The First Evolution

Chapter 168: Black Wallet

Chapter 168: Black Wallet

Then Fang Linyan found that this fang was still very toxic after being pried off for a long time. After research, he discovered that there were actually multiple cavities inside, which contained a lot of venoms. Once it penetrated into the human body, it could continue to inject venom into the wound like an injector.

Fang Linyan even tried the power of this venom on himself. He found that this thing had very vicious characteristics, that was, the effect was not obvious at the beginning, but the longer the venom stayed in one’s body, the worse the venom was triggered!

However, Yangfan City seemed to have very complete treatment measures for this kind of poisoning. Once one was poisoned, just cut through the skin to squeeze out the poisoned blood and tie the wound to avoid blood flow. This conventional treatment could make people survive for a few hours.

In addition, the pharmacy also had effective antidote against it. After taking it, it could immediately relieve the symptoms of poisoning. Of course, the severe symptoms like being sprayed on the face were definitely helpless.

According to Fang Linyan’s guess, there were too many poisoned buddies, so the people in charge of the treatment in Yangfan City were also skillful in treating it…

After Fang Linyan stabbed Shania with the fang, Shania would definitely receive a warning prompt.

However, when Fang Linyan smashed the gem bracelet on her thigh, making her completely suffer from the recoil of the black wallet and was unable to check her own condition. At the same time, she was still doing vigorous exercise to speed up the blood flow.

Therefore, this venom had stayed in her body for too long. Once it was triggered, it would naturally be extremely violent. It was unlikely that Shania happened to carry the specific antidote against it…

Therefore, this series of moves by Fang Linyan was unsolvable at all!


This time Fang Linyan really narrowly escaped death.

He almost used all the items.

And he almost entered the dying state. Not only that, he was now disabled too. His right leg was broken up to the thigh. He also couldn’t feel his balls anymore; some of the functions were most likely lost.

Now Fang Linyan only asked for the Space to really repair this kind of damage, otherwise, he was really disabled for a lifetime… Was it that he could turn his grief and anger into strength and write a historical record?

Fortunately, huge risks often come with huge gains.

After Fang Linyan killed Shania, the biggest bonus he got was the ghost face dog tags.

Shania killed Gai Qiushan and Wild Cat before, and she must have gotten his bloody key and ghost face dog tags.

Not to mention Wild Cat who had been harvested by Fang Linyan once, but the number of ghost face dog tags of Gai Qiushan was not small. At this time, the number of ghost face dog tags in Fang Linyan’s hands had exceeded 100, reaching 104. He looked at his ranking again; it was actually the 1st. His maximum HP also soared to an astonishing 2130…..

If Fang Linyan was in a healthy state, with such a terrifying HP, the elite lizard crocodile near Dunwall River couldn’t compare to it at all.

After getting Shania’s bloody key, Fang Linyan summoned the bloody treasure immediately. As for the options, of course 3 items!

Because she probably didn’t have time to open Gai Qiushan’s bloody key, so he could most likely get Gai Qiushan’s bloody key from the 3 items…

As a result, the first thing Fang Linyan drew surprised him!

Because what he extracted was the strange item that seemed to connect to him by fate; the item that Evil Zen was determined to obtain:

That black wallet!

After Fang Linyan got this, he was surprised at first. Because its characteristics were something he had never seen before. A series of information also appeared on his retinas,

“You are looking at Spirit Equipment: The Hungry Mr. Lannister Tyrion

“When the contractor dies in the Nightmare World, his equipment/items are also likely (about 10%) to be obtained by the plot characters in the world. These equipment obtained by the plot characters often contained a trace of the obsession of the contractor before death. After a period of time, it becomes spirit equipment.”

“Spirit equipment has the following characteristics:

“Usually, after obtaining the spirit equipment, it cannot be used immediately. The owner will receive a mission. The mission usually can only be completed in the real world. It is the last wish of the equipment owner before his death.”

“The spirit equipment can be carried out of the Nightmare Space and be used in the real world.”

“The spirit equipment was once used as a container of obsession and spirit, so it is locked forever and can not be enhanced in any way.”

“The properties of this spirit equipment are as follows.”

The Hungry Mr. Lannister Tyrion

Place of Origin: Loewe’s flagship store in Amsterdam.

Equipment Rarity: Black

Material: Leather/Resentment/polysaccharides, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids and other extracts of peculiar materials

Equipment Requirements: None

Equipment Location: Backpack (effective when carried)

Weight: 31 grams.

Special Effect: [Death Cold Breath], after activating this ability, you can choose to have Mr. Lannister Tyrion spray at your body or at your weapon.

After spraying at yourself, you will get the ice mist coat effect. A layer of cold mist will appear around your body to protect you for 10 minutes.

