attention.

Then one mutant attacked and the other grabbed. They worked together perfectly.

Their cooperation was not inferior to humans.

Not only that, the cunning, ferocity, and cruelty shown in the battle were even more terrifying!

Fortunately, humans could be distracted but not machines.

While Fang Linyan and the other 2 were still in shock, Guseer, who was in an alert state, had already made the best judgment and sprayed [White Frost Breath]. Large clouds of ice dust dispersed in the air.

Due to the relatively airtight environment of the entire office, the temperature instantly dropped by more than 10 degrees. Everyone had a goosebump immediately.

The mutant that rushed toward Goat was also covered by [White Frost Breath]. It lost control of its body, passed by Goat who tried his best to dodge, and hit the wall.

There was a loud impact!

Because the enemies werent freeze-slowed, the [White Frost Breath] could only stun them for 1 second.

But even this mere second gave Fang Linyan and the others enough buffer time.

The top priority was to rescue Goat with all their strength now! This was an attack from an aborigine creature. Goats HP was not very high. Facing the full damage of the aborigine, it was extremely dangerous.

Therefore, just when the black figure that rushed toward Goat had just recovered, Fang Linyan launched [Dragon Cough Flash], gaining another 1.5 seconds of precious time.

This monsters resistance was indeed high. Under normal circumstances, after Fang Linyans [Dragon Cough Flash] was buffed by Rune Words, it could usually stun for 2 seconds. It could only stun for 1.5 seconds this time.

Goat also retreated hurriedly; Fang Linyan immediately cast [Ensnare] to buy him more time to escape.

Vulture was not idle. After releasing a [Thornlight Flying Knife], he followed up with an explosive flying knife.

All three of them were veterans. After the buffer time, Goat took two steps back and started chanting [Chain Fireball] while Fang Linyan stood in front of him to block the monster.

At this time, several debuffs had been stacked on this monster. Its movement speed had been greatly reduced, and its threat had also plummeted.

Fang Linyan had been guarding against its sharp tail attack. Judging from its look, it should be the type of high agility assassin. Being blasted by their full power, it only lasted about 10 seconds before turning into a scorched flesh.

Moreover, Goats fireball was clearly effective against this monster. The high temperature of the fireball evaporated the strong acidic bodily fluids, thus greatly reducing its threat.

They immediately chased after the other mutant. After Guseer sprayed [White Frost Breath], it began to chase the escaped mutant with [Mechanical Gyrfalcon].

Because this was an underground warehouse, the ventilation ducts were quite thick. The 2 monsters got out of the ventilation ducts and ambushed, so even [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] hovering next to them could not warn in time.

After Guseer used [White Frost Breath] to stun the mutant for a second, it shot [White Frost Spike] at it, slowing it by 20%. Then, it activated [Frost Wither], the aoe slow ability.

Then [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] and Guseer worked together again. [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] fired a flash grenade. In order to avoid the flash grenade, the mutant evaded. As a result, Guseer hit it with a second [White Frost Spike].

Even though the mutant acted cunningly and covertly, it was still bitten by Guseer. After being delayed for more than 10 seconds, Fang Linyan and the others caught up and killed it.

After killing the mutant, Jha, who was captured by it, was freed.

However, Jha had already entered the dying state, because the mutant launched a frantic attack before dying, piercing its tail into Jhas chest.

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