Chapter 86

Liu Yizhu decisively chose the former option. He could tell that Li Mingwei was somewhat guilty about making this decision, so he comforted her by patting her back and said, "If you're feeling uncomfortable about it, we can think of other solutions and wait a bit longer."

"Wait? You'll be taking the Autumn Imperial Examination next year, and if all goes well, you can participate in the Spring Imperial Examination the following year. That's almost two more years. I've been away from home for a year already, I can't really wait another two years to go back. What if you don't pass the exam?"

"We'll wait a few more years then. If you don't pass, I won't go back home either."

The thought was terrifying. Besides, whether you pass or fail the exam doesn't make much of a difference. Look at your father, who was a top scholar, but it's all the same.

"Yes, it has been quite a while." Liu Yizhu suggested, "If you miss home, you can go back first, and I'll come to find you later."

Li Mingwei smiled, "If I go back home, my mother will start looking for suitors for me. Believe it or not, by the time you come to find me, I might already be married."

"Don't worry about that!" Li Mingwei pinched his cheek and shook his head, emptying his mind of any unnecessary thoughts, "Listen to me, nobody knows my mother better than I do. This is the best solution I can think of, which is most beneficial to us."

"Don't be afraid. A daughter-in-law, no matter how unattractive, still has to meet her in-laws. Even if you don't pass the exam, they will have an idea of your knowledge. Besides, you're still young, so don't worry too much about it."

Liu Yizhu didn't feel comforted. He felt even more nervous than he did about the Imperial Examination. Going back meant he would have to spend more time studying.

Li Mingwei looked at him blankly and pushed him, "What are you daydreaming about?"

"Nothing, I just feel like you're afraid of your mother."

"Did you ever make mistakes when you were a child?"

Liu Yizhu nodded.

"How did your mother punish you?"

Liu Yizhu shook his head, "My mother never punished me. She would just scold me a bit."

"Let me tell you, I've been punished almost every day since I was a child."

"Was it all your mother's doing?"

Li Mingwei nodded.

Liu Yizhu suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for her. How could her future mother-in-law be so heartless? No wonder she was so afraid of her.

He embraced Li Mingwei and gently rubbed her face to comfort her. Li Mingwei held onto his arm and whispered, "If my mother says something unpleasant, don't take it to heart. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. Don't argue with her, she hates people talking back to her."

"She values etiquette a lot. No matter what kind of etiquette you practice, it must be done properly, sitting upright. Especially, you can't slouch on the desk like I do, or you'll get punished."

Liu Yizhu paused for a moment and felt sorry for her. "So, you really like to lean on the desk, don't you?"

Li Mingwei blushed and said in a pitiful tone, "Yes, it makes me feel comfortable."

But her mother never cared if she was comfortable or not. She only worried that she wouldn't understand the rules and would bring shame upon the Li family.

"And also, you have to practice playing the zither..."

Li Mingwei continued, but halfway through, she choked up and couldn't speak. As she spoke, she started to doubt herself. Did she really want to escape from Murong Yu, or did she want to escape from her mother?

She didn't want Liu Yizhu to become a burden. Was she genuinely concerned about his future, or was she afraid of living under the same roof as her mother again?

She threw herself into Liu Yizhu's arms, crying uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for," Liu Yizhu looked at her in this state, how could he not feel heartbroken? He held her tightly, whispering softly, "It's alright, it's all in the past. When you marry me, you can lean on any table in our house."


With their marriage plans set, Old Lady Wang and Wang Chunhua began making preparations. Old Lady Wang quickly obtained Li Mingwei's birthdate and went to Yuqing Temple, as designated by Wang Chunhua, to find an auspicious wedding date.

During the break between months, Liu Yizhu specially brought the options to her. "This is a good date calculated by the Daoist at Yuqing Temple. My mother told me that the Daoist said our birthdates are compatible."

Li Mingwei rolled her eyes. Well, isn't this embarrassing? It's like slapping the Daoist in the face. Wang Chunhua's little scheming is truly something.

"On the 18th of June, how about that? I've checked, it'll take us about ten days by carriage to return home. We'll leave at the end of July or the beginning of August, and we'll be back in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival, a big holiday. We'll be newlyweds, so my mother won't bother us."

"By carriage?"

"Yes, by carriage. I'll inform Tang Daren in advance, and he'll naturally arrange for a carriage to take us back. Oh, I haven't told him yet, but I know Tang Daren, Li Mingwei blinked and found a reason.

"It's too far. We can't just walk back. Your mother is not young anymore. Let's rent a carriage and make it faster. I have the money."

"Alright, it's up to you."

After seeing him off, Li Mingwei went to the embroidery workshop and ordered a piece of red fabric. She also wanted to make her own wedding dress like Yunjie. There was still over a month until the divorce period, so there was plenty of time.

Yu Xiu smiled and said, "Congratulations! Remember to invite me to the wedding."

"When the invitations are ready, I'll come and invite you."

"Okay, I'll be waiting. I'll definitely bring you a big gift."

After Li Mingwei left, news of her upcoming marriage with Liu Yizhu spread throughout Qingshi Town through Yu Xiu.

Tang Jue received the wedding invitation, opened it, and quickly covered his chest, his fingertips trembling slightly. "So soon? Isn't it too rushed?"

"It's fine, she chose the date."

"It seems your sister-in-law can't wait to marry you." Tang Jue clicked his tongue twice, looking at the two people who were holding the invitations but couldn't speak. "Look at them, always ahead of everyone, coming in first in exams and getting married first. You two just can't catch up."

Yang Jingyuan gnashed his teeth, "Don't act like you've caught up!"

"Getting married, you can't catch up, but other things, who knows." Tang Jue raised an eyebrow at Yang Jingyuan, patted his shoulder mockingly, and said, "Still a fledgling, huh?"

Yang Jingyuan choked, angrily rebuking him, "You shameless!"

Tang Jue gave him a disdainful look, smiled, and went home. Tang Shan was sitting in the main hall drinking tea with the attendant. Tang Jue passed by and slapped the wedding invitation on the table.

"Dad, my classmate is getting married. How much money would be appropriate as a gift?"

He usually went to drink with his parents and never bothered about gifts or anything. This time, Liu Yizhu invited him alone, and he had no idea why, so he had to ask.

Tang Shan put down his teacup and picked up the invitation card casually, "Who's the classmate?"

"Liu Yizhu."

Tang Shan was familiar with the several children who often played with his son. "Is he the one who always ranks first in exams?" "Yes."

"I remember his family background isn't very good. Around one or two taels should be enough, not too much or too little. If you think it's too little, you can prepare a more valuable gift."

Just as Tang Jue was about to scold his stingy dad, he swallowed the words that were about to come out.

"You, cough, cough, cough!"

Tang Shan was about to use this opportunity to educate his son when he opened the invitation and saw the name Ming Wei. He coughed violently. Could this be the Ming Wei he was thinking of?

His voice trembled, "This Ming Wei?"

"Yes, the bride."

"Is your classmate from Qingshi Town?"

"Yeah, Dad, how did you know?"

Tang Shan felt like he was about to vomit blood. He left his son behind and hurried into the study to write a letter, ordering the attendant to deliver it to Qingshi Town as soon as possible.

What on earth was his little brat doing? How could she be getting married? Did they know about it in the capital city?

No, he had to stop it!

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