The First Evolution

Chapter 526: Great Harvest and Dividing the Spoils

Chapter 526: Great Harvest and Dividing the Spoils

Hehe you still dare to threaten me!

Fang Linyan smiled faintly and punched him in the head, sending him flying 3 meters away

Giannis was originally not as strong as him. After taking this punch, his face was covered in blood and his nose bridge was crooked.

Vulture stabbed his stomach with a cold face and stirred it up. The stubborn Giannis let out a shrill scream,

Dont kill me, dont kill me, Ill give you item to redeem my life!

Fang Linyan sneered after hearing this,

What item?

Giannis gasped and gritted his teeth as he said,

My shield!! I carry a lot of stuff with me. Even if you kill me, the chance of dropping it is very small. If you let me go, I will trade this shield to you.

Fang Linyan seemed to be interested by Giannis words and pondered for a moment.

But what Giannis didnt know was that Fang Linyan, who seemed to be thinking, was actually communicating in team channe. Simultaneously, he glanced sideways at Goat slightly without anyone noticing.

A salesperson like Goat was good at observing facial expressions. He immediately said as if he blurted out,

Boss, dont forget that you promised someone to kill

Halfway through, he immediately shut up.

After Giannis heard this, his heart twitched immediately,

Crespo, it must be that bastard Crespo!

Seeing Vulture walking up with a murderous look, he shouted,

Ill give you a shield, and another piece of equipment! Star Pirates set equipment!

Fang Linyan sneered,

Plus that black weapon: the high carbon steel Rongu battle stick! I f*cking saw you guys got it.

Goat said anxiously,

Boss, that person paid a deposit. He wont go easy on us

After hearing these words, Giannis became even more angry. His eyes were shining ferociously!

Fang Linyan immediately interrupted,

Shut up, I have my own arrangements. What do you know? Meat is meat until you eat it.

After that, he said to Giannis,

Hand them out immediately. You have 1 minute to think about it.

Giannis said anxiously,

I can give you the shield and the suit! But I really dont have the battle stick you want. If you dont believe me, you can ask someone!

Then, he let Goat, who sighed, took over. After milking another 2,000 common points, they released him directly.

Because the abnormal status effect on Giannis was really severe and he didnt seem to have many supplies, Fang Linyan threw a bottle of sodium fluoride to him as a good deed.

After Giannis ate it, he gasped for breath and finally regained his composure, but his whole body, including his hands, was still shaking violently.

This was an obvious sequelae. After Fang Linyan saw this, he took Goat and Vulture away.

Seeing them leaving, Giannis also breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was still very afraid that the other party would kill him after getting the items.

Although they had signed a trade contract before, there could be ways to bypass the contract.

But as soon as the imminent threat was gone, Giannis felt deeply distressed. He said in hatred,

Bastard Bastard!! Just wait, Crespo, how dare you pay someone to kill me!

After the 3 of them left about 5 blocks, [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] found a room, then they took stock of their harvest.

Goat made almost 10,000 points from selling materials. Plus the 32,000 points they got from blackmailing 6 people, the total was 42,000 points.

Next was the shield and set item that Giannis traded.

Kress Shell +2

Place of Origin: Karimdor

Equipment Rarity: Black

Material: Calcium, collagen fiber, amorphous matrix, viper flower fiber

Defense: 12 +4 (Enhanced +2 additional attributes)

Weight: 8.34kg.

Required Conditions: Strength must be more than 15/Stamina must be than 20

Durability: 22/50

Equipment Special Effect: {Turtle Shell} (Passive), when you block the enemys attack with Kress Shell, the damage you take is reduced by 30%.

However, the shields durability will drop by 1-2 points. When the durability drops to 0, the equipment will be damaged, so please be sure to pay attention to its durability and repair it.

Equipment Special Effect: {Tenacity} (passive), increases wearers defense by 6.

Equipment Negative Special Effect: {Kress Question}. When you use this shield to block, the dead Kress will have a certain chance to appear and issue an angry question to you, accusing you of disturbing its rest.

If you do not give it a piece of smelly food within 10 seconds, the equipment will be paralyzed for 10 minutes. Any buffs will be invalid.

Evaluation: Kress could have continued to live a carefree life in the river if it did not have that thick shell.

The hunters used a piece of rancid meat to attract Kress, then killed it, made its shell into the shield, and used the flexible fibers of the viper flower to rub out the shields handguards.

