Chapter 181

Although Liu Yizhu understood that Father-in-Law's words were likely meant to comfort him, he still felt overwhelmed. A Minister of Civil Affairs? How could he possibly do that?

Seeing that he seemed gloomy even after returning home, Li Mingwei raised an eyebrow. "My mother still has some authority, doesn't she?"

"No, your mother is quite gentle."

Li Mingwei laughed, knowing that it was only because her grandfather was present that her mother didn't dare to be overbearing.

"Then what's troubling you?"

Liu Yizhu shook his head and frowned as he glimpsed a group of servants passing by carrying large and small boxes.

"That's my dowry."

Since she didn't have anything with her, Liu Yizhu's mother-in-law had simply sent some things over for Ah Xiu's wedding trousseau.

Watching the endless stream of servants, Liu Yizhu's brow furrowed deeper. He had still wanted to give her an additional betrothal gift, but with his meager monthly salary, when would he be able to afford that?

"Ah Mingwei, isn't your dowry a bit excessive?"

"Excessive?" Li Mingwei glanced outside, then called Ah Xiu over. "What did you tell my mother? I meant that you didn't need to bring everything, the storerooms here are small and can't fit it all."

"I know, I only brought one storeroom's worth."

Liu Yizhu let out a bitter laugh. "And how many storerooms are there in total?"

Ah Xiu held up three fingers, then shook her head and held up four.

Li Mingwei was delighted. "When did a fourth one appear?"

"A new one was added." The previous three storerooms were things she had brought back from the Prince's Residence, but this new one was freshly prepared by the family for her second marriage.

Li Mingwei was quite pleased. "I'm getting richer and richer."

Ah Xiu said casually, "They're just household items, piled up without any use. When the young master gets married and the young miss gets married, then they'll come in handy."


"I'll just hold onto them for now, and in the future they'll all be theirs." Li Mingwei made a face, then looked at the cradle holding her daughter, boasting, "See how good your mother is, the baby can't even talk yet and I've already prepared her dowry."

Ah Xiu disdainfully eyed Li Mingwei. "Miss, your shamelessness just keeps increasing."

That was her own preparation, after all!

Liu Yizhu couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Li Mingwei glared at Ah Xiu, then stared sternly at Liu Yizhu. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing!" Liu Yizhu suppressed his expression, daring not to laugh again. "You have the thinnest skin."

Just as Li Mingwei was about to get angry, Old Lady Wang suddenly burst in from outside, her face full of shock. "Your family is so wealthy!"

"I don't know."

Li Mingwei looked at Ah Xiu, who shook her head. The young miss didn't know, so how would she know? But then Ah Xiu thought for a moment and said, "It's an ancestral inheritance, and we've also earned some ourselves. In the future, it will be passed down."

She glanced at Li Mingwei's belly and smiled. "When the young miss is pregnant, the child in her belly will be the wealthiest of the Li family. In the end, everything of the Li family will be passed down to him."

Li Mingwei gently stroked her belly, then quietly patted Liu Yizhu's shoulder. "You better work hard."

That way, they could also bask in the child's wealth and splurge a bit.

Old Lady Wang sucked in a breath. That manor, it must have cost a fortune! She cast a pitying look at Liu Yizhu, realizing that besides that old manor, his family had left him with nothing.

Liu Yizhu rubbed his forehead. Wasn't he working hard every day?

"My lord!"

Liu Yizhu stood up, looking towards the door. The gatekeeper, forgoing propriety, rushed in. "People from the palace have come, they request your immediate presence. I will ready the carriage for you."

"Very well."

Ah Xiu promptly stepped forward and helped Liu Yizhu change into his official robes. Li Mingwei also stood up, looking somewhat worried as she watched him leave.

The matter had come up so suddenly that Li Mingwei thought he might be busy late into the night. After dinner, she went to bed first, leaving a lamp lit.

Liu Yizhu gently pushed open the door when he returned.

