Chapter 173

Ah Xiu sat at the entrance of the main courtyard, yawning idly and unable to comprehend why Lady Li Mingwei was still so bored even after returning home.

She leaned her ear against the room door and listened for a while, hearing no sound. Glancing up at the high sun in the sky, she wondered if the young lady was still asleep.

A maid poked her head in, "Miss Ah Xiu, the old madame has summoned you for lunch."


Ah Xiu rose, patting her bottom, and followed the maid to the dining room.

Li Mingwei, hearing the fading footsteps, let out a sigh of relief. She had actually been awake for a while but felt too shy to go out. She touched her belly and glanced at the reddish marks on her neck in the bronze mirror. To eat or not to eat? Such a difficult choice!

After a moment of hesitation, she trembled as she stood up and carefully peeked out the door, only to be caught red-handed by Ah Xiu, who had hurriedly taken a couple of bites before rushing back to stand guard.

"My lady, you're finally awake!"

Ah Xiu leaned in close. "Are you hungry? Let me get you some food. What happened to your neck?"

She pulled open Li Mingwei's collar, suddenly understood, and covered it back up, clearing her throat. "I'll go get you some food. You wait in the room."

Li Mingwei urged, "Hurry up~"

She was indeed a bit hungry.

Ah Xiu soon returned with two plates of pastries. "The old madame said she'll cook something else for you, so you'll have to wait a little."

"It's fine, no problem." Li Mingwei shook her head and took another bite. "It's quite delicious."

It had been so long since she last tasted such pastries that she felt like crying.

"Knock, knock~"

At the sound of knocking, Li Mingwei, thinking it was the old lady bringing her food, called out loudly, "Come in."

Li Langyue pushed open the door to see her daughter reclining on the couch, feet propped up as she ate pastries from a plate. Anger surged within her once more as she scolded, "Li Mingwei, have you no manners? Look at yourself right now."


Li Mingwei jolted upright but immediately felt a stab of pain, causing her to collapse back down.

Li Langyue's brows furrowed as she stepped closer. "What's wrong with you? You were perfectly fine last night."

"It's nothing." If only you knew your son-in-law's enthusiasm for completing his task was a bit too high.

Li Langyue's gaze fell upon her daughter's neck, and upon seeing the marks, she immediately turned and shooed everyone out. "Out, out."

The maids and attendants who had entered with her scattered at once.

Li Mingwei slowly straightened herself and carefully finished the pastry in her mouth before speaking, "Mother, why have you come?"

Li Langyue waved her hand. "Just lie down, lie down."


Li Mingwei obediently laid down, not daring to prop up her feet again. Ah Xiu held the plate and offered another pastry to her mouth. "More?"


Li Langyue sat nearby, frowning as she watched her daughter. Seeing her behave more properly now, her expression softened slightly. A single trip out and she had forgotten everything.

Under her mother's scrutinizing gaze, Li Mingwei's appetite waned, and after finishing the pastry in her hand, she didn't want any more. Ah Xiu set the plate on the table and brought her tea to rinse her mouth before wiping her hands. Only then did Li Langyue speak.

"I've sent some people over. Since the Tang family's servants manage this residence, now that you've returned, you should take over. The signboard outside is still blank, so you should rest up and prepare yourself. You've managed a household before, so I don't need to teach you such trivial matters."

Li Mingwei shook her head. "No need."

She had just arrived and hadn't had a chance yet.


Coming back to the capital city meant more troubles and annoyances. She longed to return to Qingshi Town.

Seeing her dejected expression, Li Langyue couldn't help but admonish her. "Take care of your body and don't be too indulgent. You two are still young, and you have a long life ahead of you."

Li Mingwei's face darkened, not wanting to speak.

"Oh! So many people!"

Old Lady Wang entered, carrying a bowl of tangyuan. Seeing the crowded courtyard, she paused, noticed the open room door, and headed straight inside.

The people outside, seeing her attire and the food she carried, assumed she was a kitchen maid and let her pass without greeting.

"Mingwei, what are all these people doing out there?" Old Lady Wang entered the room and glanced back outside before placing the bowl in front of Li Mingwei.


Li Langyue was momentarily stunned, realizing her daughter wasn't addressing her. She looked at the Old Lady Wang whom Ah Xiu had called the old madame. This must be Liu Yizhu's mother.

"Eat up. I even added an egg yolk for you."

Li Mingwei took the bowl while Old Lady Wang finally noticed Li Langyue. Observing her elaborate headdress, she was inwardly amazed: this was a distinguished guest!

Her smile widened as she slightly bent her waist. "We have a guest! Have you eaten, dear guest? Let me get you a bowl as well."

Li Langyue rose and returned a curtsy. "No need, you're too kind."

"It's no trouble at all, no trouble. It's only right."

Li Mingwei spoke faintly, "Mother, that is my mother."


Old Lady Wang took a step back, skeptical. "Wasn't your mother the one who abandoned you after going bankrupt?"

Looking at her attire, it seemed her business had picked up again!

Li Langyue's expression darkened as she gritted her teeth, glaring at Li Mingwei. When had she ever abandoned her? When had she ever claimed that?

Li Mingwei choked, literally choked. Ah Xiu hurried over and patted her back. "My lady, are you alright?"

"I'm... fine..."

Oh no, she had forgotten to explain to the old lady, who still thought she was Older Sister Chunhua's sister.

She turned to Old Lady Wang. "Mother, wait until Liu Yizhu returns and let him explain. My mother didn't abandon me; that was just a rumor back then."

"Oh, oh, oh." Old Lady Wang turned and excitedly grasped Li Langyue's hand. "Mother-in-law! This is our first meeting. Wait here, let me get you some tangyuan."

"No need, no need. I've already eaten."

"I'll give you a small portion, just a taste. Do you like sugar? If you do, I'll add some brown sugar. We have plenty of good brown sugar at home. That little girl Mingwei doesn't like it sweet, so I didn't add any for her."

Li Langyue forced a smile. "I'm fine with either."

"Excellent, excellent. Ah Xiu, do you like sugar?"

Ah Xiu nodded and stepped forward to support her. "Let me go with you."

Seeing them leave, Li Langyue let out a soft exhale. This mother-in-law was a bit too enthusiastic, almost more than she could handle.


"You're still laughing!" Li Langyue glared at her daughter and strode over, swatting her. "How could you let your mother-in-law do such things? Don't we have servants at home? If her son sees this later, won't he blame you?"

"Blame me for what?" Li Mingwei spread her hands. "If his mother wasn't here, he'd have to cook for me anyway since I can't."

Well, now she could cook porridge!

Li Langyue paused, recalling that the Liu family wasn't very well-off before. They probably couldn't afford to hire help, so did her daughter have to do everything herself back then?

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