The First Evolution

Chapter 528: Officially Joined

Chapter 528: Officially Joined

Vulture said unconcernedly,

Its okay. Ill use it up before leaving. Then Ill buy the Space Transfer Order with the remaining points. Ill only lose one or two merit points in the end.

Vulture seemed to have thought clearly about joining the war team, so Fang Linyan didnt say much.

He was also glad to have a reliable team member. The law in Space was to work in team. Vultures own characteristics were very distinctive. Scout + Assassin could also make up for the shortcomings of his team.

After settling the matter of Vulture joining the team, Fang Linyan immediately chose to accept the Hidden Faction Main Mission: Choice and shared it.

At this time, Vultures mechanical arm had been installed and almost debugged, so they grouped up immediately. After checking their destination, they took an aerocar and went quickly toward the mission objective location.

In the aerocar, Goat had quickly checked the information of Rennes Warehouse. It was a giant warehouse covering an area of more than 200 acres. There was a constant flow of vehicles entering and exiting it every day.

It was quite difficult to find a person inside. Needless to say, Fang Linyan knew that if he wanted to turn on the arrow prompt function, he would definitely have to pay again.

However, when he mentioned this matter, both Vulture and Goat said that they were used to it.

Soon, with 38 minutes left before the end of the mission, they got off the aerocar and arrived at the door of Rennes Warehouse. The first problem was the 8 guards at the door.

They were guarding very seriously. They strictly inspected people and vehicles entering and exiting. Not only that, the barbed wire fences on the surrounding walls show that the place was heavily guarded.

It was not difficult to deal with these people, the hard part was how to sneak in without alerting them.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan had already found a side door from the birdeye view of [Mechanical Gyrfalcon]. There was only one person guarding it.

Probably because vehicles couldnt pass through the side door.

So after arriving at the small door, they pressed the doorbell. It took 5 five minutes for the guard to open the door.

This was a big man with a red whiskey nose. He looked sleepy with bloodshot eyes. He exuded a pungent smell of alcohol.

He said impatiently upon seeing them,

What what the hell are you here for?

Goat took out a hundred star cash and said enthusiastically,

Hey! Dude, as long as you answer my question, this is yours.

The big mans eyes lit up. He immediately came over to open the door and said,

What is the question

Then he was knocked unconscious by Vultures punch and collapsed to the ground.

Next, Vulture stuffed him into a hidden room. It was dusty. Probably no one had been here for a long time. To be cautious, he tied him up and gagged his mouth with a cloth.

Then, the 3 of them sneaked in.

Fang Linyan said with confidence,

The premise for opening our hidden main mission is related to Chief Electrician Jha at Coles.

This is an unloading yard. If it has something to do with Coles coming from afar, then the normal logic is that some of the goods from Coles should be transferred here.

The mission item we are looking for is Jhas coat.

Many people died on Coles, so the person who came to escort this cargo may be Chief Electrician Jha. Talents are fading away, so it is reasonable for Jha to do this as a senior officer on the ship.

So, based on logic, Jha was transporting a batch of cargo unloaded from Coles, and then something happened here.

And since we have a good relationship with Jha and have established a friendship, it is logical that we will come to rescue him.

This is the background of the hidden main mission that I guessed after analyzing the information I have obtained so far. Am I missing anything?

After Vulture joined the war team, he obviously had no scrupulous. He planned to integrate into the team more actively, so he immediately said,

Perfect analysis.

At this time, Fang Linyan had already walked into the door and operated on the optical brain,

Then, if we want to find him, wed better check the warehousing slip in the adjacent office to see if there are any goods from Coles. Also, we can get to know when did something happen to Jha based on the warehousing time.

Found it. According to the warehousing records of the last 3 days, a batch of goods was put into storage at 11:27:31 today. The warehousing area is Area 21. The abbreviation behind is Coles. Great, lets go.

Goat said at this time,

Wait, let me copy the area map.

After copying the map, they went according to the map on the optical brain, meeting several workers along the way.

Since this place was a storage area, strangers would come in and out, and they would be strictly checked by the guards when entering.

So these workers turned a blind eye to them. Goat even asked where Area 21 was, and the other party pointed the direction for them enthusiastically.

After walking for about 5 minutes, they arrived at Area 21. It was like an airplane hangar. There was a tall rain-proof ceiling above, and the goods placed below should not be exposed to the sun or rain.

Fang Linyan walked directly into the nearby warehouse management room and found 3 people chatting animatedly inside.

After seeing the 3 of them, the leader stood up and said with astonishment,

What are you here for?

The other one, the fatty, was frothing at the mouth, probably because the conversation was interrupted. He walked up impatiently, waving his hand as if to shoo away flies,

Go go go, no outsiders are welcome here.

Goat, who was good at dealing with people, said with a smile,

Were leaving right away. I just want to ask something.

The fatty was the kind of rude person. He pushed Goat and said angrily,

Youre still not fucking leaving, are you? Ill beat the shi Ah!!!!

Lipper the Vulture stabbed his hand with a knife.

His hand was pinned to the wall behind.

The fattys bitchy mouth let out a dreadful scream. With his hand pinned, he could only raise his hands high to surrender, not daring to move at all.

Not only that, Vulture even expected he would scream, so he gagged his mouth with a towel.

His scream turned into muffled sounds.

Seeing this guy being attacked, the other person was shocked. He immediately stood up instinctively and wanted to ring the alarm bell.

But Vulture threw the knife and pinned his palm on the table.

After this mans palm was pinned, he tried to press with the other hand as if nothing happened!

Seeing that this guy seemed to be unresponsive to pain, Fang Linyan deduced that he should be an android. He raised his hand and cast a [Dragon Cough Flash] on top of his head.

The android immediately fell to the ground, twitching violently. White smoke even came out of its mouth. The strong current had burned most of its internal components.

Then, Vulture took out another sharp throwing knife, put it on the throat of another shocked guard, and then looked at the work badge on his chest,

Mr. Bowen, do you want to die or live?

This man stuttered,

Liiii Live.

Vulture said,

Where is the batch of goods with identification code KLS that was put into the warehouse at 11:30 am today.

After hearing Vultures words, Bowens figure suddenly stiffened, then he said.

Why are you asking about this batch of goods? Ahhhhh!

Before he could finish, Vulture stabbed his thigh and said coldly,

I ask, you answer! If you talk nonsense again, then next time I will just wipe your neck.

Bowen was shaking all over in pain and said,

Yes yes, there was something wrong with that batch of goods. The people above said there was a big problem! So it was placed in Area C or Area D underground.

Vulture said,

Show me the specific information and relevant records!

Bowen hesitated for a moment, and Vulture twisted the knife in his thigh. He immediately screamed again, but Vulture grabbed a book and blocked his mouth. He could only whimper in agony.

At this time, the fatty, who was pinned to the wall, had already torn off the towel from his mouth and pleaded,

Put me down. Ill show you the records!

Vulture walked over and pulled out the dagger from his hand. The fatty was shaking in pain and tears welling up in his eyes, but he obediently showed all the specific records.

Goat glanced at the fattys work card and said,

Hey, Mr. Jamil, look at the way your companion looks at you.

Fatty Jamil turned around and saw the contemptuous and angry eyes of his companion. He felt a chill in his heart. If someone knows that I expose it

My boss is not a kind and lawful person at all! Cutting off peoples fingers, hanging them up and beating them to death, forcing them to pay debts, and ruining their families are what he is good at!

TL: Vulture seems to be an interrogation master as well

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