The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 539: The Opening Clash

High in the sky, the vast fleet separated into three smaller fleets, everyone wandering out to the decks and windows, casting watchful gazes to the horizon. Oscar sat on top of a large hull and meditated. Good preparation led to optimal fighting conditions, and he felt he needed every ounce of concentration for future battles. Following his lead, his Black Aegis Order entered meditation, a cascading effect taking hold of the other soldiers who copied them, the result he wanted from them.

A few hours later, the air became stifling, a discomfort spreading like a breeze of dust and choking everyone's lungs, faint coughs and gasps escaping their throats. Sensing the faint flickers of Ein rising, Oscar peered out, a solemn look befalling his expression. Out in the distance, on the other side of the wide plains, between the two enormous mountain ranges that overshadowed the highest ships, a cluster of figures approached with the two suns at their backs, casting deep shadows on the blades of grass underneath. At first, there were a few, then many, then a horrifying amount of great ships, steely hulls protecting their sides and pointed spears extending from their ends.

Oscar rose to his feet and flew off the airship, meeting with Phillip and Gavir at the forefront, their troops positioned behind. After a short greeting, he sighed, "That's quite the amount they've brought out here."

"This region is the second widest plains and the easiest route to cut behind the center army. Little wonder they've gathered this impressive showing." Gavir said, already having his spear in his large grip. "It falls to us to stop them here."

The regions between Delvar Fort and Arkenen City comprised plains and tall mountains. Unlike the Bellariach Mountains, far stronger Exalt Beasts lived here, and throwing a large fleet into beast territory was an unneeded provocation that could waste time, lives, and resources. Oscar studied the mountains to the left and right, sensing a few beasts of incredible power lingering nearby, the rulers of the mountains. Only a fool would traverse through them now.

A vast amount of Ein trembled through the air, and Abraham Raeven dashed across the sky with an entourage of Marshal Exalts and many airships, rising to the highest point. The enemy launched a similar offense and clashed against Abraham's forces. The two detachments collided violently, the sky burning black and red from the continuous thundering of cannons and spells. Below the raging fumes of war above, Oscar and the others stared down the remainder of the enemy fleet, a long distance apart, but he could feel their stares.

"So, who will take the honor of the first charge?" Gavir asked, reigning in his fighting spirit, more composed than before. The future Head of the Drakiri was more levelheaded than Oscar believed.

Oscar was about to suggest himself when Phillip interjected, "I'll go."

"You can't make this decision yourself, Phillip. The enemy hasn't set out yet, so there's time to discuss. I am the most well-suited for the initial clash." Oscar stated.

Phillip didn't look at the two of them, keeping his attention forward. "I can only assume with his Volstolf lineage and position as leader of the Drakiri here, Gavir is far more powerful than the norm. As for you, your towering figure is too eye-catching. Your strength will come into play later. Leave the opening battle to me."

"Very well. I look forward to seeing the Raeven sword in action." Gavir agreed and placed his spear behind his back.

"Fine. We'll leave it to you." Oscar clasped Phillip's shoulder before giving his consent.

Phillip raised his hand, his soldiers shouting behind him, and he set out into the fray, accompanied by a dozen airships and hundreds of Knight Exalts, a small amount, but enough for this opening clash. The opposing forces, waving their green and emerald banners of an eight-headed hydra and swirling winds, shouted in unison, fifteen airships charging ahead, surrounded by hundreds of Knight Exalts. The moment they reached a certain distance, the airships fired upon each other, vast arrays of burning Ein bursting from their guns. While the airships halted, Phillip led a frontal charge against the enemy Exalts.

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Many fell in a bloody mess, their bodies dropping to the plains where an ongoing battle between the ground forces was already underway. Phillip's sword flashed across, arms and heads flying off in the path of his burning blade. However, his power could not continue them forward. The enemy had experts of their own, combating Phillip's rampage and putting the battle into a stalemate. Slowly, Phillip's forces were on the back foot, retreating step by step since they were outnumbered, and Phillip's charge was stopped.

"Gavir, why did you send out Phillip first?" Oscar mounted Erden, his helmet crowning his head.

"Phillip is by no means weak. He's perfect for scoping out the enemy ranks; they have quite the competent people on their side. Are you setting out so early? The goal of our battle here is to defend. There's no need for to be on the offense." Gavir didn't show any signs of moving.

"It's not in me to stay back while others are fighting. Stay back here if you wish." Oscar melded his anima into Erden, already wreathed in flames and clad in sapphire armor. As one of the designated leaders, he had control over other battalions and airships. He grimaced at the sight of their forces slightly wavering and rushed out to intervene, driving his small fleet to attack from the side to pincer the enemy.

Brazenly, he ordered Erden to run faster, going ahead of the rest of his troops. The enemy already knew of his approach and diverted their attention to him, raining down spells and cannon fire onto his location. Erden roared, tensing up his legs, and swung his wings back, thrusting them faster. His antlers enlarged, a branching shield that resonated with Oscar's armament and deterred the enemy's attacks. Though the pain was bad as he felt it through their connection, Erden's efforts were enough.

Reaching the first row of Exalts, Oscar entered Pseudoguise and crackled flames through the air. With his left hand, he wielded his shield and the golden dragon's head of flaming teeth. With his right hand, Oscar stabbed his Golden Drill, deadly heat gathered in its spiraling tip. He stabbed through one's barrier of light and chomped down on another, his carnage breaking through the enemy's ranks, leaving only ashes and severed limbs in his trail. Some retaliated well, but Oscar blocked them and stalled long enough for Erden to swipe his sharp antlers across, bisecting them in two. Finally, his troops caught up since he was slowed down by culling his foes.

The airships rammed into the enemy's airships on the side, the pointed rams puncturing through the barriers, a metallic crash groaning and cracking. Flames burst from the insides of the thick steel hulls of the enemy's airships, and they broke apart into scatters of metal and wood. Several soldiers, the crews of the demolished airships, who could not fly fell to their demise, screaming until they were heard no more.

"Os! They're already trying to circle behind us!" Fred curved his blades and cut the throat of a Lower Knight Exalt.

"Leave it to Alec. It's his idea." Oscar bolted through a mass of enemies, combining his spells with Erden's antlers. Their battered figures floated around until the last light in their eyes dulled, and they became corpses raining down on the battlefield below. Fear, pleas for mercy, and angered cries of vengeance surrounded him, all directed at him, but he cared not for their voices of anguish and mercilessly cut and burned them out of existence.

He had no fear of leaving his back exposed.


Gavir watched, amazed by Oscar's display of power. "I heard about his accomplishments, but this is far too overwhelming. He is no doubt one of the keys to winning this battle."

Thanks to Oscar's interference, Phillip's forces found a second wind and began pushing back against the enemy. Gavir resisted the urge to join in the festival of war and turned to the rest of the enemy fleet positioned back. A third detachment was not coming.

"My Lord, the enemy is mounting a counter. We should set out to help them." One of the Drakiri advised.

Gavir eyed the second enemy wave and came to a decision. "That won't be necessary." From the start, he saw Oscar's forces split in two, one following Oscar and the other staying slightly back. This second force rushed out against the enemy, delaying them long enough for Oscar to clean up his end and rush out to meet the second wave, alleviating the forces that delayed them. It was a well-done strategy that used Oscar's overwhelming strength but also used him as bait. Gavir was amused by the daring, unknown person who thought of it and chuckled.

"Send a message to Margrave Terr and Lord Raeven to fall back. If he's too deep in, then even he won't have an easy time retreating." Gavir sent one of his men out. The enemy forces were on full retreat, but it was merely the opening clash. "Piece by piece, we have to pick them apart."

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