The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 487: Welcome Back To The Pavilion

Flying, Oscar basked in the warmth of the two suns, the blue sky now clear from the storm that had lasted for days, giving a refreshing shade, not darkness, through its white clouds. Of course, it wasn't a natural process or a divine providence welcoming him back, which would have been a nice gesture, but no. The Pavilion had always set it so the weather was consistent around its vicinity, always the ever-warm place for their students to live and return to feel comforted. Oscar grew excited, the weather being a sign that his destination was close, and picked up his speed.

Golden walls as high as the mountains stood from one end of the horizon to another, dispersing the unfortunate clouds into thin air. Streaks of deep sapphire outlined the edges and were bound into particular runic words and carvings along the surface of the gilded walls like testaments on monuments of olden times. Great spires rose from the walls to pierce the heavens like spears, looming over the lands as watchful overlooks. Blue flags, bearing the mark of a golden trident, swayed and unfurled to the winds, standing tall and proud for all to see.

The Blue Ocean Pavilion.

Long had Oscar wished to see the splendor of its grand halls. In all his years of travels, he had not seen any place comparable to the majesty and beauty before him. Something else stuck out, higher than the walls and spires. At first, he thought it was a tree, but no tree lacked branches, leaves, and bark. He scanned the strange towering object and realized its identity, the Divine Essence. The flower he once held in his hand had grown as large as the Great Tree in the Lands of Zeret. Its stem seemed like it would take hundreds of years for a man to chop down, and the beautiful rainbow petals had grown to the size of lakes, facing its blooming face toward the two suns.

He descended and landed softly on the paved road, walking in slow strides, one equally measured step after another, like a pilgrim returning to a holy land. Drawing closer, he felt the dense Ein of the Divine Essence around him. He compared it to diving into an ocean where he could breathe and drink the water. It was incredible. The Ein naturally seeped into his body through every pore, every breath, and every orifice. He could now understand why Divine Essences brought a rise in the number of Exalts. This Ein wasn't harmful to mortals; they would live, breathing in this amazing boon for the rest of their lives. They might not have Exolsia, but the Ein would seep deeper into their blood and bodies and increase the chances for their future generations to awaken Exolsias.

A blessing that cleansed the current and paved the way for the next generations to be prosperous–that was the Divine Essence.

Oscar considered that maybe a part of the Divine Essence could solve Avril's infertility. It broke the rules for him once and elevated him to a Knight Exalt against all odds, so it should have no problem helping his wife. He imagined having a family and settling on the farm and couldn't help but smile at the potential future. As the supposed hero of the Empire, he should have the right to ask for it. Finding a new purpose, Oscar quickened his pace and reached the looming gates of the Pavilion, a far cry from the gates that led to Metures, the Ancient of Metal, but still impressive.

A platoon of ten guards, clad in fine blue armor from head to toe, blocked the entrance, brandishing their weapons at Oscar and Fred. A tall one separated from the group and walked toward Oscar, grasping the sword on his waist, ready for any signs of retaliation and hostility. Unlike the others, this approaching soldier wore thicker armor with more emblems carved into his joints, and a cape flowed and swayed down his back. Undoubtedly, this man had to be the one in charge.

"Who are you? Speak quickly." The man demanded, slowly unsheathing his sword slightly past the hilt and letting his strength be known in the faint Ein emanating from his body. He was a Greater Knight Exalt.

"I am Frederick Klein. Returning from the eastern borders to pass on some news." Fred answered and showed his token.

"And you?" The man pointed at Oscar.

"I am the news." Oscar chuckled at his own joke.

Stolen content warning: this tale belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences elsewhere.

"I have no time for games. Reveal your identity and proof, or I will detain you." The man unsheathed his sword more as his voice dropped to a growl.

"You wouldn't believe me. Not many do." Oscar was tired of going through the same motions as in Drakken Port. He hesitated before saying, "I am Oscar Terr. Here is my token. I am home after a long time."

As he expected, the man didn't react kindly to his truthful yet unbelievable introduction. The man fully unsheathed his blade, and his platoon hurried over and surrounded Oscar and Fred, not holding back their Ein.

"Who are you?" The man said gravely. "How dare you use that name?"

