The First Evolution

Chapter 166: Powerful Mutated [Sniper Turret]

Chapter 166: Powerful Mutated [Sniper Turret]

This [Machine Gun Turret] was obviously one size bigger than ordinary ones, and the barrel was extremely long! The look was dull and unremarkable, but in fact, it was full of threats.

Not only that, the top of [Machine Gun Turret] even had a ray tracing device, a thermal energy scanning device, and a sound sensor device, etc. It quickly rotated left and right, then it started aiming at Shania.

This was the reinforced turret summoned by Fang Linyan! It was based on the casting material when summoning for targeted reinforcement.

Since learning the Class Ability: {Technology Support LV3}, Fang Linyan had been thinking about how to create this stuff whenever he had time. After thinking painstakingly, he created a machine gun turret with a sniper rifle as the core.

At this time, using it as the casting materials, the quality of the enhanced turret summoned directly became dark blue, which was directly improved by almost 1 and a half levels compared to the ordinary white [Machine Gun Turret]. The most important thing was that its characteristics were completely different from the ordinary [Machine Gun Turret] before!

On Fang Linyan’s retinas, a series of numerical values ??popped out like water.

Infitas MK-Modified (Mutated) Sniper Turret LV2

Type: Item

Rarity: Dark blue

Default Weapon: SVD-TK improved/”porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition for the first 5 shots, and 7.62×54R steel core ammunition for subsequent shots.

Effective Range: 300m+45m

Attack Power: 60 points + 9 points (when using “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition, the attack power will be increased by an additional 20 points)

Shooting Mode: Single shot

Shooting interval: 3 seconds. (After the enemy enters the firing range, [Machine Gun Turret] will take about 3 seconds to scan, identify friend or foe, aim and other preparations before launching an attack.)

Defense: 10+1.5 points

HP: 200+30 points

Base: The “green mane lizard” automatic adsorption system ensured that [Machine Gun Turret] keeps the base down after throwing it out. Once it falls and touches the object, the 8 suction cups below will automatically produce a huge suction power. The suction power of a single suction cup can even reach 18.57 kg!

Additional Function: Face tracking system + infrared sensor + ray tracing

Additional Function: V-shaped bullet shield, which increases [Machine Gun Turret] by 10 against physical long-range damage.

Special Effect: Strong penetration. The attack of this [Sniper Turret] has a very powerful penetration lethality. Even if the enemy is hiding behind an armored vehicle or behind a multi-layer brick wall, there is still a high probability of causing damage to it.

Explanation: This [Sniper Turret] has a tower crane linkage effect, that is, the [Sniper Turret] and [Drone] will share the field of vision. Therefore, even if the enemy is located in the shooting corner of the [Sniper Turret], with the vision support of [Drone], the smart chip built into the [Sniper Turret] can still accurately locate the enemy, then it uses the powerful penetrating characteristic to attack the opponent.

Explanation: An additional 15% bonus increase behind the basic attributes is based on {Technology Support LV3}.

At this time, seeing Fang Linyan finally summoned the turret, Shania would have sneered under normal circumstances. Because Wild Cat had told her that Fang Linyan had hidden such an ability, and she also prepared a countermeasure for it.

However, the problem was that Shania’s current state was very abnormal. She was panting heavily and was trembling all over. Her face changed from red to pale white! She tried to lift her left hand, but she couldn’t do it after several attempts.

In a short span of 3 seconds, the [Sniper Turret] on the roof burst out a long flame!!

A “bang” gunshot echoed in this alley. The dull gunshot contained an astonishing power. Their hearts were shaken by this gunshot as if they were hit hard.

Shania, who was in a bad state, suddenly screamed. She fell backward with her hands behind her back and rolled away for a meter. Her right hand’s finger that covered her face was bleeding…

This shot directly made a crit and “porcupine” depleted uranium armor-piercing ammunition’s armor-piercing effect; the theoretical damage was as high as 180 points! Even after deducting the damage reduction between contestants’ mutual attack and Shania’s defense, this shot took away 70HP from her.

Even Shania had hundreds of extra bonus HP due to the ghost face dog tags (the newly obtained ghost face dog tags of Gai Qiushan only add maximum HP), but she was still exhausted and her potion was still cooldown. Her time was almost ending.

The 70 points of damage from this shot had already made her feel that the Death was approaching with a grinning smile!!

