The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 138: You monsters should not exist in this world

Chapter 138

No! Not right, she must not have thrown enough of that stuff at Zhi Yao.

She needed to throw more!

She took a deep breath and grabbed the black, gooey substance, about to splash it all over Zhi Yao.

But the young lady had anticipated her move and calmly stepped aside.

And then... the black-robed woman splashed into emptiness.

"You little! Why did you dodge? How dare you dodge?"

Zhi Yao ignored the woman's raving and ranting. She looked at the disgusting black mess on the ground and said, "It's no use throwing that at me. Shen Yilian already tried it before." ๐šr๐—ฒewe๐š‹๐ง๐š˜vel.๐šŒ๐š˜m

What? No use?!

The black-robed woman looked utterly crushed upon hearing this. "Impossible! That can't be! That's absolutely impossible!"

This was her family's ancestral potion. How could it not work? The barrier was supposed to be effective!

It must be... it must be that cunning, deceitful vixen tricking her! That must be it!!!

Zhi Yao scratched her head and asked, "Can you let me out now?"

It seemed her father, Ling Jue, looked quite worried about her.

"No!!! No way!!!" The black-robed woman roared madly. "No! No! No!"

She suddenly seemed deeply agitated, clutching her head with both hands. She glared fiercely at Zhi Yao, her black eyes looking like they were about to pop out of their sockets. "Vile wench! Since the black water doesn't work on you, try this!"

Her bloodshot eyes fixed unblinkingly on Zhi Yao as she whipped out a razor-sharp golden blade from her sleeve.

The blade was entirely forged from gold and clearly no ordinary weapon - it gleamed so brightly that it almost blinded Zhi Yao.

Ling Jue had started to let his guard down, thinking this woman was just some fake from the Ji Family that Shen Xiong had found somewhere.

But the moment she drew that blade, he felt a chill run through him.

No... this blade is real!

Yao is in danger!!!

"Yao!!!" Ling Jue desperately pounded on the barrier, trying to warn Zhi Yao.

But that barrier was like a vacuum, completely isolating the small realm inside.

"Yao, run! Run! Whatever you do, don't let that blade cut you!"

If he wasn't mistaken, that blade was the ancestral treasure of the Ji Family, a once renowned demon-hunting family.

That blade was the sharpest demon-killing divine weapon in the world.

Even Ling Jue, a wolf king who had lived for thousands of years, would need to recuperate for a long time if cut by that blade. Not to mention the delicate little Zhi Yao...

The moment the blade was drawn, Zhi Yao froze where she stood.

For some inexplicable reason, she felt a very familiar sensation from the blade.

But why... She had certainly never seen it before.

At that moment, Zhi Yao was like someone whose soul had been captured, staring dazedly at the blade.

The black-robed woman thought Zhi Yao was just scared stiff and gloated, "Now... you definitely can't escape!"

She approached Zhi Yao step by step.

"Yao, run! Escape!" Ling Jue was pounding the barrier like a madman, his eyes bloodshot. He could not bear to imagine the consequences if that blade pierced Yao's body.

No... no! He had only just found Yao again! Yao absolutely could not be harmed!

As if making a firm resolve, Ling Jue abruptly stopped moving and clenched his fists tightly.

The next second, something astonishing happened that left everyone gaping in shock!

A blinding flash of golden light erupted, forcing everyone to shut their eyes. When they opened them again, the tall man had disappeared. In his place stood an enormous snow wolf!

Three six-foot-tall grown men beside it looked like ants.

The wolf's emerald eyes flickered with a dark green glow, harboring boundless ferocity and danger.

Suddenly, it raised a paw and slammed the barrier with all its might.

The people around felt like an earthquake had struck. The black-robed woman and Zhi Yao were finally jolted back to their senses.

They stared in shock at the snow wolf. The black-robed woman's hands trembled with excitement.

A wolf... a wolf with a life span of over a thousand years!!!

Gods, to slay such a wolf would be an immense glory!

She immediately lost all interest in Zhi Yao before her eyes.

*Bang!* Another slam on the barrier. *Crack!* A fissure appeared in the supposedly unbreakable barrier.

The wolf attacked like a madman.

Seeing the barrier about to shatter into pieces, the black-robed woman quickly withdrew it.

Gripping the golden blade, she stood facing Ling Jue.

Zhi Yao ran over to Ling Jue. "Father... father..."

She never imagined Ling Jue would reveal his true form here and her heart raced.

Ling Jue too was deeply anxious.

The young lady hugged his wolf leg. "Father, there are so many people here..."

Ling Jue said nothing, only sheltering her behind his leg to keep her from the black-robed woman's sight.

At this point, the black-robed woman had eyes only for the wolf, not Zhi Yao.

She had descended into a frenzied state.

One thought consumed her mind - kill the wolf, kill the wolf!

"Die!" she screamed, swinging the golden blade at Ling Jue and unleashing a powerful gale embedded with countless tiny needles.

With Ling Jue's massive size, the ubiquitous tiny needles were impossible to avoid completely.

Though he tried to dodge, some still pierced his hide!

The needles were extremely poisonous. While Ling Jue's body was impervious to all poisons through his training, even bullets were ineffective against these needles...

The black-robed woman gave Ling Jue no time to think, hacking at him relentlessly with her blade.

"Die, die, die! You monsters shouldn't exist in this world! All of you, die for me!"

"Puchi" Another volley of fine needles pierced into Ling Jue's body, but he endured the pain without a sound, steadfastly shielding Zhi Yao beneath him.

Zhi Yao watched helplessly as Ling Jue was struck by the needles, clearly hearing his muffled groans of suppressed agony. The little girl could no longer bear it.

She abruptly released her grip on Ling Jue's wolfen leg and firmly stood before him.

"Don't you dare hurt my father!"

The little girl's eyes were brimming with defiant tears, yet she stubbornly remained in front of Ling Jue.

Ling Jue had no idea when Zhi Yao had escaped from under him, but seeing those needles about to pierce her frail body, he was nearly driven to despair!


But then, the unimaginable happened at that very moment...

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