The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 569: The Heart Of Fire

Oscar assaulted the barrier, all manners of his techniques and spells barraging the dense film of transparent Ein. Erden and Demon joined their attacks, surrounding the font of flowing Ein. Nothing worked. The barrier seemed impervious, nigh impregnable. Desperate, he clung to it, digging his fingers until the nails cracked and bled down his knuckles. Metal screeched as his Golden Drill spun fiercely, scraps of gold peeling off until his artificial arm touched the barrier.

"Don't waste your efforts. Your blood is not allowed inside this holy sanctum." Aiden said, sheathing his swords and feeding Borinn an elixir, the wounds caused by Erden visibly healing, closing to allow dense white fur to regrow. His words gave Oscar pause before his next attack could land, now still in mid-motion. Aiden peered down at the shining pit in the red lake, a glimmer of reverence gleaming from his white pupils. In mid-air, he knelt alongside Borinn and lowered his head, presumably to whatever lurked inside.

Oscar found no other option than to talk. At the very least, he needed to gather information, even if this was their loss. He retreated from the font of Ein and healed his and Erden's wounds through multiple elixirs, recalling Demon back to him as the Duality ceased. "What is this place? Who are you waiting for?"

Aiden lifted his head, gesturing for Oscar to come closer, but he refused. Chuckling, the Volten said, "Earlier, I said you and the others who dwelled on these lands had wasted their time, ignorant for hundreds if not thousands of years. If the Primaere of the Bloodlands understood what existed here, he would have done everything to claim it, but it does not belong to him."

"Then who does it belong to?" Oscar asked.

"You all believed the dragons themselves were the treasure, using them to build your great wall. Dragons guard their treasures, not themselves. They used their very bones and souls to hide away the true treasure. Your empire repurposed their bones and souls into Wyrmir after gaining the dragons' knowledge, yet the wily dragons kept the true purpose hidden even from their own memories." Aiden shook his head and sighed, creases of disappointment cracking his brow. "With the raising of Wyrmir dragging their corpses above the ground, the seal loosened, letting us finally break it."

"The purpose you lot involved yourselves was all for this place?" Oscar gnashed his teeth, fury burning from his heart. The countless corpses on the bloodied battlefields, the destroyed cities and homes, the burning of his farm…everything happened for this damned place. He wished to break into the wellspring of Ein and cut off Aiden's head, but he could only curse and pound his fist on the barrier, loud thuds sounding from each hit. His enraged shouts soon drowned them out. "You released your beasts and killed countless people! You forced many more to leave their homes!"

"I said it before. Insignificant worries for what is insignificant. What rests here is far more important than the lives of people who would have passed away sooner or later." Aiden lowered his head, staring deeply downward. "The blood of the firstborns, the Mythical Beasts, the blood and presence of the Volten progenitor, and the sparks of flame are the three keys. But to turn the keys is the clash of Reis. At first, I considered you unworthy to be my counterpart, but you improved and resonated with me. That final clash between you and I finally stirred it."

Oscar remained silent, realizing he…no, everyone in the war had been played for fools, all controlled by the New Dawn. Fierce light, akin to sunlight, surged stronger, the font of Ein pulsating in increasing increments, rippling vast amounts of Ein to all corners of the chamber. Everyone stopped their battle behind him and stared in amazement. In the center of the maelstrom, from the deep pit, something started to rise.

'This presence!' Oscar thought, feeling the ancient Ein wash over his body. It couldn't be. It felt too similar to when he dove into the Pools of Ascension, the tears of Esteres, the Ancient of Nature. Immediately, his mind turned to the great figures of Okeanes, Xures, and Metures, the Ancients of Water, Wind, and Metal. He snapped his head to Aiden. The swordsman mumbled a string of words akin to prayer and fully lowered his head, stretching his two hands out.

"An Ancient?!" Oscar shouted, fearing the worst. If an Ancient rose right now, nothing would remain. A simple walk from Okeanes nearly killed him and Avril.

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Something floated up, traveling through the center of the font of Ein. It was a beautiful flame of dozens of colors, each as vibrant as the other, even the deep black coursing inside. The fire waxed and waned in beats similar to a heartbeat. Staring at it, Oscar felt he was standing before an Ancient, his knees forcibly kneeling to the passing fire. It moved swiftly and landed on Aiden's hands, not burning even a single hair.

