The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 563: Wyrmir

On the balcony, Oscar decided to remain and gazed out from the edge, gripping the stone ledge. When the two suns poked their smooth, radiant heads over where the lands met the sky, surrounded by streams of clouds, the ground trembled, the rivers shook, and an immense amount of Ein burst out into great auroras. A great shadow rose, the sunlight blocked by its tall reaches, barely hopping over the top in thin arcs of weak light. Oscar stepped back and held his breath, speechless at the legend that had only been depicted in the history books, a sight that had never been seen in hundreds of years.

It was Wyrmir, the great and last gate. Its walls extended high like the spires of Dragonheart. Every few hundred feet apart rested a dragon's skull, mature dragons with open gaping maws that bared their fangs as if to deter intruders and large horns that gave them their awe-inspiring presence. The walkway atop the great wall seemed carved out from a dragon's spine, ivory bones comprising the steps along the long trek across the path. Rib-like protrusions stuck and hooked out from the spine, being the spokes along the ledges.

Every inch of this great wall, Wyrmir, contained a dense Ein, presumably from the bones of the mythical dragons they were created from. The legends described Wyrmir as the dragon's lair since the beasts were well known for protecting their hoards of treasures, and in this case, Wyrmir protected the last bastion of the empire. No mere siege could breach these defenses, and no fleet could fly across without facing the wrath of the dragons.

"While it is displeasing to see the other mythical beasts reduced to this, mere bones and ghosts. It is quite a sight." Erden stomped his hooves and strutted in the air, expanding his wings out fully and bellowing a mighty roar to Wyrmir. It was a sign of respect and honor between the two, a Prielapos and a dragon. A response came unexpectedly. A groan sounded out from nowhere, but a trace of powerful Ein washed over. They said Wyrmir had a weak consciousness lurking inside, a dormant mind that acted as an involuntary guardian.

"It is a splendid view. But it is not the beacon of hope people wish it to be." Oscar said, realizing he was trembling.

"Your words are true and hard to hear." Celestina walked over to his side. She grinned and teased him, "How can the beloved hero have such negative thoughts? That's quite the treason against the royal family."

Against her joke, Oscar found no response and simply smiled, letting her have a brief respite to behave freely during these daunting times. She understood just as well as him or perhaps even more due to her royal status, having the closest ties to Wyrmir. Indeed, it was a barrier against the worst but also became a cage for everyone inside, for the dragon never lets go of its hoard, not allowing a single gold piece to leave. To use it meant the empire was on its last legs, barely able to stand against the encroaching end.

Peering over to his right, he saw the princess lean forward on the ledge, the breeze running across her disheveled silver hair that hid her emerald eyes and cast a shadow over her fair face. He could not see her expression, but he knew she was biting her lips and lowering her eyes in tiredness and resignation. The long war had forced the brilliant and confident princess to keep up the facade despite losing ground after ground and leaving civilians and cities behind.

Now, it came down to the last barrier. A dozen cities rested in the small pocket of land, a terrible reminder of everything they lost. Remembering all the times she had comforted him during their student days, Oscar rested his hand over her head and caressed it gently as she did long ago. It took him back to the long times they talked and read in the library. With the gentlest voice he could muster, he said, "It'll be alright."

Her hair shuffled under his palm. She tucked her hair beside her ear, her lips curling up slightly. "Are you a prophet? How can you be so sure everything will turn out alright?"

"Just a feeling. The same kind I had when I stole away the Divine Essence." Oscar said, glad to see her mood improving, and joked.

Celestina widened her eyes and clenched her hands on his shoulders. Her raised voice stunned him, a rushed tone of anxiety spilling from her words. "That's not alright! You 'died' that time. Do you believe you will have that chance again? Look at your arm! Why do you always do the most outlandish things?"

"I'm sorry. I was being insensitive." Oscar apologized multiple times before Celestina finally calmed down. Once her rushed breaths calmed, he watched the Excrusier begin to cross the great Wyrmir. An intense pressure passed over him, his bones shivering to the marrow while his skin chilled to a pale frost. The Wyrmir emanated a powerful Ein; little wonder why it was the last and greatest defense.

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"Oscar." Celestina relaxed slightly after crossing the border and turned to him, locking gazes. "If the war is about to be lost, run."


"Run away and go to your wife. You have a place outside this empire. I will recommend the same to the others." Celestina said, her voice quite regal and overbearing as if giving a command.

"And what about you? What will you do if the war is almost lost?" Oscar crossed his arms, a stern look on his face.

