Chapter 95

One morning, Wang Chunhua looked at her with apologetic eyes. Li Mingwei couldn't figure out what her sister had done to apologize to her.



Wang Chunhua sighed, feeling guilty for tarnishing her sister's reputation again. Her sister was married now, and having a bad reputation wouldn't do her any favors. Li Mingwei grew impatient with the silence. "Sis, what's wrong? Just tell me if something's bothering you."

Wang Chunhua couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, so she found a way around it. "I just need your advice on something."

It was about whether to buy land and whether Dong Shan should continue going up the mountain.

Li Mingwei thought for a moment and said seriously, "It's probably impossible to stop your husband from going up the mountain. You should prepare yourself for that."

Dong Shan had told her the same thing last night, so Wang Chunhua already had an idea. "I know, my husband told me."

"But I think buying land is a good idea. Don't worry about making money from it. Just grow enough food for your family, plant some grains and vegetables, be self-sufficient, and you won't have to rely on your family for gifts every year."

"Yes," Wang Chunhua agreed wholeheartedly. She felt awkward receiving gifts from her family, especially since they had many mouths to feed.

"My husband said you haven't cultivated land for a long time. I'm worried you'll be too tired later on and won't be able to handle it. Maybe start with a small plot."

"Okay, I'll follow your advice." It had been seven or eight years since she married into Dong's family, and she hadn't cultivated land since then. She remembered how exhausting it was back home.

Li Mingwei agreed and told them to discuss it further with her. Since her mother-in-law knew many people, she could ask around the town or nearby villages if anyone was selling land, as long as it wasn't too far away.

With money in hand, Dong Shan didn't refuse the idea of buying land. Even if they only grew vegetables, it would be beneficial, as seeds were much cheaper than buying vegetables.

Once he agreed, Li Mingwei immediately asked Old Lady Wang, "Do you know if anyone nearby is selling land?"

"Selling land?" Old Lady Wang pondered for a moment. She hadn't heard of anyone doing so but said, "I'll ask around when I go to buy groceries tomorrow. What kind of land do you need?"

"Land for growing vegetables," Li Mingwei replied.

Old Lady Wang took a deep breath and patiently explained, "There are different types of land for growing vegetables—some are poor, some are thin, and some are fertile. The things you can grow and the prices vary."

Li Mingwei felt that fertile land would be better and said, "We want fertile land, preferably closer to town."

Old Lady Wang rolled her eyes. "Even more fertile? Are you buying meat?"

Li Mingwei didn't say much about it, but the next day, she went to inquire about the land. Surprisingly, she found a piece close to the town, although not fertile, rather thin. With a bit of fertilizing with manure, planting vegetables would surely work.

Although it wasn't the most fertile, finding a piece so quickly impressed Li Mingwei. She decided to take Wang Chunhua and Dong Shan to have a look.

It was indeed close, just a hundred meters from the eastern town entrance, across a field, square and quite large. Having recently harvested wheat, there were still stubbles. Wang Chunhua was satisfied.

However, she didn't make an immediate purchase. Wang Chunhua examined the land and raised some concerns, saying they would think about it and decide later.

Li Mingwei wasn't familiar with land prices and asked, "Is it expensive?"

"A bit. If it were more fertile, the price would be reasonable. But for this less fertile land, it's overpriced. He's confident because the plot is square, that's why he's asking for a high price."

Li Mingwei was puzzled, "What's the use of it being square? It needs to be fertile to be useful, right?"

"It just looks pleasing. Imagine, a vast piece all belonging to me. It's a joyful thought!"

Wang Chunhua was overjoyed as if she already owned the land. Li Mingwei couldn't grasp her happiness, quietly turning away to observe Dong Shan negotiating with the seller in the distance.

Wang Chunhua noticed and mockingly called out to Dong Shan, "What are you still doing there? Aren't you going back?"

The seller saw Dong Shan responding to her and was about to leave. Eventually, they compromised, agreeing to a slightly lower price. Despite not meeting Wang Chunhua's expectations, they settled on a deal. Dong Shan went back to get a string and a three-foot ruler. They measured the length, calculated the area, and compared it with the simple description in the land deed. The measurements were close enough, and they agreed to meet tomorrow in town with Mr. Liu as a witness.

Li Mingwei didn't want Mr. Liu to be involved in this, apart from writing couplets.

Wang Chunhua insisted, "Mr. Liu is the town mayor elected by the public. If he doesn't do it, who will?"

"I've never heard you mention him before."

"He prefers us to call him Mr. Liu."

Fine, she preferred the mayor; it sounded more formidable.

Leading the way, Li Mingwei crossed the field back to the main road. She noticed a person standing in the distance, looking in their direction. She tiptoed, finding him somewhat familiar, and walked a few steps forward.

Isn't that Liu Yizhu?

Wasn't he supposed to return tomorrow?

Li Mingwei rushed towards him, and Liu Yizhu took a few steps forward to meet her, lifting her and teasing, "Not bad, a bit heavier than before."

"Really? But I've been eating more lately. Your mom cooks really well."

Liu Yizhu raised an eyebrow, "Not your mom?"

"Why are you always so nitpicky?" Li Mingwei glanced back at her sister and brother-in-law, still a bit far away, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe the sweat from his forehead, saying, "Tired?"

"I'm not tired." He smiled at Li Mingwei, reaching out to tidy up her disheveled hair. "What were you up to just now? Your hair is all over the place."

Glancing at the thread and ruler in Dong Shan's hand, he asked, "Taking measurements?"

"Yes, my sister just bought a piece of land," Li Mingwei said, linking her arm with his. "She's so happy, she even said she'd treat me to dinner."

"You go ahead. I need to go back and freshen up first. I'll pick you up later."

Li Mingwei glanced at the damp patches on his clothes and called out to Wang Chunhua, hurrying to take him back to change. Being sticky was too uncomfortable.

"It's so hot this afternoon. Why not come back tomorrow morning instead?"

"It's all the same."

Old Lady Wang was surprised to see her son back so soon, but when she glanced at his daughter-in-law next to him, she wasn't surprised anymore.

She greeted him, "Why are you back so soon?"

"I finished class early."

Old Lady Wang nodded, whether she believed it or not was uncertain. She boiled water for Liu Yizhu to wash up and prepared two more dishes.

Li Mingwei called him in for dinner, only to find him holding the etiquette manual she had drawn herself. She felt a bit guilty and hurriedly went up to cover it.

Liu Yizhu was laughing at the chubby, rosy-cheeked dolls with lotus arm and winter melon belly depicted on it when she snatched the booklet away.

"Why did you think of making this? Planning to teach it at the school for children?"

A group of children would probably love it.

Li Mingwei pursed her lips. "It's for Mother."

Liu Yizhu: ???

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