The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 233 - Chapter 233: Heart Piercing Curse

Chapter 233: Heart Piercing Curse

Translator: 549690339

The lawyer adjusted his glasses, and a sinister glow flickered from behind the lenses. “I have one last piece of advice for you. Don’t make bold claims without the strength to back them. It’s foolish! Quite foolish! Because the consequences are often more than you can bear! Moreover, it could implicate your family!”

“Oh… Are you threatening me? That’s to say, you’re rejecting both options I offered… Well, there’s nothing more I can do. Alas… why do you force me to this?” Huang Xiaolong sighed and shook his head.

“Damn it! Beat him up!” the lawyer roared indignantly.

“You motherfucker!” Suddenly, a group of burly thugs standing behind the lawyer rushed towards Huang Xiaolong.

“Bullies! We’re fighting back!” Father Song couldn’t take it anymore. Filled with rage, he bent down to pick up a brick, ready to fight.

“Don’t… don’t be impulsive  I’m calling the police! I… I’ll dial 110 now…” Mother Song was in a state of chaos, trembling as she took out her mobile phone to dial the emergency number.

Song Yuru managed to keep her calm. “No, mom and dad, don’t worry. Little Long can handle this. He’s faced scarier people than this without fear.”

As they say, time goes by quickly in real life. Huang Xiaolong stood there still, his lips moving quickly as he recited an incantation.

The next moment –

“Ah  !!! ”

The men who were rushing towards, Huang Xiaolong and the lawyer abruptly went pale and emitted piercing howls. One by one, they clutched their chests, collapsed onto the ground, and writhed in pain. They dug desperately into the dirt with their heads and thrashed their legs about. Evidently, they were in unbearable agony.

“Um… Are you guys okay? Suddenly sick? Gee… Poor guys.” Huang Xiaolong said with a puzzled shake of his head, “Fortunately, there’s a hospital nearby. You could get yourselves checked out there. Well, I’ll continue this matter after I’m done with my stuff. Please inform Young Master Zhu about the two options that I gave him and let him consider it again ”

“Ah  !!! ”

The lawyer and the thugs’ agony seemed to intensify. They frantically banged their heads against the ground as if they wished they could just knock themselves out.

Immediately, a number of spectators rushed over, pointing and mumbling among themselves.

Earlier, Huang Xiaolong had cast a ‘Heart Piercing Curse’ at them. As the name suggests, it’s a spell that delivers an excruciating pain that rends the heart and shreds the bones. This extreme form of pain can drive a person insane.

The ‘Heart Piercing Curse’ that Huang Xiaolong cast worked every twelve hours, which means twice a day, and would last for precisely five minutes each time.

It was incurable.

Unless Huang Xiaolong himself lifted the curse.

Never underestimate those five minutes. They were the most agonizing, the most painful, the most maddening moments. It felt as if the person under the curse was taking a five-minute tour of hell.

“Alright, love, Uncle, Auntie, let’s go,” smiled Huang Xiaolong. “You were a bit tense just now. Relax, relax. I did say I wouldn’t lay a hand on them.”

“Little Long… You didn’t… You didn’t do this to them, did you? What happened to them? They’re rolling around on the ground and screaming in pain… They seem to be in real pain…” Song Yuru looked doubtful.

Father Song and Mother Song were equally puzzled.

“Me? I was just standing there without moving.” Huang Xiaolong’s face was even more confused. “They are sick. It’s not my fault…”

After saying this, Huang Xiaolong took his love’s family to the nearby parking area, where he’d left his vehicle, a BYD F3.

Get in the car! We’re going to love’s house!

In fact, while love’s house was referred to as a “village”, it wasn’t technically a “rural area” but an “urban village”.

To put it plainly, it referred to the residential areas evolved from traditional rural villages during the process of urbanization. After all or most of their arable lands were expropriated, the farmers continued to inhabit their original villages, which are now known as “villages within the city”.

This urban village might not be as prosperous as downtown Binhai, but it was not too shabby.

Public transport was accessible, every household had utilities such as water, electricity, gas, broadband, CCTV… everything was available. They had their own Walmart, Starbucks, Uniqlo, and so forth.

Even the subway Line 14 was constructed there last year!

By taking the subway, one could directly commute to and from the entrance of the village.

After driving for more than an hour, Huang Xiaolong finally saw a district brimming with buildings. It was backed by a mountain and traversed by a winding river. From a geomancy perspective, it was indeed a piece of prime land.

‘Wait… Seriously? The geomancy here is good?’

Huang Xiaolong was a bit stunned.

Originally, he thought the problems the villagers had were due to bad geomancy, which had brought misfortune upon them.

But now, it didn’t seem like there was any problem with the geomancy!

‘When one has a streak of bad luck, it’s usually due to three factors: fate, geomancy or human interference. It appears that… the misfortune experienced by the villagers is likely caused by human interference…’ A profound smile formed at the corner of Huang Xiaolong’s mouth. ‘Interesting… it’s getting more interesting… causing thousands of people’s fortunes to be usurped for one family’s wealth and prosperity… What a grand scheme…’

With that thought, a strange glint flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils.

The next moment, the once picturesque urban village was now brimming with strands of yin energy in Huang Xiaolong’s vision. Especially at the undulating mountains behind the village, thick clouds of yin and resentful energies surged, akin to dragons and snakes enveloping the mountains. Amid the mountains, it looked as though some magical formations had been put in place, limiting the flow of yin energy to the area and turning it into a land of yin!

From afar, Huang Xiaolong could hear the horrifying cries of countless ghosts emanating from the mountain range!

‘My god… This is terrifying! This urban village is too scary… If this keeps up, everyone in the village is doomed…’ Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but smack his lips.

“Little Long, the environment here is really good,” Father Song said cheerfully from the back seat. “How do you like it? The city may be bustling, but the air quality here is good… And there’s no such thing as smog here. Now it’s even more convenient with the subway.”

“Hehehe  Uncle, the air quality is indeed good, the environment… hehehe… the environment is… really good.” Huang Xiaolong could only give a polite smile in response.

“Little Long, since you’re here, you and Yuru should stay for a few days. Make yourselves at home.” Mother Song said enthusiastically.

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