The ice mist has an impact range of 3m. Enemies entering the ice mist will be affected by the frozen effect, reducing their movement speed by 25% and attack speed by 25%. Even after leaving the ice mist, the frozen effect will continue for 5 seconds.

The enemy’s long-range attacks will also be affected by the light refraction of the ice mist effect, reducing the chance of hitting you by 5%.

When The Hungry Mr. Lannister Tyrion sprays at your weapon, your weapon will gain the frostbite effect.

The frostbite effective time on the weapon is 10 minutes. During this period, as long as your weapon makes a successful attack on the enemy (hit and cause wounds), the opponent will be infected with frostbite. He will be frozen in the deadly ice.

At this time, the enemy will be in an unconscious state by default, unable to move, cast spells, and use items for 4-6 seconds (ranged attack 4 seconds, melee attack 6 seconds). The stronger the enemy’s frost resistance, the shorter the unconscious state.

The frostbite effect disappears after being triggered. It has priority.

Every time Mr. Lannister Tyrion sprays, he needs 1 hour to recharge. In a hot environment, the recovery time will be prolonged, but it will not exceed 2 hours. In a cold environment, the recovery time will be shortened, it will take at least 40 minutes.

Passive Special Effect {Rebuke}: Mr. Lannister Tyrion is quite weak in character. In the case of not being charged up, the user can still force him to spray again, but the effect will be diminished.

The frostbite will no longer put the enemy into an unconscious state, and the frozen effect it provides is localized.

The ice mist coat duration is reduced to 5 minutes, and the slow effect on the enemy is reduced to 15%. The effect of reducing the hit rate is reduced to 3%.

Hidden Special Effect: This can only be unlocked after fulfilling the wish of Mr. Lannister Tyrion.

Negative Curse: {Death Cold Resentment} (inactive). The vitality of the person who owns Mr. Lannister Tyrion will continue to be absorbed, causing him to enter a negative state such as chills, coughing, dizziness, headaches and so on.

Unless the owner has strong specific resistance or an item that can resist curse, otherwise it will cause great trouble to the user; even cause death if it continues for a long time.

However, this spirit equipment has been processed by a powerful magician, which allows you to activate a part of the ability to use it without completing the mission, but if you want to do so, you must pay your own blood and vitality.

Warning: Once you let Lannister Tyrion taste your blood, the {Death Cold Resentment} will be automatically activated, draining your vitality all the time, causing you to chill, cough, dizziness, headache, etc.

Prompt: You can also use some special methods to suppress the effects of {Death Cold Resentment}, such as talisman, evil-shielding jewelry and so on.

However, it must be noted that once these resistance means fail, Lannister Tyrion’s grievances will be intensified!

Once the {Death Cold Resentment} is activated, it is based on the principle of occultism that directly acts on your spirit, which is directly connected to your soul. Therefore, you cannot use the method of abandoning the wallet to eliminate its negative effects, unless you can find its next master.

If you don’t activate the {Death Cold Resentment}, then The Hungry Mr. Lannister Tyrion will be held by you normally, but in this state, it will not have any effect – no matter whether it is positive or negative.

Prompt: Under normal circumstances, after you own this spirit equipment, you will get a mission. You must complete the mission before you can get the full right to use this equipment.

However, because this spirit equipment has been processed by a powerful magician, its energy field has some obvious deviations. You must go to the family graveyard of Mr. Lannister Tyrion to activate the spirit mission of this equipment.

Although Mr. Lannister Tyrion’s family is very large, you can only find it on the plane where the Second World War has occurred and the Axis powers have been defeated.


After seeing this series of explanations, Fang Linyan’s previous doubts were resolved naturally.

Why did the woman in a long skirt fidget when she entered the cafe in the surveillance video because the cold resentment was acting up on her at the time.

She then placed the black wallet on the bar counter with ill-intentions, which was to lure the fat female shop assistant to touch the wallet and let the female shop assistant be her scapegoat to relieve the curse. However, at this time, the {Death Cold Resentment} was acting up again. The vitality in the female shop assistant was naturally sucked away, so she appeared to be in pain and malaise. Finally, she suffered a serious injury!

There was no doubt that this black wallet: The Hungry Mr. Lannister Tyrion was a terrifying double-edged sword. It had extremely powerful power. In the process of killing Gai Qiushan, it almost played a decisive role.

But the negative effect it brought to users was also extremely shocking. It would torture the user 24 hours a day like a greedy vampire. Even if one had the means to suppress it, it was like a time bomb!

Fang Linyan decided that he would not use it unless it was his last resort. In fact, he preferred to use normal means – that is, to complete the mission that comes with the spirit equipment and use it at no cost, but the mission must be very difficult.

TL: What will the next 2 items be?

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