The Exorcist

Book 3: Chapter 18: Fire

Book 3: Chapter 18: Fire

Because Xiao Xia had to look something up for her director, it was already after dinner time when she got back. The moment she entered, she only saw Wan Li sitting there happily reading a book.

Wheres Ruan Zhan?

He went to buy something from the market. Wan Li didnt raise his head.

But his car is still outside. Xiao Xia looked out. The weather today was very unusual. It was actually raining in the middle of November. It felt very cold and wet, and one was guaranteed to get sick if rained on.

Its not far, only ten minutes. He used his legs.

Did he bring an umbrella?

Ah? Wan Li finally raised his head. Its raining? I thought it would snow. Dont worry, hes not stupid. Hell wait until it stops raining before coming back. He went to look at the weather outside. However, winter rain doesnt stop that easily so its hard to say. He still has something to do later tonight so he might brave the rain and run back.

Can you go pick him up?

No. Wan Li was very surprised at Xiao Xias suggestion. Two grown men picking each other up back and forth. Those who arent in the know might think were an item. That would seriously ruin my image. Also, what if he ends up falling in love with me due to this?

Xiao Xia left angrily. Im not going to listen to your nonsense. Ill go myself.

You? Is that necessary? A bit of rain wont kill him. Hes our only high priest. If he kicks the bucket, well all be screwed. Xiao Xia said as she ran upstairs. Then, she grabbed an umbrella and ran outside.

She wasnt able to figure out whether she didnt want Ruan Zhan to get sick because she wanted to better use him or because she cared about him.

Wan Li watched Xiao Xia coming and going in a hurry, unable to even get a word in. He could only stand silently in the still turbulent air for a moment before speaking to himself: Looks like Ruan Zhan will have to hang it up at this rate. That damn lass managed to strike his soft spot. He slowly returned to his seat and recalled his and Ruan Zhans childhood.

It was the rainy season back then. After the rain, parents would gather at the school gates with umbrellas to pick up their children. Although Ruan Zhans father adopted him, he always treated him cold and sternly. He had never picked him up from school. Every time, Ruan Zhan would leave by himself in the rain. He didnt know to avoid the rain, and also didnt run. He just walked back one step at a time. Even if someone offered to walk with him under an umbrella, he would stubbornly refuse. Therefore, the townsfolk spread even more rumors about Ruan Zhans weirdness.

Wan Li hadnt understood at the time, and had even sulked about it. He felt that they were good friends, and there was no need to be so fussy. But the one time Ruan Zhan ever got drunk in his life, Wan Li had found out that Ruan Zhan had been jealous of him. He had someone waiting for him in the rain. Ruan Zhan had longed for someone to pick him up in the rain, even if it was just once.

However, he had never experienced such a common warmth!

Now, the muddle-headed yet considerate Xiao Xia was straightforwardly rushing over, becoming Ruan Zhans first time. She would probably melt that cold heart of his. It was quite amusing now that he thought about it. There were so many women trying to capture Ruan Zhans heart, but none of them realized such a small matter was all it took.

Thinking of this, he was no longer able to read calmly. He ran to the door and looked around under the eaves, but Xiao Xia was long gone.

This was because Xiao Xia was running, deeply afraid she wouldnt make it in time. She ended up seeing Ruan Zhan carrying a bag of things, about to step outside without thinking. Halt! She yelled loudly, startling Ruan Zhan and also many others inside the market.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly from the running, her legs so weak she had to grab Ruan Zhans arm to steady herself. Do you have any common sense? She reproached him loudly, not caring if people were watching. Whats so important that you have to leave immediately? Youll definitely catch a cold if you get wet in this weather.

Ruan Zhan stood frozen, remaining vacant for a while. He looked at Xiao Xia who was struggling to catch her breath, still holding the umbrella in her hand. He listened as she scolded him in the tone only someone extremely close would use. Suddenly, he felt something collapse with a crash in his heart, and he was unable to say a word.

Hey? Not leaving anymore? How did I offend you this time? Was it because I educated you about not getting wet in the rain? You immature man! Xiao Xia didnt understand his silence and roughly pulled his arm over. Stand closer. I shouldve brought two umbrellas. Spending too much time with you has made me stupid as well. Hey, why arent you moving? Are you really angry?


Hello? Whats wrong? Is something the matter?

Nothing. Ruan Zhan smiled, his Adams apple moving several times before finally saying. Lets go.

He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to his chest. This caused Xiao Xias body to immediately stiffen up. She felt the two of them standing under one umbrella was a little too intimate. However, before she could decide whether this was appropriate, she saw a white object swooping towards her, crashing to the floor a meter in front of her.

She subconsciously cried out. She realized it was a paper crane with blood-red eyes.

Its this thing again. So annoying. Is folding these things the new trend? She gave it a kick but didnt manage to kick the soaked paper crane far.

