The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 524: His Own Estate

Resting atop an airship, Oscar meditated on the deck, feeling every tendril and mote of Ein streaming into his core. He popped open the cork from a vial and downed it in a single gulp, an iridescent glow pulsing from the pores of his skin, coating him in bright light. His core spun hungrily, devouring every bit of Ein at a fast pace, but not much progress could be seen in the stagnant core. Sighing depressingly with his shoulders slumping, Oscar quit meditating and opened his eyes to the splendid view.

At high noon, the two suns were positioned directly above, beaming its light over the clouds. A vast river was sandwiched between two vibrant plains of silvery grass. It and the silvery grass seemed to glint and sparkle under the soft, white light of the two suns, each ripple and wave catching the light and scattering it into flickers of rainbows, and the blades of grass glimmering as the winds swayed it back and forth. The Silverglades was as beautiful as depicted in the books.

To his side, Remulus Grant shuffled in his chair, placing his arms into his long sleeves. He said, "Your practice appears to be stuck."

"My core eats and eats but does not show any signs of progress. Even with Erden providing some supplemental Ein, it's not working." Oscar frowned.

"At the bottleneck, I see. The Pools of Ascension did more than just evolve your core to Grade Six, as impossible and outlandish as that sounds. You were immediately elevated to the peak of the Greater Knight Exalt realm." Remulus wandered around the small airship, circling Oscar with a studying gaze.

"Then why haven't I felt the pull of the Marshal Exalt realm? As a Grade Six, shouldn't I feel the advancement sooner than before?" Oscar scrunched his brow in confusion, crossing his arms and gripping tightly, a frustration building inside him.

"It still takes a long while. Our Grade Eights, like the princess and prince, needed ten years after achieving the Greater Knight Exalt realm to sense the opportunity. I suspect you'll have a slightly longer time." Remulus sighed and sat down in front of Oscar. "But there is a way to rush it."

"There is? What is it?" Oscar perked up, straightening his slumped back and listening at full attention.

"Anyone at the peak of Greater Knight Exalt can forcibly start the advancement even without the core signaling the ripe moment. As long as you have the proper elemental source, such as the elixirs you brought, you can try for it. But such a forceful method has two downsides. One is a severe lack of foundation that will require years, if not decades, to correct. The other is the risk of death, far worse than a normal attempt. The reason the Empress died all those years ago is because she attempted the early advancement." Remulus said sternly.

"If it's so risky, why tell me this?" Oscar asked.

"I'm only telling you this because you may be forced to do it in the most trying times. But right now, you are better off fighting in the war as a Knight Exalt, our trump card. Draven can handle the Marshal Exalts while you ravage the Knight Exalts," Remulus chuckled. "Though, that New Dawn you spoke of is still a concern."

"Grandmaster is right." Oscar nodded. The Pavilion Master gave him more vials of grade-three elixirs for Ein progression. But within them, he spotted a few vials out of place, a few bursting with elemental powers. "Are these not the space and time elixirs for advancing to Marshal Exalt?"

"Indeed they are. I have no use for them. As the person who found them, I'm leaving them in your hands. Sell them or give them away. They're yours." Remulus yawned. Then his eyes sharpened, and an indescribable pressure surrounded him. "To create all of these elixirs, including for space and time elements…I wonder what sort of people created them."

Oscar remained silent on the topic of the creators, the divine people of blue, and said, "They can be better used serving the Pavilion. Please take them back." He pushed the vials back to Remulus.

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"Nay! No one is suited for them. You have to realize how rare the space and time elements are. Only Draven and I possess them. Besides, the other elixirs you have given us are enough. We will have many more Marshal Exalts to join the fight." Remulus stated, pushing the vials back to Oscar.

Oscar scratched his head and resigned himself to the pushy grandmaster. He stored the space and time vials away. Suddenly, Erden roared to the sky, unfurling his antler wings to the fullest extent, like branches of a crystal tree. Turning to look, Oscar beheld Dragonheart, the royal capital of his home. Several watchtowers were placed on the silvery walls, shaped into dragons' heads, mouths wide open, revealing large and potent cannons. Behind the hundred-foot walls, tall towers stretched farther above, so many that Oscar wondered if there were any ordinary-sized houses within.