In this situation, Shania screamed, exploding to her greatest potential; there was already a magic scroll in her palm that he wanted to tear apart.

A [Lightning Strike] was sealed in it, which would cause amazing extra damage to the summoned creature and the steel type defense. Once it was torn apart and hit the target, even if the turret couldn’t be destroyed instantly, it could make it malfunction directly.

However, Fang Linyan, who was lying on the ground, had expected this a long time ago. Knowing that Shania would have a way to restrain the turret, he had been concentrating on Shania’s strange movements. The tactic that he prepared for it would also be used now.

Fang Linyan also had a strange silver cylinder on his right hand, aiming at Shania.

This thing was exactly the one-time weapon Fang Linyan bought with a VIP discount when he saw that he had more than 10,000 common points in the black market.

A Pocket Air Cannon barely repaired!

This thing could knock the enemy back for 8-12 meters. At the same time, the huge recoil will push the caster for 5-6 meters to the rear. It was a weapon for the long-range occupations to keep away from the enemy.

Fang Linyan bought this thing at the time because he was completely afraid of being entangled by an assassin like Wild Cat, so he specially prepared a countermeasure. However, his purpose of using this thing now was to interrupt Shania’s subsequent movements.

With a muffled “bang“, Fang Linyan immediately felt a huge force coming from his right arm, making his body fly back involuntarily!

His body was spinning around in the air for a whole circle, then he landed heavily and hit his head on the stone wall beside. He suddenly fainted for a moment, then his brain buzzed for a long time before he recovered from it.

Fang Linyan fell so badly by his recoil, not to mention Shania who was bombarded. She was shot directly onto the wall 6 meters away and stuck there for 2 seconds before slipping off the wall. The [Lightning Strike] scroll that was about to be torn also fell to the ground.

Not only that, the Pocket Air Cannon that was barely repaired could also cause damage. The damage value was equal to the caster’s maximum MP. At this time, Fang Linyan’s maximum MP was 180 points.

In other words, Shania at least took 70 points of damage by this blast!

Even worse, the shooting interval of the [Sniper Turret] had reset, and another shot was fired. Although this shot did not crit again, Shania also lost 30HP.

In just 5 seconds, Shania’s HP instantly dropped for 70+70+50=190 points! If she was not in the bloody state, then she would already be dead. Even if she was still in the bloody state at this time, she still couldn’t bear such an explosive way of reducing HP.

But, Fang Linyan could deal such astounding damage in an instant, because it was at the cost of burning almost more than 8,000 common points. The Pocket Air Cannon directly shattered like porcelain. Its fragments even melted on the ground… So the saying that war is to burn money is really a well-known saying.

If Shania only felt the Death was approaching with a grin before, then she now deeply felt that the Death’s huge scythe had been pressed against her throat. The sharp chill on the blade had even penetrated into her throat, which made her tremble from the depth of her soul.

An overwhelming fear ruled Shania’s whole body. Her face with disheveled hair was even distorted. She desperately used her last trump card:

Random Teleportation Scroll.

After using this scroll, the caster would be randomly teleported to a nearby place within 50 meters. It did not rule out that the caster would be teleported to the most dangerous place.

With a soft ‘whoosh’, Shania disappeared in place after a white flash.

In normal times, this was a good move.

In this vast Yangfan City’s building complex, even if the person was teleported to the room behind the wall, the enemy would give up helplessly.

Even if she was in the bloody state, with a bright bloody light beam on top of her head, it was also a good move. Because if she wasn’t in bad luck, she would successfully escape from the range of the [Sniper Turret].

In fact, this was also true. Although Fang Linyan didn’t know how far Shania’s teleportation range was, he knew that there were no other seeded contestants within 3km nearby.

When he looked up, he noticed that there was a newly emerging bloody light beam 20 meters away from him. He sneered, let [Drone] fly over to scout, and then used the last “Old Bandage”. He picked up the 98K that was kicked again, used it as a cane under his armpit and limped over.

When Fang Linyan had just walked out more than 10 meters with difficulty, he saw Shania’s figure in [Drone]’s perspective. She was hiding behind a stone wall and was strapping herself.

When her figure appeared in the perspective of [Drone], the [Sniper Turret] shot again!

After the shot, it first penetrated the window of a nearby house, then it hit the stone wall where Shania was hiding. The stone wall shook and collapsed.

TL: Pull the distance against the sniper? Good luck…

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