Chapter 110

Every day in bed, Li Mingwei counted the days on her fingers. Other than taking medicine, eating, and sleeping, Old Lady Wang didn't allow her to do anything else.

Old Lady Wang even asked Mr. Jin to suspend Li Mingwei's classes, so every afternoon when she went to the school to cook, she would bring the meals back to Li Mingwei.

Li Mingwei was a little worried that it would be too much work for Mr. Jin, since he had just said recently that he lacked energy and could barely keep up. She couldn't help but secretly sneak over to take a look. When Old Lady Wang saw her appear in the school's backyard, her face immediately soured.

"Mother, can you let me sit somewhere else for a while? Being home alone is so stuffy," she said after already coming over, so what else could Old Lady Wang do? She could only bring over a chair and tell Li Mingwei to sit without moving around.

After class, Mr. Jin came to the backyard to eat his meal and unexpectedly saw her there too. "Why did you come? You're not feeling well physically so you should be lying down comfortably at home."

"I came to see how you were doing," Li Mingwei pulled over a stool for Mr. Jin to sit on. "How have you been recently? You're not too overwhelmed managing things alone right? I probably won't be able to teach for more than ten days or so."

"Oh, same as always," Mr Jin. sighed, seeming somewhat worried. "I wonder if the county office can find suitable people or not."

Ever since Liu Yizhu asked, the county had already sent people to understand the circumstances at the school. They said a replacement teacher would be dispatched after returning, and asked Mr. Jin to stay until the handover was complete. But it had already been a month and there was not even a shadow of anyone yet.

"I wonder if there is anyone from Qingshi Town willing to come," mused Li Mingwei.

In addition to the distance, Qingshi Town was poor. With just over twenty students, only bachelors like Mr. Jin could endure it. Anyone with a family or children to feed would find the income inadequate.

Seeing her fall silent, what could Mr. Jin not comprehend? But he couldn't just abandon these children and leave either, he still had to wait.

Dong Lei finished his meal and immediately shoveled a big mouthful in, just about to go back to the front yard to eat. But seeing them hanging their heads in worry, he ran over carrying his rice bowl.

"Auntie, Teacher, what's the matter with you two?"

Glancing over their empty table behind them, Dong Lei lifted his bowl of rice to Li Mingwei's mouth. "Auntie, do you not have food? You can have mine."

Mr. Jin objected with some dissatisfaction. "What about Teacher? Doesn't Teacher not have food either? How come you don't offer yours to Teacher?"

Dong Lei was bewildered for a moment before answering carefully, "Next time, okay? I’ll give it to Teacher next time. My mom said I have to take good care of Auntie now because she has my little brother or sister in her belly."

Li Mingwei laughed and ruffled his hair. "Auntie already ate, go eat your food. Since there’s no class tomorrow, do you want to come play at Auntie’s place?" She had been extremely bored home alone, playing with a kid would liven things up.

But Dong Lei shook his head.

Surprised at being rejected, Li Mingwei continued to entice him. "Auntie has snacks at home too."

After some hesitation, Dong Lei still shook his head, eyes filled with longing. "Can I pull some radishes first before going to Auntie’s for snacks?"

"Pull radishes?"

"Yeah, my mom asked me to help her pull radishes tomorrow since I promised her already. A man can't go back on his word."

As he spoke, Dong Lei's voice grew louder and he stood taller, seeming rather impressive.

Mr. Jin praised, "Very good, very good. Our little Lei keeps his promises and is an obedient child." He glanced at Li Mingwei meaningfully. "Unmoved by external enticements, very good."

Li Mingwei pouted. How did Sister Chunhua have such a good opportunity to pull radishes without telling her? She was going to be bored to illness at home. Why couldn't she go pull some radishes too?

Just as she was grumbling to herself, a child ran in carrying a rice bowl. "Teacher! Teacher! Someone is looking for you outside!"

Mr. Jin promptly got up and followed him out, unsure of who had come.

After Old Lady Wang finished preparing the dishes for the children, she brought them out, intending to eat. But Mr. Jin was nowhere to be seen. She was about to go to the front yard to take a look when Mr. Jin returned with someone in tow.

"Who's this?"

Hearing her speak, Li Mingwei looked back to see Mr. Jin followed by a tall man with hunched shoulders walking timidly, appearing to be in his early twenties. But his dull yellow clothes made him seem older than his years.

Mr. Jin looked back and beckoned him forward politely. The man dipped his head slightly and pulled his lips back in a silly grin.

They came forward and Mr. Jin nodded at Old Lady Wang, asking, "Is there still extra rice and dishes left?"

Sizing up the man behind Mr. Jin, Old Lady Wang nodded. She went to the kitchen to scrape up the leftovers from the children's bowls into a large serving bowl and brought out another set of chopsticks and bowl.

Mr. Jin pulled over a stool for the man and had him sit at the table before introducing him to Li Mingwei. "This is the new teacher sent by the county office, called Hu Jin."

"Oh no, not at all." Hu Jin waved his hands in denial. "I didn't come to be the teacher. I'm just here to help out temporarily. The officials said they would keep looking for someone to replace Teacher, but asked me to assist in some matters first before that."

Mr. Jin nodded. Having someone share the burden before a suitable long-term candidate could be found would be good too. Hu Jin had passed the county exam so teaching new students shouldn't pose an issue.

"That works too. Let me show you around this afternoon first. We can discuss the specifics tomorrow on our day off."

"Thank you, Teacher." Hu Jin bowed deeply and opened his mouth as if to say something more but then closed it again. His fingers twisted together anxiously before finally asking, "May I much is the monthly pay to work under you, Teacher?"

Mr Jin. was taken aback and laughed. "What did the officials tell you?"

"They said at minimum 300 wen a month," Hu Jin snuck a peek at Mr. Jin and said softly. "It can't go any lower or else I'll have to find other work. I only came because teaching allows me to read at the same time. That’s convenient for me."

"Read what?"

Hu Jin lowered his eyes, his voice tinged with helplessness. "Just random things. I plan to go to the provincial capital to take the autumn exam next year. I want to earn some travel money."

Old Lady Wang was astonished. "You want to take the autumn exam too? Doesn't that mean you passed the county exam?"

Seeing Hu Jin nod, Old Lady Wang's eyes popped even wider. She had gone with Liu Yizhu to visit the academy before where all the scholars studied. But none were like him at all.

Li Mingwei lightly coughed. "Mother."

Old Lady Wang promptly smoothed her expression and smiled. "Very good, very good. My son plans to go next year too so you can keep each other company."

Pleasantly surprised to meet a fellow candidate here, Hu Jin eagerly asked, "Where is Young Master now? Can I have the honor of meeting him?"

Old Lady Wang shook her head. "You can't now. He's studying in the county seat but I’ll have him come see you when he returns next month off. Fellow scholars must have much to discuss."

"The county seat?"

"Yes, Honghu Academy."

Hu Jin smiled but did not reply, only rubbed his hands and glanced at the table.

Li Mingwei saw the envy in his eyes. Considering his attire, she understood his circumstances. Even a year's tuition at Honghu Academy was expensive. He didn't even have travel funds for the autumn exam...

Wait, something was off, Li Mingwei suddenly recalled. Didn't passed scholars get 2 taels of silver per month? If he was a little frugal and saved up for 2-3 months, wouldn't that be enough for the travel fees?

But that was his private business so Li Mingwei didn't feel right prying in case his family had other urgent expenses.

As Mr. Jin noticed Hu Jin's awkwardness, he picked up his chopsticks and urged, "Alright, let's eat first before continuing our discussion."


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