"Dragonheart City. Built upon the corpse of a fallen mythical dragon. See that palace there?" Remulus pointed at the largest building, where a dragon sculpture rested on its central dome. Its head pointed high as if it was roaring. "That is the Imperial Palace. Home of the Dragnar Family. That is where the Summer Gala will take place."

"Not even Convecia City could match this place. I always imagined coming here when I was a more accomplished Exalt." Oscar gazed in wonder at the spires, the bridges connecting the spires into a network of high-rise roads, and the sheer amount of airships arriving and departing. Truly, this place was the center of the Brilliant Drake Empire. The airship descended to Remulus's control and passed through the open gap in the barrier, landing directly in the port.

Immediately, rows of guards, clad in draconic blue armor with silver capes, stood along the path, stoic and perfectly in sync. They all took a knee and bowed their heads. From the pathway that the guards created, a person dressed in a fine ceremonial suit drew closer and bowed deeply like the guards. He spoke in a clear voice, laden with respect and a hint of fear despite the lack of trembling in his words, "Welcome, Pavilion Master. We did not expect you to return so soon."

"Bruno. Is everything ready as I requested?" Remulus said firmly, lacking the warmth and openness he showed to Oscar.

"Everything is prepared according to your wishes." Bruno never lifted his head, only answering to the ground.

"Good. Oscar, follow me." At his call, the guards and Bruno all trembled, peeking upward to stare at Oscar. Before he could address them, the Pavilion Master snorted, a wave of oppressive Ein forcing their heads back down. "Do not stare so rudely. I shall let it go this time."

Oscar followed Remulus down the path, the guards and Bruno all keeping their heads lowered. They had landed in a private sector of the port, hence the lack of the usual crowd Oscar knew always congested around in the public spaces. Without any interruptions or onlookers, Oscar felt more relieved. A carriage waited for them outside, bearing the mark of the Pavilion, windows blackened to prevent anyone from peering inside. Inside it, he relaxed on the soft cushion, a nice comfort away from the days he spent in meditation.

The windows were tinted, but it allowed him to see clearly from the inside. The carriage took them along a more secluded road meant for nobles and others to travel without being impeded by a crowd or waiting behind others. But some stuck their heads out of their carriages, gawking at Oscar. Even though they couldn't see him through the windows, he still felt their eyes on him, an unpleasant feeling that cramped his stomach. Exhaling deeply, Oscar turned away from the window and rested his head back, stroking Erden's fur.

The Pavilion Master was silent the entire time until they passed through a gate and arrived at a large mansion. Stepping out, Oscar was greeted by an entourage of maids and butlers, all dressed in the finest suits and uniforms, everything prim and proper to the lack of wrinkles along their fabric to the elegant bows in which none stepped out of place. He nodded to them and waited for the Pavilion Master to speak. He held no authority here.

"From now on, this mansion will belong to you, Oscar." Remulus dropped the sudden and unbelievable news on him. "I talked with Caires, and he said you deserved your estate in the capital. Don't worry about the servants. They've all been handpicked by me to accommodate all of your needs."

"Wouldn't I be out fighting all the time? What's the point of having an estate? I'll barely be using it." Oscar retorted. Staring at the large estate, including the courtyard of four fountains and beds of flowers, he compared it to his farm near Greenwich. Rather than stay here, he preferred the home he lost. The flowers could not compare to the fields of golden grain. The large marbled estate could not compare to the one-room house with clay shingles and straw on the roof. There were no hills to rest on, and the walls closed him to everything outside, like a caged bird.

Clasping Oscar's shoulder, Remulus patted as if he understood. "It's not your home. It's just a place to rest whenever you're in the capital. It signifies your status. If you wish to live in a more comfortable place outside, that is your right. But in the capital, this place will bear your name. Now, let's get you ready for the Summer Gala."

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