Chapter 167

The servant waiting at the city gate directed the carriage drivers, heading towards the residence where they were staying. As soon as they arrived, before the carriage even stopped, he jumped down and knocked on the door. The gatekeeper opened it, and after a quick glance inside, immediately ran into the courtyard.

Li Mingwei, who had just stepped off the carriage, was puzzled by their excitement and wondered why they were running so quickly, cautioning them not to fall.

She turned around, picked up her daughter Xiao Bing who had crawled out, and placed her on her lap. "Stay still and don't run around."

It was unclear if Xiao Bing understood, but she clung to Li Mingwei's leg and wouldn't let go.

Old Lady Wang handed Li Mingwei a bundle, then helped the carriage driver unload the other items from the carriage.



Li Mingwei turned around, immediately frowning. Liu Yizhu had grown thinner! He had lost weight, while she had gained some. What did this mean?

As soon as Liu Yizhu came out and met her disdainful gaze, he looked a little bewildered. He pulled her into an embrace, then looked up at Old Lady Wang, who was still on the carriage. "Mother, let me help you down."

Tang Jue tactfully went to assist Old Lady Wang off the carriage, asking solicitously, "Aunty, were you tired from the journey?"

Old Lady Wang smiled and shook her head. "No, not at all."

Liu Yizhu lowered his gaze to the girl in Li Mingwei's arms. "Is this Panpan? She's grown so big."

Li Mingwei freed one hand and pushed him away, then presented Xiao Bing, who was tightly clinging to her leg. "And there's an even bigger one here."

She looked down at Xiao Bing. "Call for your father."

Xiao Bing looked up at Liu Yizhu but didn't say anything. Li Mingwei was a little puzzled. "Didn't I teach you?"

Liu Yizhu crouched down and silently observed Xiao Bing for a moment. He reached out and patted her head, saying dejectedly, "Simiao doesn't even remember me anymore."

Old Lady Wang picked up her grandson, unconcerned. "The child is so young, and it's been such a long time since we last saw each other. It's normal for him not to remember. He'll be fine in a few days."

"Yeah, let's go inside first."

Tang Jue led the way. "Yes, yes, let's go in first. The kitchen is preparing the meal. Aunty and sister-in-law must be tired from the journey. Go and rest first."

Li Mingwei didn't need his guidance; she looked down at the daughter still sleeping in her arms and headed straight for the main courtyard. She was getting tired from carrying her and would put her back in the room to sleep.

Tang Jue scratched his head, thinking that his sister-in-law seemed even more familiar with this courtyard than he was.

When Li Mingwei reached the door of the main courtyard, she paused and glanced at Liu Yizhu, who had been accompanying her. "Will you be staying here or in the back?"


Liu Yizhu opened the door, revealing that he had prepared a cradle. Li Mingwei carefully placed her daughter in it, worried that the child would wake up and start crying, giving her a headache.



Li Mingwei turned around and hugged Liu Yizhu, who had closed the door and approached her. She pinched his face. "Doesn't Liu have enough monthly salary to afford food? You've lost so much weight."

Liu Yizhu didn't want to talk to her at the moment. He leaned down and kissed her lips, picking her up and carrying her towards the bed. Li Mingwei hurriedly clung to his arms, her dangling feet swaying in the air as she tried to struggle free, but he simply threw her onto the bed.

With Liu Yizhu pinning her down, she was even more immobile, unable to resist as his hands roamed over her body.


"Liu Yizhu~"

"I haven't bathed for two or three days!"

Liu Yizhu didn't intend to stop. He said in a low voice, "I'll draw you a bath after we're done."

Li Mingwei sighed and pushed away his head, which was nuzzling her neck, using her hand to cover his mouth. "No, I want to go out and see people tomorrow."

If she let him continue nibbling like that, she wouldn't be able to go home the next day.

Liu Yizhu paused, realizing that she probably wanted to return to the Li family home the next day. He pulled her hand away and moved on to other areas.

