Chapter 43

Li Mingwei also didn't have any more burden after finishing the last thing. She looked at the warm sunshine in the sky and jogged home.

"Sis, the weather is so nice today. Let's go out for a walk. The New Year is coming soon. If there is anything we haven't prepared at home, let's go buy it together."

"That's great!" Wang Chunhua took off her apron and tidied up her clothes, "Let's go take a look. I see the couplets have been put up by the neighbors across the way and they look so festive. We should also go get a pair to put up."

"Okay, what else?"

Dong Lei threw down his pen and hugged Li Mingwei's legs anxiously, "And snacks! We need snacks for the New Year!"

"Okay, auntie will buy them for you."

Dong Lei smiled triumphantly, "Auntie is the best!"

Wang Chunhua didn't refuse either. There would still be some guests coming over during the New Year. It wouldn't look good if there were no snacks or tidbits at home for the guests.

"Besides snacks, we can also buy some peanuts, melon seeds, candies and such. They may bring kids when they come. Kids love sweets."


Li Mingwei made a note of everything, "Anything else? Do we have enough food at home if people come over?"

"Don't worry about the dishes. We can just buy them when people come. It's not far anyway."

"What about New Year's Day? We are having beef for dinner, what about lunch?"

Wang Chunhua poked her little nose, "Let me see who is so greedy here. Would your sister shortchange you? Isn't your brother-in-law going fishing on the ice river?"

"If he has a good catch, we will have fish for lunch. If not, sister will slaughter a chicken for you."

Speaking of chickens, Wang Chunhua ran to the yard and took a look. She pointed to the chicken coop, "When you are getting the couplets, remember to remind me to have my husband write a 'prosperous poultry' couplet to post on it."

Li Mingwei nodded, "Got it. I've noted everything down. Let's go."

Hmm, wait. What did her sister just say? A husband?

"Where are we getting the couplets?"

Wang Chunhua immediately guessed what she was thinking. She explained, "Not Mr. Jin, but Mr. Liu from North Street. He also studied in the county for a few years when he was young. His handwriting is pretty good. People in town all go to him for couplets every year."

Li Mingwei understood then. It was just like how people would come to her grandfather to ask for couplets every year, except her grandfather didn't charge money.

"Why don't we go to Mr. Jin then? Mr. Jin can charge me money too."

About this, Wang Chunhua explained in a low voice, "Although Mr. Jin is knowledgeable and his writing is decent too, but his parents passed away early and he has always been alone..."

"Mr. Liu is different. He is in his sixties now with four generations living under one roof. His children and grandchildren are also filial. With so many children running around, everyone wants an auspicious omen for the New Year."

Li Mingwei pouted. She felt sorry for Mr. Jin. Things like this were difficult to talk about.

"Alright, alright. Let's go."

Wang Chunhua urged her and the two went out together.

They first went to North Street to look for Mr. Liu. There were already quite a few people queuing up for couplets. It was noisy and lively outside Mr. Liu's home, just like a marketplace.

Wang Chunhua led her to the end of the line. Li Mingwei peeked through the crowd and looked at Mr. Liu who was standing at the desk, wielding a large brush to write couplets for everyone.

Although Mr. Liu's hair was white, his face glowed. He looked rather benevolent. He wore festive dark red today with dark gold embroidered blessings.

He smiled at everyone who came forward, carefully asking about their wishes for the coming year, pondering and then writing corresponding couplets. As usual, he would read them out loud for people to hear.

His family was skilled in this. Some prepared the ink, some cut the red paper, some were responsible for delivering. Everything was coordinated efficiently and the queue moved quickly.

Soon it was their turn. Mr. Liu smiled and asked, "What are your wishes?"

Wang Chunhua said, "My child started school this year. I hope he can do even better in his studies next year."

Mr. Liu nodded understandingly, "Very good, studying is important."

He picked up his brush. Someone beside him immediately smoothed out the red paper for him. He wrote two lines - "Vast knowledge within books, great writing enlightens the world" for the upper couplet, and "Reading extensively breaks through tens of thousands of volumes, writing transcends the talents" for the lower couplet. As usual, he read them out loud.

Li Mingwei was speechless. The writing was mediocre. It only mentioned studying and nothing else.

But Wang Chunhua thought it was good. She didn't say anything since it was done right in front of Mr. Liu. She only reminded Wang Chunhua, "Sister, prosperous poultry."

Without Wang Chunhua saying anything, the one passing the red paper had already prepared a square red paper upon hearing that. He smoothed it out for Mr. Liu.

Soon after the two couplets were written, they were squeezed out of the queue. Only then did Li Mingwei say, "Sister, your couplet only wished for Lei'er. There was nothing else."

Wang Chunhua didn't care. "It doesn't matter. As long as Lei'er does well, I'm happy. You scholars overthink. Not many people can understand these couplets posted by the door anyway. It's just for good fortune. What truly matters is your own heart."

Since she put it that way, Li Mingwei couldn't say anything more. She reluctantly accepted it. Mr. Liu's literary talent was mediocre but his handwriting was still decent after all.

With the couplets in hand, the two walked down the street and bought everything they had planned to get, carrying large and small bags home.

Not long after, Dong Shan came back covered in icy flakes, carrying two big fish, "My catch today is pretty good!"

Wang Chunhua took the fish and weighed them in her hands, "Not just pretty good. These two fish must be over ten jin. With all that beef my sister bought too, how can we finish everything?"

Dong Shan boasted, "If we can't finish, we can freeze them in the snow and eat slowly. I worked really hard for these two fish today. Look at me!"

"Hurry and clean the fish with you looking like this. I'll boil water for you to wash up properly later. Don't catch a cold."

Dong Shan thumped his chest, "My body is not afraid of anything!"

Wang Chunhua directly kicked him and asked if he was afraid or not. Dong Shan immediately cowered.

Li Mingwei and Dong Lei hugged Xiao Yan'er and laughed loudly at the side.

On New Year's Day, Wang Chunhua got up early to start preparing the meals. After lunch, she cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks and washed the beef bones before putting them in the pot to stew.

Li Mingwei sliced the beef that Su Boss had sent over piece by piece and arranged them on a plate.

Today Dong Lei didn't need to write or study. His mouth was full of candy as he watched worriedly beside the stove at Li Mingwei who wasn't very skilled, "Auntie, be careful."

Wang Chunhua came back from outside. As she lifted the pot lid, hot steam and fragrance burst out at once. After the smoke dispersed, she stirred the pot, "Mm, it's white and smells so good!"

Dong Shan lit up the stove in the middle of the table. He called out to the kitchen. Wang Chunhua immediately brought out the beef bone soup she had ladled into a small pot and put it on the stove. The fire slowly brought the soup to a boil.

Li Mingwei brought out the sliced beef and Dong Shan praised, "Not bad, little sister. You've arranged them like flowers."

He picked up a slice and couldn't wait to throw it into the pot. Wang Chunhua smacked his hand, "You're so impatient. There are still dishes to bring out."

Everyone went to the kitchen together to carry out the rest of the dishes and arranged them nicely before sitting down in their seats. Dong Shan took out the wine Li Mingwei had gifted him and generously poured everyone a big glass.

"Let's eat and drink happily today to celebrate New Year!"


Dong Lei couldn't drink but still wanted to join in the fun. He held up his bowl of bone soup, yelling "Woohoo" as he wanted to clink glasses with them.

Li Mingwei gently clinked his bowl, "I wish little Lei'er progresses further in his studies, sister and brother-in-law live happily, and the whole family stays safe and healthy."

"Great. You too, stay happy and healthy!"

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