Chapter 114

Hu Jin only realized at the very end that Qi Liwu disliked him because of the entrance exam results. Hu Jin ranked one place higher than Qi Liwu, and when Hu Jin stood up first to introduce himself wearing what he thought were his best clothes, Qi Liwu felt a hint of humiliation.

When Qi Liwu returned home, his father even slapped his exam papers in his face and yelled at him loudly: “Take a look at what you got in the exam, I, a teacher, raised a son like you. Do you think it’s shameful? Tell me!”

He pointed at Qi Liwu and said: “You can’t even score higher than someone from a village. How will the other teachers in the academy see me? They must be secretly laughing at me behind my back for raising such a good son!”

His father’s words were like needles, piercing Qi Liwu’s heart. His eyes turned red as he kept picturing that country bumpkin who stood up before him. His resentment deepened and finally turned into hatred.

Hu Jin smiled self-deprecatingly, “I’m also quite unlucky. If I had scored a little lower, perhaps things wouldn’t have turned out this way.”

Liu Yizhu frowned, “This has nothing to do with you. Don’t blame yourself for others’ faults. He disliked you over this, and he can certainly dislike you over something else another day. It makes no difference.”

Those inferior should reflect on themselves, study hard, and strive to surpass him one day, just like he surpassed Qi Liwu back then, and like how Zhong Liangyu surpasses him now. Who goes around trying to drag others into the mud?

Hu Jin stared blankly into the distance with confusion flashing across his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Liu Yizhu’s expression also darkened. He asked carefully, “Did you quit school because you couldn’t stand him?”

“I guess so. He was always like that and I really couldn’t take it anymore, so I fought with him and accidentally hurt him. My family isn’t well-off and can’t afford to pay that much in compensation...” said Hu Jin, not small in size and used to farm work at home, so he was quite strong. Qi Liwu truly couldn’t beat him. Also, Hu Jin had accumulated resentment for a long time and didn’t hold back at all when he struck, injuring Qi Liwu severely.

Qi Liwu had repeatedly bullied Hu Jin in the beginning. Hu Jin’s actions were in self-defense. Not only did some students at the academy know this, but Teacher Qi also knew about it. If this matter grew bigger, not only his son but he himself might get implicated too. In order to smooth things over, he waived Hu Jin’s compensation and only asked him to voluntarily withdraw from the academy.

Hu Jin couldn’t take out that much money, so he could only listen to Teacher Qi’s words and packed up his things to return home overnight.

Upon hearing that there was still such a teacher, Li Mingwei frowned, “Which Teacher Qi is it?”

Liu Yizhu shook his head, “He never taught me before, I’ve only heard of him. I didn’t actually know he was this kind of person.”

Right, someone like him still calls himself a teacher? What a joke! Li Mingwei secretly criticized in her heart, making a mental note to ask Lord Tang to investigate clearly later and definitely bring Teacher Qi down. People like him shouldn’t sully the reputation of teachers! If her maternal grandfather was here, he would have twisted Teacher Qi’s head off!

Seeing that Li Mingwei stopped talking, Liu Yizhu withdrew his gaze and turned to ask Hu Jin instead, “There is more than one academy in the county seat. Why didn’t you go study at another one?”

Hu Jin said helplessly, “My family already exhausted all their means to send me to Honghu Academy. But in less than a few months, I...”

“They were not willing to spend money on me again, and also lacked the ability to pay that sum again.”

After painstakingly saving for over ten years, their son had finally passed the county-level imperial examination and made something of himself, which made Hu Jin’s parents overjoyed. In order to smooth his future path, they specifically went to inquire in the county seat, pooled their money together and sent him to study at Honghu Academy, even taking on debt to do so.

But after just a few months, he was expelled from the academy for fighting. How could Hu Jin’s parents stand it? They almost severed ties with him in anger.

At first they wanted to take him to apologize to Qi Liwu, to see if he could be reinstated. But after enduring so much humiliation, how could Hu Jin possibly apologize? Left with no choice, he ran away from home in exasperation.

“I’ve already come out here, it’s not good to just return like this. I just want to earn some travel expenses now. I plan to participate in the Autumn Examination next year. If I succeed, I will go back. If not, I’ll wait another three years. I can’t just return empty-handed.”

Li Mingwei pursed her lips, looking somewhat like she wanted to cry. She raised her eyes to meet Mr. Jin’s also rather sympathetic gaze. He knew Hu Jin was not well off, but didn’t realize his situation was so dire.

The two looked at each other for a moment and both sighed.

Seeing this, Liu Yizhu also felt extremely distressed. Hu Jin patted him on the shoulder to comfort him instead, “Don’t worry, I’m doing quite well now. It’s quite convenient to work and read books here. And isn’t it about time for you to take the Autumn Examination next year too? Let’s take it together.”

“Alright, let’s do it together.” Liu Yizhu nodded lightly and patted Hu Jin back, then asked, “What books are you reading now? I have some extras you can borrow if you want.”

Unable to name many off the top of his head, Hu Jin brought Liu Yizhu to his room to take a look. The two stayed inside for a very long time.

Li Mingwei covered her eyes, lamenting, “His life is so miserable.”

Mr. Jin said with a smile, “You really are different now that you’re going to be a mother, your heart has softened.”

Li Mingwei looked at him accusingly, “Don’t you think he’s pitiful, Teacher?”

“Yes, yes, pitiful, satisfied?” Mr Jin replied.

But when in life has suffering ever paused? He had lost both parents before thirty. Doesn’t Li Mingwei think that’s miserable too? This little girl has truly experienced and seen too little in life!

Mr. Jin cast her a meaningful look, signaling for her to concentrate, “If you keep getting distracted like this, you’re going to lose.”

Only then did Li Mingwei lower her head to earnestly look at the chessboard, still feeling utterly indignant inside. She was determined to write to Lord Tang about this when she returned.

After taking a look at the books Hu Jin currently had, Liu Yizhu gained an understanding in his mind. He discussed academics with Hu Jin briefly before leaving to grab some books for him from home.

He invited, “Mr. Jin, come back with us too. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Elder Brother Hu. We can have dinner tonight and chat.”

Since Mr. Jin was bored by himself, he agreed with a nod and left together with them.

He put away the chess set and returned it to the room, then walked out with them.

Not forgetting to carefully support the quick, indignant steps of Li Mingwei forward, Liu Yizhu gently said, “Slow down a bit.”

Hu Jin only thought they were affectionate with each other and felt rather envious in his heart.

But when they reached the intersection outside the dessert shop, Li Mingwei refused to walk any further. She demanded, “I want sour plums.”

How could Liu Yizhu not oblige? He quickly brought her to buy some. Only then did Hu Jin come back to his senses, looking towards Mr. Jin, “Is my younger sister pregnant?” Mr. Jin nodded, “Not even three months yet. She said we can’t tell others for now.”

Although Hu Jin didn’t know why, he had heard this saying before too and didn’t ask further. He and Mr. Jin caught up to Liu Yizhu and Li Mingwei.

Because they were going home for dinner, Li Mingwei also bought a lot of desserts to bring over, getting Chen Jie to wrap them up together.

Seeing the pile of sour plums she bought the most of, and Liu Yizhu’s delicate care toward her, Chen Jie seemed to suddenly understand something.

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