Celestina smiled weakly, visibly tired by the second. Her cheeks were noticeably sunk in. She chuckled hoarsely while resting her hand on her rapier, "That's why I rejected you. As the princess, I will fight until death, until my bones are dust and blood is empty. That is my duty. The Dragnar will rise and fall with the empire."

"That's an admirable belief. But I have to say you're the one who's quite a doomsayer now. I wanted to ask if I could relinquish my titles and estates after the war ends. I'd prefer to live quietly on my parents' farm with Avril." Oscar looked at her, smiling widely. "Didn't I say it before? It'll be alright."

"You're a stubborn fool. How can you say it'll be alright?" Celestina asked, desperately pleading for an answer. Perhaps she lost her confidence after the breaking of the inner regions. Her fists pounded on his chest, one powerful blow after another, which felt like simple punches onto his steely body. Yet, each blow twisted his heart. Seeing her so agitated, falling into the depths of despair that contorted her features and dimmed her pupils, was saddening and painful.

"You are afraid. Terrified of what will happen. Death will not ease your suffering because you know the aftermath of what is to come. The empire will fall, and the people will suffer past your death. There will be nothing but endless regrets even as you pass on." Oscar said. He moved his artificial arm out of the bandages and glanced over the metallic plating. "I know. I saw nothing but regrets when it almost claimed me."

"Then, how can you stand here and be fearless?" Celestina asked.

"Because I have to fight. I have to defend my home. I have to survive." Oscar stated strongly. He stepped forward, towering over her. "It's not that I'm fearless, but thinking about the regrets and what might happen will get me nowhere. I am afraid. I am terrified. That's why I cling to the smallest hope. You know best out of everyone that that is what we've been doing the entire war. Tell me. Why do you despair now? We've been believing in a faint hope from the start."

Celestina went silent, her mouth gaping slightly open as if she had experienced a shock. After a few minutes of awkward silence, she lifted her hands slowly and slapped herself, causing Oscar to wince at the horrific sound of pain. Her cheeks red, she stomped her foot on the ground and exhaled loudly, the sharpness returning to her gaze. "You're right. You're absolutely correct. I nearly lost myself after leaving Greenwich City. Thank you, Oscar."

"I can't imagine the burdens you bear, having to think of every civilian and soldier, but that's why we're all here for you," Oscar said. "We're going to win, right?"

"Of course. That's the only path we can take, so we must win." Celestina said, regaining the former vigor she once lost. Smiling widely, she opened her arms and embraced him, pounding her fist on his back. It wasn't the hug between lovers he had with Avril nor the usual casual embraces between friends, but one between warriors out of respect and camaraderie. He tapped his fist on her back and completed the interaction, and the two separated, giving each other a salute.

"Good fortune to you, Margrave Terr. Let's win this war." Celestina said, lowering her hand from her chest. If anyone saw her red cheeks, which resulted from her slaps, they could have severe misunderstandings about what transpired here.

"And to you, my princess. May our empire be blessed." Oscar relaxed and patted Erden's head, who kept quiet the entire time.

The two shared the balcony, standing tall side-by-side during the Excrusier's journey deeper inside Wyrmir's region. Across the far distance, as they grew closer, a great city came into focus, one of the last bastions of their empire, Cartege City. Oscar floated away with Erden and Celestina for a closer look. The blue flags flew freely and widely over the sky. Massive crowds of civilians, the refugees who entered before Wrymir enclosed the area, underwent an exodus toward the city like moths to a flame.

"What?" Celestina shouted into the air, listening to the communication bead in her ear. "What are you saying?"

"Is something wrong?" Oscar asked, but his answer arrived soon after. The ground began to quake, chasms forming in the earth. What was going on? The refugees wailed, their cries rising to the Excrusier as many fell into the darkness of the chasms, which soon turned red from the magma leaking to the surface. Pure chaos. That was the only way it could be described. The magma spread over, forcing everyone to scamper away like mice, but the unfortunate ones let out bloodcurdling screams, an unsettling sound that sent shivers down his spine.

"Everyone! Depart and protect the civilians!" Celestina shouted, flying into action immediately.

Oscar flew off the Excrusier and met with the remnants of his Black Aegis Order. Their angered faces were understandable. This region inside Wyrmir should have been the last holdout, but there was no peace even here. Hurriedly, he commanded them to commence immediate rescue and evacuation. As they delved down from the Excrusier, something nagged at him.

Why did the ground suddenly erupt?

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