Chapter 175

Li Yi returned to the Residence of the Liu family after dinner. Tang Jue had kept him company the entire time, inevitably subjecting him to a thorough interrogation. After seeing Li Yi off, Tang Jue was left feeling a bit disoriented. He leaned against the doorframe with his eyes closed.

If only he had not come back so early. He should have just stayed at the academy and continued reading.

Liu Yizhu stepped out of the carriage and saw his condition. Approaching him, she asked, "Have your studies been particularly demanding lately? You look so tired."

"Why did you come back so late?" Tang Jue tightly gripped Liu Yizhu's arm and scolded him. "It's already dark out, and you haven't returned home yet. Your sister-in-law is going to scold you when you get back."

If only he had come back earlier, then it would have been Tang Jue who was interrogated instead.

Feeling that he had taken the blame for Liu Yizhu, Tang Jue insisted on treating him to a good meal. But Liu Yizhu, with a splitting headache, had no desire to entertain him and simply went back inside, leaving Tang Jue at the door.

Li Mingwei had just finished her evening routine and was putting her young daughter to bed when Liu Yizhu wearily walked in. She couldn't help but ask, "Why are you back so late?"

Liu Yizhu took off his official hat and outer robe, sat down at the table, and poured himself a cup of water. "The governor of Yunzhou has submitted a memorial, stating that Yunzhou is experiencing a severe drought. No rain has fallen since last year, and the land is cracked and parched, making it impossible to plow the fields in the spring. Now the disaster victims are scattered everywhere, and he is asking the court for aid."

So, they need money for disaster relief.

"Doesn't the court have money?"

Liu Yizhu explained tactfully, "They have already sent a batch, but just recently at the end of last year, they had to provide new uniforms for the soldiers in the Northern Desert, so the imperial treasury is not very well-stocked. They may not have enough."

Li Mingwei sighed. The Great Luo is lacking in capable generals, and this war has been dragging on for year after year.

"The drought situation in Yunzhou is dire and cannot be delayed. Princess Yayue, in order to alleviate the burden on the Emperor, has personally organized a spring banquet at Tai'an Lake, inviting many distinguished guests to try and raise some funds."

He took an invitation out of his pocket. "Will you go?"

Li Mingwei placed their daughter in the cradle, then took the invitation and looked it over, chuckling. "How exactly are they planning to raise the funds? Are they going to have the twenty-odd courtesans that the Princess keeps perform dances for us?"

"How did you know?"

"I've seen the Princess's courtesans many times before. I don't know if there are any new ones these last couple of years." Li Mingwei mused, still a bit excited. Princess Yayue has good taste, raising such handsome and talented young men. She had even asked Li Mingwei before if she wanted one.

Li Mingwei had declined, as most of the men in the Princess's retinue were rather effeminate, not really to her liking. Of course, her family would never allow her to engage in such unconventional activities.

Liu Yizhu's face darkened. "Mingwei, why do I sense a hint of anticipation from you?"

"Ah, the desire for beauty is universal, is it not?" Moreover, a group of handsome men would surely lift her spirits, which she had not experienced in a long time.

Li Mingwei turned and retrieved her small box. "How much should we donate?"

Disaster relief, so it wouldn't do to give too little.

"Eh! Did the Princess say how much money you'd have to contribute to be allowed to pick one to showcase their talents?"

Liu Yizhu held back his anger as much as he could, then abruptly set down his water cup, gritting his teeth. "No, I think it's best if you don't go. Just have Ah Xiu deliver the donation."

"Stingy!" Li Mingwei gave him a disdainful look, then after some consideration, put the box back. "I'll have Ah Xiu go to the Princess's residence tomorrow to inquire about the appropriate donation amount. There's no rush."

Ah Xiu brought Liu Yizhu's dinner, and seeing his master's gloomy expression, gently set down the food and cautiously glanced at her mistress, opening her mouth but not uttering a word. "What's wrong with the Master?"

Li Mingwei gave Liu Yizhu a sidelong glance and handed the invitation to Ah Xiu, instructing her, "Find time to go inquire about the appropriate donation amount."

"Okay." Ah Xiu opened the invitation and took a look, immediately becoming excited. "Is there going to be a dance performance again? I heard the Princess has a new performer who is exceptionally skilled at drumming and dancing. He's the most favored one now."

Li Mingwei raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Then go ask how much it would cost. I'll give you some money."

Ah Xiu was reluctant to spend the money, as she had just spent a large sum on clothes and jewelry the other day. She pouted, "Miss, since you're on such good terms with the Princess, surely she'll cut you some slack, right? You don't have to pay the full amount."

"Ah Xiu, the money is for disaster relief."

"Oh, I see." Ah Xiu relented, "I'll go ask tomorrow."

Li Mingwei nodded, gesturing for her to leave. She then excitedly rubbed her hands together - drum and dance performances, she had never seen one before. It must be quite magnificent.

Liu Yizhu looked at her with a resentful gaze. "Mingwei~"

"Eat your dinner!" Li Mingwei shoved the chopsticks into his hand, huffing. "I'm sure you've attended palace banquets before. The court dancers there wear even less than the Princess's courtesans."

Especially the ones from the Western Regions, with their sinuous waists - she quite enjoyed watching them.

Li Mingwei's talents in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting were all presentable, but when it came to dance, she was utterly clueless. She had tried learning in the past, but just couldn't get the hang of it. All she could do now was just watch.

She propped her head on her hand, turning to look at Liu Yizhu, who still hadn't picked up his chopsticks. "Hurry and eat, or I won't be able to watch either."

"You can't expect me to keep my eyes closed the entire time, can you?"

Liu Yizhu forcefully took a few bites of his food. The capital really is not a good place.

This was the first time Li Mingwei had gone out since returning to the capital. Of course, she couldn't afford to make any mistakes. And just in time, the clothes Ah Xiu had brought her had arrived. She had spent her free afternoon trying them all on.

"How do you think this one looks?"

Ah Xiu flattered, "I think you look beautiful in anything, Miss."

"Be honest, will you?"

"I am being honest."

Li Mingwei pouted, then asked what gown Princess Yayue planned to wear, choosing one that would complement her.

Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen Ya Yin in a long time.

In the past, Ya Yin was often by the former Emperor's side. Whenever she and Murong Yu went to the palace to pay their respects, they would see her there. After the former Emperor's passing, Ya Yin would also frequently invite her to the Princess's residence to chat about all sorts of things.

It had been three years since they last saw each other. She wondered how Ya Yin was doing now.

Ah Xiu spread out the jewelry in front of Li Mingwei, allowing her to select. Seeing her silent and pensive, she scratched her head. "Do you not like any of them?"

Li Mingwei shook her head. "No, I'm just thinking about how Ya Yin is doing."

"The Princess is surely doing well. She was already quite favored by the former Emperor, and she's a few years older than the current Emperor, who has always been lenient with her. That's why she's able to strategize for the Emperor now."

"That's true." With Ya Yin's comfortable circumstances, there was no need for Li Mingwei to worry about her.

Excited to see her old friend, Li Mingwei rose early on the day of the banquet to carefully groom and dress herself. Liu Yizhu, thinking she was so eager because of the courtesans, also freshened up and joined her.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Yizhu stated matter-of-factly, "Going with you. I haven't seen a drum and dance performance either."

"You today..."

"I'm on leave today."

As many people as possible participating in the fundraising effort was preferred, so they had specifically chosen a day off.

"You should have said so earlier."

She hadn't prepared anything for him. Oh well, Li Mingwei narrowed her eyes, he'll have to make do.

"Let's go, let's go."

Tai'an Lake was outside the city, quite a distance away.

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