Ruan Zhan frowned at this unexpected visitor. He glanced at the crane but didnt do anything else. He merely looked around imperceptibly and confirmed there wasnt another one nearby. Probably a trend from Japan. Maybe its a sort of blessing. Ignore it, lets go back first.

He held Xiao Xias shoulder and carefully stepped over the paper cranes remains. An inexplicable feeling welled up in his mind. Do you see these often?


Where have you seen them?

Are you interested in this? Xiao Xia was a little curious.

No, just wondering. Maybe I can learn to make them as a blessing for your safety!

No! Xiao Xia refused decisively. Her reaction let Ruan Zhan sense her unease. I dont like it. Its red eyes make me feel uncomfortable. If you give me one, Ill throw it at your face. Dont say I didnt warn you!

I wont give it if you dont like it. But maybe youre a little jumpy.

This paper crane should be controlled by magic, but had fallen due to the rain! There had to be something up with this. He had to think about it carefully.

Regardless, I hate it. Must be some damned brat following the trend, folding some daily and throwing it everywhere. I saw one on my balcony before, and also by the office window. Ive also seen it when Wan Li and I were eating. Its like they have a grudge against me, following me like lingering spirits.

Dont be afraid, its just a piece of paper. He comforted her gently, pulling her in tighter by the shoulder, enjoying this rare moment of warmth.

Because Xiao Xia hadnt noticed Ruan Zhans expression was different from usual, she was still complaining about the troubles caused by the paper cranes. They walked up to the bars door when Ruan Zhan suddenly stopped. I like white shirts. He told her.

Huh? Xiao Xia didnt understand right away.

What Im saying is that pure cotton white shirts are better than mink fur coats. Ruan Zhan repeated, and then walked inside without waiting for her response. He didnt say anything else up until he left in his car on his tracking mission.

Its so late. Wheres he off to? Xiao Xia asked Wan Li suspiciously.

Thinking of Ruan Zhans earlier words, she felt warm and fuzzy inside. However, at this moment she felt like the two men were hiding something from her.

Did you get married to him? Wan Li answered.

Hello? Are you from outer space? Do you not understand Chinese? Whats with the non sequitur?

Since you arent his wife, why do you care where he went? Maybe hes attending a fortunetelling convention. Maybe he went to pick up girls. Go upstairs and get some sleep. Lack of sleep makes it easy to get wrinkles.

Dont tell me if you dont want to. Whats the big deal? Im just asking whether it has to do with the Flower Societys case. Do you think Im that gossipy? You men always cover for each other. Im ignoring you!

Wan Li made an inviting gesture.

Seeing that she wasnt going to get anything out of him, and that he also seemed preoccupied, she made her way upstairs alone.

She lay silently in bed waiting, pondering how to figure out what Ruan Zhan was up to so secretively. However, she hadnt come up with anything by midnight, and Ruan Zhan had also yet to return. Wan Li didnt come upstairs at all either. Instead, she ended up dozing off, drifting in and out of sleep.

As she was dreaming, she sensed an unusual odor and sound. She didnt realize anything at first, but the feeling grew deeper and deeper. She suddenly sat up in bed.

It was a crackling sound along with the smell of smoke.

Was there a fire?

She anxiously leapt out of bed and ran barefoot down the stairs. She saw the first floor already engulfed in a sea of flames. At the edge of the fire, Wan Li sat in the chair unmoving. It wasnt clear if he was unconscious from the smoke or sound asleep.

Wan Li, wake up! Theres a fire! She yelled loudly as she ran down the stairs. She shook him fiercely but he didnt wake up. It was like he had died.

Wan Li! Whats wrong? Hurry, wake up! She cried out once again but he still didnt move.

She looked around in panic, not knowing what to do.

The fire swelled, shattering the transparent tubes of unknown material that made up a trigram on the wall. The cracking sound as it burst shocked Xiao Xia into instinctively covering her head.

Afterwards, as it completely disintegrated, Xiao Xia suddenly felt space warping around her. It was still the same place but she felt something wasnt right. She felt a chill around her despite the raging flames. She saw a tongue of flame moving abnormally, stroking the surrounding objects like a hand. Wherever it went, the fire spread even faster. Suddenly, dark silhouettes stood up in the middle of the flames by the door in fighting stances.

These were people who were burned to death!

This knowledge made Xiao Xia pull Wan Lis hand heavily in fear, but he still didnt wake up. She had encountered a similar case before. People who died in a fire would all curl up into such a stance. Forensics called it a boxing stance.

These blackened silhouettes let out long keening sounds, tunneling out from the fire towards them with malicious intent! They were very slow, as though struggling to break through an invisible boundary. However, they were already getting closer and closer.

Ruan Zhan hadnt returned her amulet yet and the bloodwood sword was still upstairs. She was like a morsel of food placed next to an evil spirit. She wanted to run but couldnt leave Wan Li behind.

Wan Li, wake up. She yelled desperately. In the end, she had to put his hand in her mouth and bite down viciously.

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