Chapter 150

As scheduled, Yang Jingyuan and Zhong Liangyu returned. It wasn't their first time visiting the Tang residence, so they didn't think too much about it. After settling their luggage, they turned to leave with the others.

Along the way, Wang Chunhua kept fiddling with her clothes, tugging it left and right. She would occasionally tug at Dong Shan too, much to his annoyance. He brushed her hand away, "Stop fidgeting. How many times have you done that already?"

"I..." Wang Chunhua was at a loss for words, turning to cling onto Li Mingwei with a displeased look.

Li Mingwei could only reassure her again, "It's alright, Lord Tang is very amiable."

Seeing her still unpleased, Li Mingwei had no choice but to point discreetly at Yang Jingyuan and the others, comparing, "Sister, you look much more poised than them. If they're not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Wang Chunhua thought about it and realized she was right. She had dressed up carefully today, so she should appear more composed than those who had just traveled.

Yang Jingyuan patted his own face, feeling he looked alright, and pointed at Zhong Liangyu, "Did you hear that? Sister-in-law said you don't look poised."

Zhong Liangyu glanced at him disdainfully, "Do you even know who she was referring to as sister-in-law?"

Li Mingwei felt awkward. She thought she had spoken softly enough, but these two did seem rather haggard. Perhaps they had stayed up reading?

Yang Jingyuan turned to ask her to judge, "Sister-in-law, who looks less poised?"

Without hesitation, Li Mingwei betrayed her own husband, pointing at Liu Yizhu, "Him, he looks the worst!"

Liu Yizhu opened his mouth to protest, but remembering he had offended her just yesterday, he could only nod reluctantly, "Yes, I look the worst."

Yang Jingyuan leaned on Zhong Liangyu's shoulder, laughing, only to be glared at fiercely by Liu Yizhu. He glared back unapologetically - it wasn't him who said it, why should he be bullied?

Tang Jue stood at the entrance, waving at them from afar before leading them inside, where Lord Tang and Lady Tang were already waiting.

Aside from Lord Tang's words of encouragement, it was just an ordinary meal. Li Mingwei noticed Wang Chunhua kept peeking behind the screen where Lord Tang was talking, unable to hold back her laughter and shaking her head.

Lady Tang, seated at the head of the table, smiled gently, "What's so funny?"

Wang Chunhua immediately gripped her clothes tightly and stammered, "Lady Tang, please excuse me. This... This is my first time meeting the County Lord."

"No need to worry. Once he finishes speaking, he will come over to greet you all."

Lady Tang's gaze fell on Li Mingwei as she raised her wine cup.

Li Mingwei understood and politely declined, "Please excuse me, Lady Tang. I cannot drink wine recently."

It was only then that Lady Tang remembered Li Mingwei was still nursing a child. She quickly had a maid replace it with plain water and apologized, "My apologies, I was forgetful." Li Mingwei smiled and shook her head. Wang Chunhua hurriedly raised her own wine cup, "Then I shall toast Lady Tang."

"Very well."

The three were not well acquainted, and with Wang Chunhua present, Lady Tang did not wish to pry into anything and inadvertently reveal her identity. The atmosphere was rather awkward, especially compared to the liveliness nearby.

Until the end, Wang Chunhua still complained, saying there was a dish in front of Lady Tang that looked delicious, but she couldn't get up and serve herself. She worried that since Lady Tang hadn't touched it, it might be thrown away eventually.

She grumbled, "These wealthy households, always wasting food. It would be great if I could eat it."

Li Mingwei understood her implication, "Sister, you didn't eat your fill, did you?"

Wang Chunhua touched her belly sheepishly and laughed, "A little bit, yes."

She didn't feel right continuing to eat after they had all put down their chopsticks.

Li Mingwei sighed and fell behind with her for a few steps. After drinking for a while, there weren't many shops still open, so they casually found a small stall and bought her two buns to fill her stomach.

The two women were biting into their buns on their way home when they saw Liu Yizhu and Dong Shan standing at the alley entrance like door gods, arms crossed and looking displeased at them.

"Where did you two go?"

Li Mingwei held up the bun, shielding her face, "Sister didn't eat her fill, so I bought her a bun."

Liu Yizhu snatched it from her, "Then what's that one in your hand?"

"Also a bun." She thought it looked rather tasty, so she bought one for herself too.


Liu Yizhu and Dong Shan exchanged a glance before dragging their respective wives back home.

Li Mingwei scurried to the next room, hoping to use her son as a shield against any potential scolding. However, Liu Yizhu scooped her up and tossed her back into their room, closing the door behind him.

"Where are you running off to?"

"To see our son. I haven't seen him all afternoon and I missed him."

Li Mingwei backed away a few steps, feeling uneasy. Liu Yizhu had been drinking today, and she didn't want to provoke him, so she tried to avoid him.

Catching a faint whiff of alcohol in the air, she put down the bun and inched towards the door, "You reek of wine. Let me fetch some hot water from the kitchen so you can wash up."

"I didn't drink that much. I'll go, do you want me to get some for you too?"

"Yes, please."

Liu Yizhu left, and Li Mingwei gathered her change of clothes and headed to the washroom. When he still hadn't returned, she went to the kitchen too.

Seeing him boiling water himself, Li Mingwei sat beside him and frowned, "Did the kitchen maid retire so early? We just got back and haven't even washed up yet."

Liu Yizhu explained, "No, I just wanted to sit alone for a bit, so I let her leave."

He was used to doing things himself and didn't find it inappropriate, unlike Li Mingwei who had grown up with a horde of maids and servants attending to her every need. He didn't know how they were supposed to behave and simply acted according to his own preferences.

"Then I'll leave too, so you can sit alone."

Sensing her displeasure in her tone, Liu Yizhu quickly held her back, "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you want to sit alone for a while? I don't want to disturb you."

"You're different from them." Liu Yizhu carefully pulled her back beside him and studied her expression, "Are you upset now?"

"No, I'm not." Li Mingwei leaned against his arm and puckered her lips at him to show she wasn't angry.

He hadn't yet grasped the concept of master and servant. What was the point of holding it against him?

Liu Yizhu tilted his head to look at her, "You don't mind the smell of wine on me now?"

"I do mind, but I can tolerate it."

Li Mingwei saw his still reddened eyes and spoke softly, "Husband..."


"Will you listen to me?"

"Have I ever not listened?"

"When you go to Chengzhou, you must get enough rest, understand? Even if you can't sleep, at least lie in bed and rest. Don't stay up all night reading - it'll damage your eyes." Li Mingwei pinched him in warning, "If you go blind, I won't want you anymore."

Liu Yizhu looked crestfallen, "You'd abandon your husband and child?"

"I won't abandon our child, he hasn't wronged me. But I'll abandon you."

"Alright." Liu Yizhu pursed his lips, pondering for a moment before asking, "Mingwei, if I don't perform well in the imperial examinations this time, will you not want me anymore?"

Li Mingwei inwardly cursed - she had hit his sore spot again. Trying to sound nonchalant, she said, "No, I won't. Only if you disobey me."


"Really, really." Li Mingwei took his hand and intertwined their fingers, softly reassuring him, "Don't overthink it. Just do your best."

"I'll wait for you to return."

No matter how you return, it's fine.

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