Chapter 57

On the early morning of the eighth day, even before the sky was fully bright, a long string of firecrackers sounded from the neighbor's house. Li Mingwei bolted up and ran to the front yard, pulling over a stool to climb on and peer over the wall into the neighbor's home.

Before long, Yun Sister was led out by a man with a red silk ribbon, though not by her husband since he was ill and couldn't make it - so her brother-in-law had come to stand in his place.

Because of the long distance to travel, they were in a hurry, so Yun Sister was swiftly helped onto an ox cart, with several people standing behind without getting on. With a horn sounding, the driver snapped his whip and the procession set off.

Li Mingwei clung to the door frame, watching as Yun Sister stealthily lifted her veil and glanced in her direction, giving a faint smile. She pointed at her lips, which bore the lip color Li Mingwei had given her yesterday.

The matchmaker nearby quickly pressed it back down. "Don't lift your veil - it's unlucky until the new husband arrives."

Yun Sister said nothing, obediently putting her hand back down. Accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums, she gradually faded into the distance with the convoy.

Wang Chunhua came back from next door and saw tears brimming in Li Mingwei's eyes. She pushed her inside, "Don't look, don't look. Just go back and wait for the meal."

Li Mingwei retorted stubbornly, "I won't go."

"They're our neighbors, if you don't go, how will you get along in the future? Don't be petty."

"Weren't they the ones who said I'm divorced, so I'm unlucky and shouldn't go? That's why they didn't let me go to see her off."

"You can't go to send her off, but you can still go eat at the wedding feast. Aunt Meng just asked me specially to come get you," Wang Chunhua chided her, then reminded, "I know you're unhappy, but you have to put on a passable face. Aunt Meng also feels awful today, so don't show that expression when you go over later."

Li Mingwei grumbled, "What does she have to feel awful about?"

If only Aunt Meng had chosen a more normal family for Yun Sister, she wouldn't dislike her so much.

"No matter what, Yun Sister is a piece of her own flesh. Of course it hurts her, and she usually treats Yun Sister well too. It's just that for the sake of her other two children, she had no choice but to..."

Li Mingwei pursed her lips, not wanting to hear Wang Chunhua's explanation. She turned and went back into the room. Wang Chunhua sighed helplessly, left some instructions for Dong Shan, then went back next door to help.

Dong Lei brought Xiao Gang to grab red packets and candy, then came running gleefully back to show off to her. Seeing her displeasure, they reluctantly gave her two as well.

Xiao Gang urged, "Auntie, you said you'd transcribe books for me too. When will you do it?"

"I don't want to transcribe!" Li Mingwei nearly gritted her teeth into dust in anger. "Can't you see I'm upset right now? You didn't even comfort me, yet you're asking me to copy books for you - you're heartless!"

Dong Lei chimed in agreement, "You're heartless!"

Xiao Gang pouted aggrievedly, "But I'm going back tomorrow, so I just asked..."

"What's the point even if you take them? You can't recognize a single character. We'll talk about it next time I go back."

She really didn't feel like moving these days, her head truly ached.

Seeing her press at her temples, Dong Lei immediately took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed to massage them for her. "Auntie, your head hurts again?"

"Mm, a little."

Xiao Gang was also concerned. "Auntie, why don't we go to the pharmacy? Your head's been hurting since you came back, and it's been two or three days already."

Li Mingwei waved her hand weakly. "No need, it'll be better in a while."

Dong Lei nodded in agreement. "Mom said Auntie isn't sick, her head just hurts because she's in a bad mood. It'll stop hurting once she feels better."

Xiao Gang had a puzzled expression. "Then what can we do to put Auntie in a good mood?"

Once she was in a good mood and her head didn't hurt, she could copy books for him.

"Do you want me to feel better?" Li Mingwei stopped Dong Lei's massaging hand and sat up against the headboard.

The two children nodded in unison. "We do!"

Then Li Mingwei smiled wickedly and stretched out her sinful little hands. The two children instantly erupted into chaotic screams and fled in all directions.

Hearing the children's shrieks from the room, Wang Daisao rushed over in alarm, only to see Li Mingwei chasing the two children into a corner. She had grabbed a cheek of each child, pinching and squeezing them. Unable to escape, the two brothers could only squeeze their eyes shut and wail loudly.

Children's little faces were so tender, especially chubby little Dong Lei's, so soft and supple. Li Mingwei said in satisfaction, "So nice to pinch!"

"Auntie is so mean!"

Wang Daisao laughed uncontrollably. Mingwei wasn't a small child anymore, yet she was still playing with the kids. She didn't interfere, and under Dong Lei and Xiao Gang's pleading gazes, decisively walked away.

Li Mingwei chuckled smugly. "Look, no one can save you!"

She pounced on the two children, tickling their armpits. Xiao Gang couldn't stand it and took the lead in counterattack. Dong Lei followed closely after, raising the flag of retaliation. The three tumbled into a pile together.

After this romp, Li Mingwei actually felt less gloomy. She caught her breath, then gathered the two children into her arms and sank into a deep sleep.

At noon, Aunt Meng specially came to invite her over. She really couldn't decline out of politeness, so could only bring the two children with her.

Aunt Meng gripped her hand tightly and apologized. "Auntie knows you two were close, and not letting you go see her off must have upset you. But..."

"Auntie, it's fine. Customs are just customs, watching from this side is the same."

Seeing her smile breezily, Aunt Meng also breathed a sigh of relief. She apologized to her again, then led her and the two children to find seats. "Don't stand on ceremony, eat whatever you like."

"Alright Auntie, go busy yourself."

Aunt Meng was indeed busy today. She didn't have time to chat, just said a few words before leaving.

Li Mingwei hurriedly ate a few bites, but seeing the two children still eating with relish, could only wait helplessly. There was no one she recognized at the table either, so she boredly glanced around. Her eyes just happened to meet Old Lady Wang's.

As soon as Old Lady Wang saw her look over, she quickly lowered her head to avoid her gaze.

Well wasn't this a rare occasion, the sun rising from the west!

Li Mingwei was extremely puzzled. That was Old Lady Wang! Not glaring daggers at her? Retreating so cowardly, she wasn't used to it at all.

Old Lady Wang withdrew her eyes and quietly finished eating before promptly taking her leave of the host family.

Aunt Meng held her back. "Leaving already? Did you eat enough?"

"I ate plenty, ate plenty. My son isn't feeling well, so I need to go back and check on him."

Aunt Meng quickly expressed her concern. "What's wrong with Scholar Liu? I thought it strange he didn't come today."

She had heard from Yun Sister long ago that Scholar Liu liked Li Mingwei, so he would certainly attend. How could he miss this?

Old Lady Wang shook her head. "It's nothing serious, he probably caught a chill from the wind yesterday and is resting in bed. I want to go back and cook some congee for him."

"Yes, bland food is better when sick. I won't keep you then, hurry back."

"Alright, thank you for having me today."

"No need to stand on courtesy."

Li Mingwei secretly stole glances at their conversation, but with so many people and the noise, she was too far to hear clearly. She just saw a hint of worry flit across Aunt Meng's brows, and Old Lady Wang left in a rush.

She brought her eyes back and knitted her own brows, a sense of foreboding rising in her heart.

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