Rising to his feet, Aiden held the flame, deep reverence in his gaze, which shone multiple colors from the vibrant lights. "Long ago, in a time far removed from history, the Ancients warred against a terrifying enemy. Most Ancients now wander the world or remain still in their homes. But others perished. Witness the first fire, the heart of Ignyres, the Ancient of Fire."

"The heart of an Ancient…." Oscar swept into action and lashed onto the barrier, using all his might, calling up Erden and Demon once again. The Ancients were powerful beings of primordial origins. To have the heart of one bore ill for anyone against the New Dawn. He smashed his fist forward, the skin tearing off cleanly as his blood streaked down the barrier.

"It is futile. Ignyres has slept here for countless years, waiting to be awoken by a Volten. The dragons sealed his presence, hiding him from our gaze. But it's all meant to be." Aiden lifted Ignyres's heart. "With the aid of the New Dawn, we finally located it here. As an inhabitant of Talos, you dare to oppose the will of the Ancients?" His sharpened gaze locked onto Oscar.

"I don't care for any of that. Like you said, I'm not a Volten." Oscar panted, looking over his bloodied and broken left hand and his broken artificial fist. One of his blue antlers cracked off and fell. His Guise could not hold on any longer.

"That's enough, Oscar. We will meet again." Aiden's shadow lurked up, a dark figure hiding behind him. It inflated and expanded until a dark rectangular portal stood in its place. Borinn leaped across, disappearing into the portal, and Aiden turned, giving Oscar one last look as his foot passed into the shadows. "It's all for Talos."

"Don't give me that bullcrap!" Oscar bolted as the font of Ein ceased, allowing him to enter the once-isolated space. He fumed and clenched his broken hands. Shame overwhelmed his thoughts. The magma lake below slowly began to refill the deep pit as the churning surface began to quiet to a still. While his mind mulled over the devastating consequences of what had been lost today, he noticed something fly toward him, a small ember of many colors.

'What the?' It landed directly into his head, and Oscar lurched forward, his Guise breaking apart. Slowly losing consciousness, he twitched, struggling to fight back the darkness swelling over his vision. Erden caught him and flew away to the others. The rest of the New Dawn seemed to have retreated. The only solace he felt was to see his friends alive. Ultimately, he fell into darkness and sank into the deep recesses of his mind.

"Kekekekeke. Your memories are indeed interesting." A carefree, lively voice remarked.

"Who is it?" Oscar found himself in a dark space that resembled his inner world, but Demon and his Exolsia core were not with him. He searched around for the source of the voice, traveling through the darkness, his feet tapping clearly onto an indiscernible surface.

"For countless years, I have slumbered. For countless years, I endured. Child of Talos, I am here!" The voice cheered, something akin to scornful laughter echoing. Before him, a small ember, the very same that entered his forehead, appeared and floated. It swelled to a great blaze, transforming into a figure. Each finger burned a different color, and the limbs and body crackled with flowing magma that poured out from the two volcanoes on its shoulders. Flames ignited from every joint. Its head, a great flame that continuously spewed embers up to the trails of smoke, contained three glowing orbs that formed a triangle.

Oscar recognized the strange-looking figure, recalling it on the murals inside the palace of the frozen realm that depicted the Ancients and the divine people of blue. Nearly speechless, he found the words and asked, "Are you Ignyres?"

"The one and the same, child." Ignyres cackled, the crackling of fire filling the space. "It has been too long since my demise. Far too long. And I have chosen to enter you, Oscar Terr. Your life is quite interesting." The three orbs spiraled as the laughter continued.

"Why did you give yourself to Aiden? Why did you even come to me?" Oscar asked, baring his grievances.

Ignyres sat down and said, rubbing his fiery hand over a nonexistent chin, "He is a Volten, and the appearance of one to come here and fetch my heart has long been preordained. Sorry, child, but my heart has been set to follow the Volten."

"So why are you here?" The words and actions did not match. If Ignyres wished to follow the Volten, then he had no reason to enter his mind.

"Because I felt my old friend Metures's touch on you. I had a wild feeling that something drastic had changed for him to influence someone uninvolved. So, I split off my mind and part of my flame from my heart. And your memories, while entertaining, were shocking." Ignyres stood up and approached Oscar, standing at the same height as him. "Perhaps the plan has changed. Besides, I think I'll have more fun with you than that Volten."

The Ancient of Fire stretched out his hand. "How about it? Partners?"

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