"That was fast?"

"Mm, go to sleep, I'll be quiet."

Liu Yizhu took off his official robes and began packing. Alarmed, Li Mingwei got up to help him. "What's happening?"

"Ah Mingwei, I have to go to Yunzhou."

"Yunzhou? Didn't Ya Yin already raise a substantial donation for disaster relief? Isn't that enough?"

"Yes, but I'm going with Lord Xu to deliver the relief funds to Yunzhou."

Hearing Lord Xu's name, Li Mingwei knew something was amiss, and sure enough, Liu Yizhu explained, "The Yunzhou Administrator has reported that the first batch of funds sent had some issues. The disaster victims in Yunzhou have been waiting a long time without receiving any aid, and have started a few riots, which were suppressed. But..."

Those disaster victims were only seeking some life-saving provisions, and their violent outbursts could further inflame the situation.

The Emperor was angered and no longer trusted the officials in Yunzhou, so he has appointed them to go, not only to pacify the victims, but also to thoroughly investigate the problem.

Li Mingwei frowned as she took his clothes out of the luggage.

Liu Yizhu stopped her. "Ah Mingwei, this is the Emperor's order."

"You!" Li Mingwei thought he was an idiot, not knowing that one cannot disobey the Emperor's command. She put down one of the garments. "Are you going to wear this to appease the disaster victims?"

"You're trying to provoke them to death!"

Li Mingwei left only two nice sets for him to wear when meeting Yunzhou officials, replacing the rest with his old clothes. She also prepared some money for him.

"Hide it well, don't take it out easily, or it might get robbed again."

"I understand."

Liu Yizhu packed up the bundle, then gently pulled Li Mingwei into his embrace. "Ah Mingwei, I might not be back for one or two months."

Li Mingwei sighed softly. At least if he could return in one or two months, that would be good. She murmured, "When you go to Yunzhou, remember to stay low-key and discreet."


Liu Yizhu nodded, thinking that being cautious wouldn't hurt.

As Li Mingwei had foreseen, Liu Yizhu was gone for three months and still had not returned, only occasionally sending letters saying that everything was going well and that he was doing fine.

Not only Li Mingwei, even Old Lady Wang didn't believe it. Things couldn't be going that well if he hadn't come back for so long, there must be some big matter. But at least he was still alive, since he was writing letters.

Li Mingwei leaned back in her chair, noticing that the lotus flowers in the pond were blooming nicely. She thought about how the flowers in the academy must be even more beautiful, and that they could go take a look during their next monthly leave.

"Miss." Ah Xiu walked in from outside, hesitating for a while before speaking softly, "Your husband..."

Li Mingwei hurriedly sat up, and Ah Xiu quickly supported her. "No, it's not bad news!"

"You!" Li Mingwei laid back down, irritated by Ah Xiu's heavy tone.

Ah Xiu sheepishly said, "Your husband has been promoted to the position of Administrator of Yunzhou. He may not be able to return for some time."

"Oh, that's wonderful, he's now a sixth-rank official. Yunzhou is in the Central Region, after all."

Li Mingwei smiled at Ah Xiu. "Come on, a promotion is a good thing, be happy!"


The shortest term for an imperial appointment was three years. Unless he accomplished some great deeds, her husband would likely not return for at least three years.

Ah Xiu felt a bit dejected, and was about to speak when Li Langyue interrupted, "I was just coming to console you, but you seem to be taking it quite well."

"Mother." Li Mingwei looked back at her and smiled. "No need for consolation, Father was like this before too."

She and her grandfather had already guessed that the Emperor probably wouldn't keep him by his side anymore, they just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Li Langyue frowned at Li Mingwei's lack of a proper greeting.

Li Mingwei blinked innocently. "Mother, for the next seven or eight months, I don't feel like greeting you."

"You!" Li Langyue glanced at Li Mingwei's hand on her belly, then asked, "How many months?"

"What do you think, over three months of course."

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