The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 196: Extra Story: Li Shi’an

Chapter 196

The birth of Li Shi'an relieved Li Langyue's long-standing worries. Since he was three years old, Li Langyue had devoted most of his energy to him.

Unfortunately, Li Shi'an was just like his mother, not very capable, which frustrated Li Langyue to no end. Several times, she even considered changing his surname with Liu Simo, but was strongly opposed by Li Mingwei.

According to her, it was fate!

Watching her son kneeling on the ground, Li Mingwei coldly popped a grape into her mouth. Li Shi'an saw it and scooted over, opening his mouth.

Li Mingwei also popped a grape into his mouth: "What's wrong with you? Did you get punished or scolded by your grandmother?"

"No," Li Shi'an patted his arm. "I have thick skin and can handle being scolded. No need to bother my mother for such a trivial matter."

"Then why are you bothering me?"

Li Shi'an pouted, "Mother, studying is boring. I want to go out and play."


“Why!” He turned his head in displeasure and complained, “Even my sister can go out.”

Li Mingwei said seriously, "Your sister has something to do."

Li Shi'an looked disdainful. What kind of important thing is it to travel, admire handsome men, and enjoy the scenery!

He protested, "I have something important to do too."

"Is that so?" Li Mingwei motioned for him to continue.

"I want to go on a study tour. Great-great-grandfather traveled for nearly ten years. I want to learn from him, travel to different places, experience the warmth and coldness of the people, and broaden my horizons."

Seeing her son's passionate expression, Li Mingwei smiled, "Are you sure?"


"Alright, go down, I'll prepare for you."

Li Shi'an's face lit up, and he obediently went down to rest, preparing for the upcoming days of travel.

Li Mingwei beckoned to a maid, whispered a few words, and a faintly eerie smile appeared on her lips.

The next morning, Li Shi'an, who was still asleep, was awakened. He changed into Liu Yizhu's old clothes, and under the escort of the servants, he arrived at the back door in a daze.

Li Mingwei handed him a money pouch and put a package on his back, encouragingly patting his shoulder, "Go, this is all your mother can do for you."


"Aren't you going to experience the warmth and coldness of people?" Li Mingwei pointed to the road ahead. "Off you go."

She took the rope from the gatekeeper's hand and walked in without hesitation.

Watching the door slam shut, Li Shi'an turned back and met eyes with the mount Li Mingwei had prepared for him. He banged on the door in frustration, "Mother!"

"Why does my sister get a carriage while I get a donkey!"

No one in the courtyard paid attention to him. Feeling sorry for himself for a moment, he could only lead the donkey and set off.

The servant who was leaning on the ladder on the wall, watching Li Shi'an walk away, quietly reported, "Young Master has left."

Li Mingwei snorted, "Experiencing the warmth and coldness of people, he'll be back within ten days."

This kid, he has never experienced any hardship since he was young and doesn't have the endurance for it. If he can endure and come back in ten days, she might have to look at him in a different light.

After all, he was his mother's own son, Li Shi'an did not disappoint his mother in the slightest. He was already tired from leading the small donkey out of the city, so he found a secluded place, took out the money bag in his arms, and counted it.

Soon, a cry came from the bushes: "Mom wants to starve me to death!"

He touched the money in his hand, shook it, only five taels, just five taels?

After a moment of silence, Li Shi'an wiped away imaginary tears, stood up bravely, bought two steamed buns on the side of the road, and officially set off.

He had only been to the capital once, and that was by carriage. He had no idea where to go, so he closed his eyes and chose a direction at each intersection. After walking for two days, he finally arrived at a slightly decent small town.

Li Shi'an habitually chose a good restaurant, ate and drank heartily, then asked for a room. The next day, when it was time to settle the bill, he was thrown out, and even the small donkey was taken as payment.

"Can't you see where you are? You dare to come in without money!"

"A good-looking person like you is doing this kind of thing."

"If our boss wasn't kind-hearted, we would have sent you to the authorities, believe it or not!"

"Get lost, get lost!"

Listening to the curses around him, and more and more people gathering, Li Shi'an's face turned red. He got up from the ground and ran, forgetting to ask the price yesterday, and was mistaken for a ruffian.

He turned into a small alley, holding the discarded package, and squatted on the ground breathing heavily. How embarrassing!

"You're really amazing!"


He turned to the end of the alley, where a dirty little child was walking towards him, looking at him enviously. "I also want to have a full meal, even if I get beaten afterwards."

The child looked down at his clothes. "Unfortunately, I was chased out before I even entered because of how I'm dressed."


Li Shi'an looked at the somewhat dejected child and handed him the package. "Here, it's for you."

The child was taken aback, opened it, and found several good clothes inside. "You're giving it to me, what will you wear?"

"I still have clothes on me." Li Shi'an lowered his head, with no money left, no donkey left. Since he wasn't far from the capital, he decided to go back, just two days, he could manage without changing clothes.

The child wanted the clothes but hesitated. "I can't fit into them, maybe..."

Li Shi'an blinked. "Are you alone?"

If he took a little brother back, would it be less embarrassing?

"No." The child led him to the back of the alley, turned right, and there were several people sitting or lying down, dressed similarly to him.

"Baby, who is this?"

"Sir, this big brother gave me some clothes, can you guys wear them?"

The people stood up instantly, thanked him, and started trying on the clothes.

Li Shi'an looked at the mostly elderly people and asked them about their situation, only to find out that they had suffered a disaster and were fleeing.

"Why isn't the county government helping you?"

"Help?" An elderly person sighed. "If someone was helping, we wouldn't be in this situation."

Another person added, "The adults here are kind, they gave us some porridge for a few days."

"Where are you originally from?"

"Xinzhou Dong county."

Li Shi'an had never heard of this place, but he made a mental note to remember it and return...

"Uh..." Baby suddenly grabbed his neck, collapsed, and the people around him panicked and rushed forward, but they also began to feel uncomfortable, experiencing pain.

"You all!"

An old man seemed to sense something, called Li Shi'an over, handed him a piece of paper, and whispered in his ear: "Xinzhou, the Prefect of Xinzhou, is corrupt..."

Li Shi'an unfolded the paper and saw that it was a complaint, accusing the Prefect of Xinzhou.

He shook with determination, decided to take a gamble, stood up and ran out of the alley, shouting, "Help! Help!"

In a moment, the guards hiding in the shadows ran forward one after another, "Young Master, what's wrong?"

"Find a doctor, find a doctor, I want everyone in the alley to survive."


He grabbed the nearest guard, "Prepare the horses, I'm going back to the capital immediately!"

Liu Yizhu rode his horse in the imperial city, was caught by the imperial guards, and brought back. Thinking that he had done something right, he did not punish him, turned around, packed his things, and left.

Li Shi'an lay weakly on the bed, "Mother, is Father going to Xinzhou?"


"Can I go too?"

Li Mingwei refused, they only had a complaint, no evidence, it was difficult to deal with in the past, letting a child go would only cause trouble.

Li Shi'an felt a little discouraged, thinking about the old men and children lying on the ground, not knowing if they were alive or dead, a wave of anger surged in his chest, "Once I enter the Imperial Censorate, I will arrest all the corrupt officials in the world!"

"Okay." Li Mingwei smiled and reassured him, "You can do it."


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