"It's my name. One that my parents gave me. Can I just meet someone inside who can verify my identity?" Oscar suggested.

"As if anyone can vouch for someone impersonating a dead man and a hero."

"What about Fred? He's my best friend. Or are a hero's best friend's words not reliable?" Oscar gestured to Fred. "He would never mistake me for someone else."

"He can be under a spell. You're stronger than him, I can tell. Men! Arrest them!" The man commanded.

"Who are you going to arrest?" Someone intervened. His voice was so powerful that everyone except Oscar and Fred fell to their knees. It was the familiar, ragged voice he had always heard in his youth.

Oscar looked up from the fallen men, peering towards the gates that had swung open. An elderly man walked out in simple white robes. His back was hunched, and his brow was filled with more wrinkles than Oscar remembered. The men around him all prostrated, digging their faces into the stone. As the elder got closer, he started to laugh in slow, wheezing chuckles and studied Oscar from head to toe.

"You got taller, boy." Elder Saul smiled, revealing his gummy smile of little teeth.

"Elder Saul…you played everyone for a fool. Why is a Tricrown King Exalt playing as a gardener?" Oscar laughed and bowed before the jovial elder.

"Please. Be a Tricrown King Exalt yourself and ponder what else you can do with the time." Elder Saul crouched and patted Oscar on the head with a heavy sigh. "I sensed your presence and couldn't believe it, but here you are now, and it seems you have undergone many changes." He lifted Oscar to stand and waved him and Fred over to follow. The men still remained prostrated on the ground as they passed by and entered the Pavilion.

Nothing changed much except the Divine Essence sticking out like a sore thumb. The old familiar plains stretched everywhere as beautiful rivers of shimmering waters flowed lazily across. Young Exalts were meditating peacefully along the hills, and guards patrolled the marbled roads. Oscar shed a tear and quickly wiped it away. He followed Elder Saul into the air and floated above, seeing the old Azure City, the coliseums, the Inner Hall houses, the golden Spires of Ascension, and the great lake.

"How did you survive?" Elder Saul floated slowly. His speed was far beyond this, but he clearly slowed down on purpose.

"It'll be a long story. I'll tell you if you promise not to serve dry biscuits as refreshments." Oscar joked.

"Brat. Twenty years have passed, and you're still the cheeky child from before." Elder Saul said. "A Grade Six Exolsia and a Prielapos as your pet…what have you been through? And yes, I can sense him in your robes. Perks of being a vastly more powerful Exalt."

"Where are we going?" Oscar asked.

"To see your grandmaster." Elder Saul stated.

A short flight later, Oscar landed before the largest palace in the Pavilion, the Triton Hold. He once stood here when they had to depart for Ashen Grove, and now he stood here again to signal his return, albeit too late. Oscar went with Elder Saul and Fred, passing by the first wall, the shortest, the second, and finally, the third, the tallest. The courtyard circled Triton Hold, the white limestone edging on the gilded walls. On the heavy entrance of Triton Hold was the marking of the Trident.

Elder Saul snapped his fingers, and the doors opened. Oscar followed him inside. He had never been inside the fortress, so everything seemed so new. Beautiful pillars spiraled and coiled to hold up the ceilings, lined like dominos to the other ends of the main hall. Sculptures and engravings of great ocean beasts decorated the walls, sharks biting into their prey, great Krakens coiling around ships, and humongous whales simply taking up an entire section by themselves.

Everyone bowed as Oscar passed through with Elder Saul, receiving looks of reverence and adoration. Elder Saul didn't bother to return any acknowledgment and led Oscar and Fred into a hallway, climbing up spiraling crystal stairs and circling a deep pool of water. He banged on a door, and a voice responded, giving them affirmation to come inside.

"What is it, Saul?" Remulus Grant rubbed his bald head, looking slightly older than before. He still had not a single hair on his face, not even an eyebrow, and wore a simple blue robe. His green eyes shifted and gazed at Oscar, slowly widening into a blank stare. Oscar felt uncomfortable under that stare and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Your grand disciple is back. How do you feel?" Elder Saul laughed and gestured to Oscar.

Oscar stepped forward and bowed before his master's master. "Oscar Terr has returned and is ready to serve the Pavilion as he had sworn at the beginning."

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