But the ghost of Kress is still lingering in his shell.


Everyone looked at this shield and found that it was a purely defensive shield.

And the {Turtle Shell}, which reduced damage after blocking, was a necessary attribute for all shields. The difference was that different shields reduced damage differently.

For example, Kress Shell was a one-handed shield with average quality, so the damage reduction was only 30%. Advanced shields could even reach 70%.

The only advantage was that the negative special effect was not that difficult to deal with.

However, because of the scarcity of such defensive equipment in Space, the value of this shield would definitely not be lower than that of Kois rifle!

This equipment was also an enhanced equipment. According to Goats explanation, the +2 meant that it had been enhanced twice, so it had gained an additional 4 defense.

The equipment enhancement also increases to +4 and additional attributes will appear.

It was just that equipment enhancement required certain rare materials, which were difficult to trade, and often available only in higher difficulty worlds, so Fang Linyan had not encountered it yet.

The other piece of equipment that Giannis trade was another piece of the Red Barracuda Star Pirates set equipment:

Red Barracuda Star Pirates Standard Wristguard, defense 6, all basic attributes +1

+1 for all basic attributes made it a decent equipment.

Combined with the Red Barracuda Star Pirates Standard Boots and Red Barracuda Star Pirates Standard Belt that Fang Linyan had previously obtained, the set attribute had been activated.

Glory of Red Barracuda Guard: Increases the wearers stamina by 10

After activating the first set attribute, half of the second set attribute was also displayed.

Strength of Red Barracuda Guard: ???

After seeing the first activated set attribute, Goat said with great joy,

This set of attributes is applicable to everyone! Just based on this set attribute, the value of these 3 pieces of equipment has increased by 30%!

Next, they opened the bloody key of Gunner 72, and a ring was dropped. It was called the Ring of Eagle. It increased 2 agility and 2 stamina respectively.

This set must be collected in order to be valuable.

After the discussion, they let Fang Linyan get the shield and the Red Barracuda Star Pirates Standard Wristguard.

Goat and Vulture split the 42,000 common points and the Ring of Eagle.

After the 3 of them divided the spoils, they knew that although they had made a huge profit this time, they also offended many contractors, so they simply stayed together in a team.

Even though it was just a blackmail, it only made them feel distressed. They wouldnt really hunt them down on purpose.

But once they met by chance and found that they were alone, they would surely seek revenge.

Not only that, Sassi was like a dark cloud, shrouding Fang Linyans heart.

This man was arrogant, but he really had the ability to do so! Once he got close, his attack was like a violent storm. It was really a nightmare.

To be honest, whether Goat or Vulture met him, they would probably survive less than 20 seconds. For this reason, Fang Linyan did not dare to let Goat and Vulture go solo.

Even if Fang Linyan himself was attacked, he could only wield his shield and wait for the dodge to be triggered.

Fortunately, he had 23% dodge after wielding the shield. Every time the opponent attacked about 5 times, there was a high probability that he could dodge once!

The opponent was a melee maniac, but Fang Linyan was not inferior. After wielding the shield, he had 49 defense. After conversion, the damage reduction was shockingly 66.2%!

Sassi had the ability to always suppress him in close combat, but he also couldnt make mistakes. Once he revealed an opening, Fang Linyan could also pose a huge threat to him.

Otherwise, why would he run away at all costs as soon as he was at a disadvantage?

But Fang Linyan was also afraid of one thing. That was Sassi calling for help

As the saying goes, 2 fists cant beat 4 hands. Fang Linyan could only defend and counterattack once he faced Sassi. To put it bluntly, he could only be a punching bag. If another person came to help, then what was the point of the fight?

It was almost a sure lose situation.

So he had no choice but to stick together.

After a fierce battle, they were all very tired. They realized that the owner of this house seemed to have been gone for a long time, and the decoration was quite luxurious, so they simply rested there asleep.

Of course, this was only after confirming that all the trace marks on them had disappeared, and the [Mechanical Gyrfalcon] and Guseer were patrolling outside, so they could rest peacefully.

After probably sleeping for about 6 hours, Fang Linyan woke up first.

It was already getting dark at this time. The rest were still sleeping, so he went to search for some frozen food in the refrigerator.

TL: The gourmet chapter is coming?

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