Old Lady Wang followed Tang Jue to her room and found it satisfactory. With servants there to help unload her belongings, she didn't need to worry, so she carried her grandson to the main courtyard, hoping for the father and son to bond.

She stood at the door and exchanged a glance with the maid who had led her there, whispering, "Perhaps we should leave."

The maid nodded, and they quietly left.

Liu Yizhu heard the voices and paused. "Sounds like Mother."

Li Mingwei pulled up the blanket, wrapping herself in it, and blinked her eyes rapidly. How could she go out now?

Liu Yizhu tugged the blanket away from her, smiling. "What are you afraid of? Let's go."

He leaned over, pressing down on her, but Li Mingwei dodged him. "That's enough. I have something to do tomorrow."

She was already quite tired and needed to conserve some energy to face her mother when she returned home.

Seeing that she only mentioned having something to do without telling him what it was, Liu Yizhu let out a light snort and turned away, lying on the bed with his back to her.

Li Mingwei thought he was unsatisfied with her refusal, so she kicked him. "Well, well, Lord Liu, you're learning to sulk at me now."

"How dare I?"

Li Mingwei rolled over and pinned him down, patting his cheek. "Liu Yizhu, don't act so petulant with me."

Liu Yizhu glanced at her sideways, then slapped her back.

He could no longer bear it and pushed Li Mingwei down, his eyes filled with resentment. "What do you have to do tomorrow?"

"Well..." Li Mingwei smiled sheepishly, unsure how to explain it to him. She wasn't certain about her mother's attitude yet and thought it best to wait a little longer.

Liu Yizhu looked directly at her. "I'll accompany you!"

"No need!" Li Mingwei pushed him away, retreating to the corner and waving her hands repeatedly. "No need, no need. I'll go by myself."

Liu Yizhu felt dejected, realizing that in her heart, he wasn't worthy of entering the Li family's door. He got up, put on his clothes, and went to the kitchen to draw water, his shattered little heart weighing heavily.

Li Mingwei tugged her own clothes back on, her brow tightly furrowed. Had he already found out about her situation? It shouldn't be considered a small matter, so it wouldn't be surprising if he had heard about it.

Oh no, she had unintentionally pricked his tender heart again.

She would have to explain it to him later.


Li Mingwei let out a long sigh and collapsed onto the bed. She had only returned to the Capital City for less than an hour, and she was already feeling exhausted again.

Liu Yizhu knocked on the door. "The water is ready."


"Your clothes are outside."

"Oh." Li Mingwei slapped her forehead, realizing why there were no clothes in the wardrobe: her luggage hadn't been unpacked yet. The Capital City really did drain her energy; she had become absent-minded as soon as she returned.

She wasn't sure if there was a Yuqing Temple in the Capital City, but she might as well go and pay her respects there before returning home.

After bathing, night had already fallen.

Liu Yizhu had brought her meal to the room. He took the towel from Li Mingwei and gently dried her damp hair. "Washing your hair so late, it won't dry for a while. It'll give you a headache later."

"I won't have time to wash it tomorrow morning."

Li Mingwei took a few bites of the dishes, then cautiously glanced at him before biting her lip and mumbling, "I'm going home tomorrow."

Liu Yizhu didn't hear her clearly and leaned closer. "What did you just say?"

"I... I'm going home tomorrow."

She looked up at Liu Yizhu, who didn't seem to react, and pursed her lips. He must have already known, and perhaps had known for a long time.

"Liu Yizhu~"


Li Mingwei coughed lightly and consulted with him. "Would it be alright if I take you back with me next time?"

This time, she would return and settle things with her mother first. Otherwise, what if her mother mistreated him? He wouldn't be able to retaliate.

Liu Yizhu could hardly believe what he had just heard. She was actually willing to take him back home! He moved behind her and hugged her. "What did you just say?"

"I said, would it be alright if I take you back with me next time?" She didn't want him to see her being punished; it would be so embarrassing. She was already the mother of two children, yet she still had to be disciplined. Tsk~

Liu Yizhu studied her expression, which didn't seem to be deceiving him. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and he nodded in agreement.

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