Chapter 118

After everyone had left, Old Lady Wang carried two large wooden basins, filled them with clear water, piled the used bowls and chopsticks to the side, and started washing them with Wang Chunhua, one washing while the other rinsing. Li Mingwei brought over two small stools for them and sat at the edge, watching them.

Her gaze fell upon the large pile of bowls and chopsticks. She carefully opened her mouth, "Are you sure you don't need my help?"

"No, no." Wang Chunhua was busy cleaning the bowls without even lifting her head to respond directly, "You coming over will only make things more chaotic."

After Liu Cuicui finished tidying up the kitchen, she also carried over a stool and sat next to them, "Sister-in-law, take a break. I'll come over to help."

Old Lady Wang lifted her head, smiled at Liu Cuicui, and handed her the towel in her hand. She took another towel from the window sill and extended an invitation, "Little Seven, stay for dinner tonight. Thank you for your help today."

Liu Cuicui accepted.

Following mother-in-law's instructions, Li Mingwei went to clear up the gifts they had received today. They were mostly eggs and pastries. The most special one was the basket of fresh peanuts that Cui Ying had brought over.

She took one out and tried it. It was quite sweet. So she brought them over to the yard table for the others to eat. Dong Lei didn't like eating these. He just stared longingly at the pastries. The desire in his eyes was almost overflowing.

When Wang Chunhua came over after cleaning up and saw this, she slapped him upside the head again.

Dong Lei yelped in pain, covering his head. Li Mingwei quickly went over to check that he was alright. Fortunately, it was nothing serious.

She helplessly said, "Sis, if he wants to eat them, just let him have a pack. There are still quite a few left. I haven't felt like eating sweets recently anyway, it would be a waste if they went bad."

"I'm telling you, you can't spoil children like this," Wang Chunhua sat next to her and patiently taught, "You're going to have your own child soon. Giving birth is not easy, bringing up children is even harder."

"I know I indulge him quite a bit at home normally. But we're outside right now. If he develops this habit of eyeing other people's treats longingly while we're at your place, when he goes to other people's houses in the future, at best others will say your child is greedy, at worst they'll say your child has no manners and wants everything in sight."

Her reasoning made sense. But still...

Li Mingwei's gaze fell upon the somewhat aggrieved Dong Lei. She couldn't go against her mother-in-law openly to stick up for him. She could only put the pastries away and have him eat peanuts instead.

She personally peeled and fed him a few, "Peanuts are very sweet too, just as sweet as pastries."

Wang Chunhua didn't want to bother with her anymore. She definitely can't let her be the one to bring up children in the future, too indulgent.

Liu Cuicui also grabbed a few peanuts to eat, then laughed and said, "They really are quite sweet this year, same sweetness as previous years. The sandy soil over where Little Ying's family lives is great for growing peanuts. They can harvest a lot every year and sell them for good money."

Li Mingwei noticed her way of addressing Cui Ying, and felt that they must have a pretty good relationship. She quietly asked, "Are you very close with Cui Ying?"

Old Lady Wang nodded, "They're neighbors after all. How could they not be close?"

I see.

Li Mingwei looked at Liu Cuicui a few more times. She suddenly felt a bit gossipy but wasn't sure if she should ask outright. She glanced around. Everyone in the yard were people she considered family. In the end, she couldn't resist.

She found a reasonable excuse for herself, "Cuicui, I noticed Cui Ying doesn't seem to like Ye Hui very much. Do you happen to know why? They both said they'll come find me to hang out over the next few days. I'm a little worried about saying something wrong."

Liu Cuicui looked at her staring over and thought there was something else. She laughed, "It's not that big of a deal. Auntie knows about it too, right?"

"Pah!" How could Old Lady Wang not know? She disdainfully said, "It's just that little thing. And Cui Ying still remembers it clearly. As for Ye Hui, hasn't she gotten her retribution, driven back home again? What does Cui Ying still have to be upset about?"

"Cui Ying has an older brother..."

Called Cui Jian. He used to be interested in Ye Hui. The two were about to get engaged when the Du Family, the ones who chased Ye Hui back, came to propose. After weighing both options, Ye Hui chose to marry into the county seat as a concubine instead.

Later, there were rumors outside that Cui Jian was spurned. Ye Hui would rather marry someone else as a lesser wife than marry him. People mocked how little she must think of him.

With the girl he liked about to marry someone else, and these insulting rumors, Cui Jian temporarily couldn't take the blow and got into a fight with the rumormonger. In the end, Cui Jian's parents still had to offer gifts and money to smooth things over.

And so the families of Ye Hui and Cui Ying became enemies.

Li Mingwei thought back to Cui Ying's clothing and accessories. The Cui family didn't seem lacking at all either. Why did Ye Hui have to stubbornly become a concubine instead of a proper wife? Was it just to give birth to a son for the Du family in exchange for a big house?

"How much money does it take to buy a house in the county seat?"

Everyone shook their heads, "Don't know."

"Then how much are the houses here in our town worth? Like our home and Sis' home?" Li Mingwei's gaze drifted between Old Lady Wang and Wang Chunhua.

Old Lady Wang hesitated for a bit, "Ours has been passed down through generations. I'm not too clear on the exact amount."

"Mine was bought by my grandfather. It cost over thirty taels back then," Dong Shan estimated.

The Dong home had a front yard and back yard, a main hall, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a storage room. It was considered very small, yet it still cost over thirty taels in a rural town like Qingshi. Houses in the county seat were probably double the price, around sixty to seventy taels.

So the grand house the Du Family promised was likely worth several hundred taels. For money-loving people, it was pretty tempting.

"Sister-in-law, you still shouldn't get too close with her. She doesn't have a good reputation now."

Li Mingwei pouted. It wasn't like her own reputation was stellar before. Aside from Sis Yun, barely anyone wanted to play with her. And now look who's being all discriminatory.

But everyone present didn't think highly of Ye Hui either, so she didn't bring it up again. Instead, she turned to look at Liu Cuicui, "Why does everyone call you Little Seven?"

"Because I'm the seventh child in my family."

Seven? Seven children?

That did seem like a bit much. Li Mingwei initially thought so too, but she also felt it was unrealistic. She awkwardly said, "Your parents sure have a loving relationship."

To raise seven children, they must be exhausted!

Li Mingwei shuddered. She didn't have that kind of courage. As long as this child was good-looking, one would be enough. If not, she'd consider whether to have a second one.

It was like Wang Chunhua could read her thoughts. She immediately laughed and asked, "You and brother-in-law also have a loving relationship, no? How many kids are you planning?"

"One or two is enough," Li Mingwei looked at Liu Cuicui and tentatively asked, "Wouldn't too many be very tiring?"

"I wouldn't know. I'm the youngest at home and haven't raised kids before. Though, my mother only managed to raise four children to adulthood."

So of the seven children, three died prematurely?

Li Mingwei bit her lip and quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know... I..."

"It's nothing. Everyone knows about it," Liu Cuicui said.


Li Mingwei still wanted to say something more, but Old Lady Wang was the first to stand up and end the conversation, "I think it's getting late. I'll go heat up the dishes and we can eat earlier. It gets very cold in the yard at night."


Seeing them leave, Li Mingwei felt a little dejected for prying too much. She turned and met Dong Lei's gaze. Dong Lei held out the peanut kernels in his little hand toward her.

She was in no mood for it, "You can eat them yourself."

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