The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 231 - Chapter 231 Going to the Wife’s House (First Update)

Chapter 231 Going to the Wife’s House (First Update)

Translator: 549690339

“Even now, the perpetrator of the accident hasn’t shown up at the hospital, and there’s no traffic police here to handle things… I see, the guy driving the Porsche must have quite the backing. But don’t worry uncle, I’ll help you get justice,” Huang Xiaolong said seriously.

“Ah Little Long, as long as your uncle is okay, let’s…let’s just…keep this a small matter… We ordinary folks can’t afford to mess with the elites ” Mother Song said timidly.

She thought that when Huang Xiaolong said he would seek justice, he was just being polite.

Song Yuru grabbed the sleeve of Mother Song and whispered, “Mom, let Little Long take care of this. He’s really capable.”

When Yuru said this, she was somewhat proud.

She believed that Huang Xiaolong could deal with this matter perfectly and make the perpetrators pay for what they had done.

Last time he demolished Cao Huan’s dog farm, and Cao Huan ended up castrated, Huang Xiaolong did all that without consequences. This was proof that Huang Xiaolong was a man of means.

“Yes, yes, I will handle this matter. But the priority now is…” Huang Xiaolong looked at Father Song’s face, marred by misfortune. “By the way, uncle, have you offended anyone recently?”

“Offended anyone?” Father Song frowned and thought for half a minute, “No. Young man, you don’t know me. I’m known for being just. I never offend anyone, and no one holds grudges against me… oh, that accident today, I did offend some people, but they were the ones overstepping! Young man, why are you asking me this?”

“Uncle, you haven’t offended anyone recently? Have you been having a streak of bad luck?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“How do you know?” Father Song was astonished, but soon laughed it off. “Yes, yes, yes, I’ve been really unlucky lately. Losing money playing mahjong. Always getting passengers who are drunk and vomit in my taxi. Recently I had to deal with a knife-wielding robber when I was working the night shift, but luckily I noticed something wrong, drove near the police station and quietly called 110… A month ago, I twisted my ankle and had to take a week off work… I hadn’t had a cold in years, but I caught one recently after it rained a bit. The medicine didn’t work, and I had to go to the hospital for an IV…”

Father Song went on and on about all the unfortunate and frustrating things that had happened to him!

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, there really has been a lot of bad luck happening recently,” Mother Song also chimed in with a worried face. “Also, it’s not just you, there have been quite a few unfortunate people in our village in the past six months. Dakui, your childhood friend’s son, do you know him? He was a young, healthy lad, but last month he was suddenly diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer. The signs came out of nowhere. And the house of Auntie Wu burned down in the middle of the night. Luckily, the family was staying with relatives in the city at the time. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened? And the widow Zhang next door was burgled. Her jewelry and deposit books were stolen, and she was physically assaulted. She’s gone mad as a result…”

Mother Song said a whole string of extremely unfortunate events.

It seemed that it wasn’t just Father Song who had been unlucky. Practically everyone in their village seemed to be in the same boat!

‘Could it be? Could it be that there’s something wrong with the Feng Shui of the place where Madame is living, which is affecting the fortunes of the entire village? Has everyone turned into the star of ill-luck?’ Huang Xiaolong was both perplexed and curious.

When someone is plagued by misfortune, it could be due to three reasons: fate, Feng Shui, or human actions.

Since everyone in the village is unlucky, it’s highly likely to do with Feng Shui, but human intervention could also be a factor.

Also, Father Song, in addition to the aura of misfortune on his face, there was also a sense of gloom, indicating that there must be some ghostly intervention in the village.

“Uncle, you seem to have had quite a few bouts of bad luck recently.” Huang Xiaolong took out a talisman from his canvas bag and handed it to Father Song. “Here is a talisman. Keep it with you. It can help change your fortune.”

“Oh? A talisman?” Father Song was momentarily stunned, but he did not refuse. He took it from Huang Xiaolong.

The talisman Huang Xiaolong gave to Father Song was a “Five Elements Fortune-boosting Talisman”, which was a type of talisman used to change a person’s luck.

For example, if you carry the “Five Elements Fortune-boosting Talisman” while gambling, you should have better luck and a higher chance of winning.

Sure enough, after Father Song put the talisman in his pocket, the aura of misfortune on his face lessened considerably.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Mother Song. Her face also had shades of misfortune mixed in, albeit not as severe as Father Song’s. She was also unlucky. “Auntie, you’ve also been having bad luck recently, haven’t you?”

“Who’s telling you? The worst was last month when I withdrew money to buy a double-door fridge. Just as I got off the bus, I realized my wallet was gone. Thieves are despicable!” Mother Song grumbled, clearly annoyed at the mention of the incident.

“Alright, Auntie, here is a talisman for you too.” Huang Xiaolong smiled, taking out another “Five Elements Fortune-boosting Talisman” and handed it to Mother Song.

“Little Long, why don’t you give me one as well?” Song Yuru muttered.

“Madame, you’ve been having a good run recently, haven’t you? You’re not unlucky,” Huang Xiaolong said solemnly. “Also, you live in a dorm, right? You’re not staying at home. You won’t be unlucky at school. The Feng Shui there is good.”

“Who says I’m not unlucky? I’m definitely unlucky! Meeting you was the unluckiest thing…” Song Yuru countered with a sweet smile, but her heart was saying the opposite – ‘Meeting you is the luckiest, happiest, and most blessed event in my life.’

“Madame, why don’t you take a few days off, and I’ll go home with you,” Huang Xiaolong suggested, his eyes rolling around. “I’m afraid that Uncle might have some later complications, so I plan to stay with him for a few days to keep an eye on him. Plus, I’ve been wanting to visit your home.”

Huang Xiaolong was planning to visit the place where Song Yuru lived to find out what was causing all this misfortune that seemed to have consumed the entire village’s luck.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t tell his Madame Song Yuru’s family about the haunting that his future father-in-law was experiencing. Revealing such things could cause a scare.

Anyway, everything would be sorted out after he got to Madame’s house.

Song Yuru also agreed with Huang Xiaolong, nodding and saying, “Alright, Little Long, let’s take a few days off from lessons… and I’ll take you to my home.”

As she said this, Song Yuru’s face flushed pink, thinking… she was about to bring a man home. They were progressing incredibly fast.

But everything seemed to be flowing naturally… Could it be that they were meant to be together?

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