Chapter 79

Yun Sister got up early in the morning to cook for them and baked some cakes for them to take with them on the road so they had something to eat if they got hungry along the way.

She sent them to the village entrance. Li Mingwei waved her hand and smiled at her, "Go back."

Yun Sister went up and hugged Li Mingwei, whispering, "I'm really living very well, don't worry about me."

"Um, I believe you," Li Mingwei nodded seriously and tidied her hair, "Yun Sister, I'm only asking you one thing."

She couldn't sleep last night. She felt something was wrong the more she thought about it. The matchmaker was going to introduce someone to her sister, how could she not see what the person looked like? She must have known Qing Yang was disabled, so Uncle Meng and Aunt Meng probably knew too.

They were just deceiving Yun Sister.

Li Mingwei grabbed Yun Sister's shoulders, stared into her eyes, and said word for word, "Do your parents know about this?"

Yun Sister didn't speak, but smiled sadly.

Li Mingwei couldn't help trembling all over. She hated that she couldn't smash them. There were still such parents in the world, it really opened her eyes.

Not wanting her to see her heartache, Yun Sister pushed her away, "You should go now, or you won't get to the county seat by night."

Li Mingwei stuffed the silver notes she had prepared in advance into Yun Sister's arms and said in a low voice, "Leave if you're unhappy."

Before Yun Sister could react to what she had been stuffed with, she turned and strode away. Dong Shan hurried to catch up.

Because of this, Li Mingwei's good mood when she came was completely gone. She and Dong Shan cursed the Meng family all the way. At noon, she even lost her appetite and squatted on the ground gnawing on the cold cakes Yun Sister had given her.

Then they continued cursing. Cursing and cursing until they arrived at the county seat. The two looked at each other. They had made pretty good time today.

But no matter how early they were, it was still not enough to get back to Qingshi Town, so they walked down the street, found an inn, asked for two adjacent rooms to put their things down, and prepared to go eat dinner.

Dong Shan touched his belly. He didn't feel it at noon, but now he was starving.

"Let's go eat next door then."

When Li Mingwei went up just now, she happened to see the restaurant next door was still open. He was so hungry, looking for somewhere else would just waste time.

"Okay, as long as we can eat."

Whether it was because this restaurant wasn't doing good business, or because people in the county seat had already eaten at this time, there were not many people inside. They chose the closest table downstairs and ordered some dishes.

"Please hurry."

"Don't worry, honored guests, it'll be quick this time."

Li Mingwei nodded. With only a few tables, it shouldn't be slow.

Perhaps seeing that they were hungry, the waiter first brought over the rice. Dong Shan hurriedly ate two bowls to fill his stomach first while waiting for the dishes.

"What a coincidence, isn't this Brother Liu..."

Li Mingwei looked in the direction of the voice. It was the three people who had eaten with Liu Yizhu at the restaurant that day. She politely nodded to them, and the three immediately came over.

"My name is Tang Jue, this is Yang Jingyuan, and this is Zhong Liangyu. We are fellow students with Brother Liu. May I ask the lady and brother's names?"

Tang Jue, could he be Young Master Tang's son? How is he so different from Tang the Elder, dressed a bit flashy.

Li Mingwei looked at Tang Jue a few more times, then introduced, "Just call me Mingwei. This is my brother-in-law, Dong Shan."

The three bowed together, "Brother Dong, Miss Mingwei."

Dong Shan also returned the courtesy, "Are you three brothers also eating here?"

"We just finished eating and were about to go back."

Li Mingwei looked around at the small restaurant. For it to attract people who usually ate at restaurants to come eat here, there must be something special about it.

She couldn't help but ask, "Does this restaurant have any special features?"

"I don't know, it's our first time here too." Tang Jue looked at the boss behind the counter, "Maybe we can ask the boss to introduce it."

"No need, we've already ordered. I just saw you coming from so far away to eat here, and thought there must be something special."

Li Mingwei remembered that Honghe Academy was in the south of the county seat, while here was the east, quite far away indeed.

"You don't know?" Tang Jue blinked at her, then glanced at the other two. Liu Yizhu's mother was seeing a doctor at the clinic next door, so they had come to visit her and happened to eat here nearby.

"Know what?"

Li Mingwei looked completely confused. She really wasn't familiar with the county seat.

They had originally thought she knew too, but now she seemed to know nothing at all. Was it because Brother Liu didn't want her to worry so he didn't tell her?

With this in mind, Zhong Liangyu tentatively asked, "Miss Mingwei, why are you and Brother Dong eating here today?"

Dong Shan honestly replied, "We're staying at the inn next door."

Zhong Liangyu smiled. He remembered it only took a little over an hour from the county seat to Qingshi Town. "Did you get delayed sightseeing and couldn't make it back?"

"We went to visit relatives and just got back. We're staying overnight in the county seat and will go back tomorrow."

Zhong Liangyu nodded. It looked like the place they went wasn't close by. Liu Yizhu had only brought his mother to the county seat yesterday, so it was normal they didn't know.

The three glanced at each other, wondering if they should tell them.

Li Mingwei saw them unabashedly communicating through eye signals in front of her, feeling quite speechless. If you have something to say, just say it, what's with that?

"Do you have something to say?"

Seeing their hesitant appearance, Li Mingwei guessed, "About Liu Yizhu?"

The three stopped. Li Mingwei understood. She had only been out with Brother Dong for two or three days. What could have happened? Liu Yizhu was still at home two days ago. Granny Wang...

"Has Granny Wang's illness worsened again?"

Tang Jue looked at the other two, praising, "Miss Mingwei is so clever."

Li Mingwei rolled her eyes. "You just need to tell me where they are now."

The three pointed her in the direction.

"Brother-in-law, I'll go take a look. You can go back to sleep after you finish eating."

Dong Shan stood up, "No, I'll go with you."

It was almost dark, not safe for a young girl to go alone.

Li Mingwei looked at the dishes that had just been served. She pressed him back down, "Eat, Brother-in-law, or it'll go to waste. It's not far, come find me after you eat."

"What about you? You haven't eaten much today either."

"I'm not hungry."

Leaving him with that, Li Mingwei strode quickly toward the clinic. Granny Wang's fever had gone down so much last time, how did it suddenly become severe again?

She touched the money in her pocket, wondering if Liu Yizhu still had any money. The clinics in the county seat probably weren't cheap. She'd give him all of this first.

At this time of day, the clinic's door was already half closed. Since there were inpatients staying overnight, the lantern at the door was still lit, and there was still a medicine boy tidying things up at the counter.

Seeing her come in, the medicine boy said, "Seeing a doctor?"

"I'm looking for someone."

Following the medicine boy's directions, Li Mingwei went upstairs. Small, individual rooms lined both sides of the stairs. She didn't want to randomly lift people's curtains, and had no other way, so she just stood there awkwardly.

Just as she was wondering whether to go back and ask Tang Jue and the others, one of the curtains was lifted from the inside, and Liu Yizhu came out. Seeing her, he was also surprised for a moment.

He strode forward and grabbed her hand, "Are you sick?"

"No, I was eating dinner and ran into your schoolmates. They said you were here, so I came to take a look."

Liu Yizhu breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the coughing from the curtained room next door, he quickly pulled her upstairs to talk outside.

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