The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 477: A Pyrrhic Victory

The sound of metal grinding stopped once Garantulem reached its optimal height, flying above the stretch of clouds, nothing above it except for the two suns. The red dots had now revealed their forms, banners of a scarlet griffon and red flames fluttering along the masts of the airships. Their great hulls cast a deep shadow on the white landscape of the clouds, making them appear like storm clouds, and indeed the storm was coming. It arrived with thunder, thunder that resounded and shook the clouds, followed by the whistling of winds like a high-pitched drop, and ended in a burst of flames a few miles away. The enemy had fired the first shot.

Oscar nearly buckled his knees as beads of sweat flowed down his chin. His bones creaked from the soul-crushing pressure, three to be exact. Outside another window, a second red fleet arrived, identical in number and accompanied by the same cacophony of their cannons firing. He sensed the source of the three presences coming from the far back of this second fleet.

Soon enough, the smoke and flames of the residue of the enemy's cannon explosions veiled the view from the window. Quickly, Garantulem's guns fired off rounds of airblasts, and the smog cleared away, putting the enemy in clear lines of sight. The enemy returned fire again, and obscurity returned, only to be blasted away by more airblasts. Oscar ran to the other side of the main bridge toward the window displaying the second red fleet, passing by the rushing troops, the rattling of their armor and weapons in discord with their uncoordinated steps, like an unorderly mob.

"Shipmaster…." Elias nodded, his warm smile dropping to a deep frown as he turned to the red fleet. Beside him, Susan greeted him and retreated to the side.

"Hugh said we should expect a response, but I didn't expect it to be like this." Oscar grimaced at the ever-exchanging view, still ordering Garantulem to blast away the enemy's created fog.

"Reni and Hugh are currently on standby. Still…." Elias grunted and tilted his head. "Why would the enemy let loose their presence like this? They're the same three who blockaded Drakken Port. Reni is certainly eager for a rematch."

"Tell the commander not to rush out. We're surrounded, but their ships don't appear to be specialized or unique. This can't be the reserves from their frontlines. What kind of scraps have they brought?" Oscar couldn't put a finger on it. Something seemed off about the enemy this time.

"I came here to say good luck. I'll be with Reni and Hugh." Elias patted Susan on the shoulder and left the two alone.

The enemy stopped a short forty miles away and began to shift, slowly moving to the side. Oscar also shifted along the main bridge to keep up with the enemy's movements, watching them from window to window. He stopped at the same spot he started from and realized they were circling Garatulem, swirling like a tornado, and he was in the center.

Thirty-nine miles apart, and the enemy stopped their firing.

Thirty-eight…thirty-seven…Oscar darted his eyes around to all the windows, unable to find a single place to settle and focus on. Their ships continued the strange movements. Thirty-six…thirty-five. He switched to Garantulem's view and waited, slightly gripping his sweaty hands together. Thirty miles! From a single command, the cannons fired. A single collective sound became the sole thing in his ears, and a burnt scent permeated the main bridge. Oscar didn't wince and ordered Garantulem to continue firing, his ears ringing from the sound of continuous bombardment.

His eyes narrowed, and he held his breath, scrutinizing the foe, confused at the enemy's response. They acted senselessly, shoving through the falling wreckages of their destroyed ships in a bullheaded rush to get closer. The enemy reached twenty miles away between the violent explosions and the burning flames of their fallen. Oscar activated the middle layer of ships, and they joined in the ceaseless drums of cannon fire.

Not a single Knight Exalt attempted to fly through to reach Garantulem. Not a single one attempted to protect their ships. They were like moths to a flame, set afire by their own self-destructive actions, never learning the futility of their efforts. Finally, the enemy reached ten miles away, and Oscar fired from the inner layer of the six high-tier airships.

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The enemy attacked in varying waves. One round of attacks came from the same side, joined together. The next round came from two sides. A few more attacked from all angles. Their cannons failed to pierce through Garantulem's barrier, not even creating ripples on the surfaces of Ein.

"Weird…." Oscar gripped the railing on the bridge. His attention focused on the back fleet where he felt the Marshal Exalts. "Why aren't they attacking?" He softly grunted and leaned forward over the railings, unable to believe his eyes. The enemy was now retreating, their large figures slowly returning into red dots that vanished underneath the sea of clouds.

"We won!" Susan cheered. Her shout of delight was soon joined by the battering of metal and the cheers of the others. Many stomped their feet around, practically prancing, and hugged each other.

"Enough!" Oscar silenced the others. "Go collect what resources we can find from the wreckage." He stared blankly out the window and frowned, heaving his chest up and down. A discomfort filled his heart, and he wondered what the enemy was trying to accomplish.


"Willet, you bastard. You dare drag us out here to watch that thing destroy our ships?!"

Willet didn't hear the scoldings of the Marshal Exalt and remained expressionless. Every fiber of his sense and being was fixated on the metal hulk in the distance. Even from afar, its great body was distinct and loomed like a black sun, an ominous sign from ancient times. Surely, if this weapon existed in the past, it would give more credence to the wild tales of the savage past.

"Black sun. That's a good name for it." Willet mumbled. "A black sun that has been the misfortune of our people in the rear but now the hope that can break open this war. Don't you agree, Sasel?"

"Yes. If we can capture this and apply its concept to even greater airships, the frontlines can be easily broken, and we will be the first to enter the inner regions." Sasel bowed.

"You little brat! Do you not have–"

"Shut up….you are all under my command. That means you follow my word and nothing more." Willet glared coldly, wishing he could be rid of this failure of a Marshal Exalt. But they all still had a role to play in his plan. "I'll give you the opportunity to fight as wildly as you wish when it arrives. The Marshal Exalt at Hathefin has died, so you're the only ones left in the rear. Know what that means? It means the responsibility is heavier on you. So go back and focus on the next battle."

The Marshal Exalt snarled and left with the others without saying a word. After their departure, Willet scoffed at the closed doors and sat down with his war council. He sipped a cup of wine and crossed his arms, staring at the crumbled-up depiction of the black sun weapon.

"My Lord. That black sun is a fearsome tool. As we have observed, it can rotate in any direction. I wonder how the inside is maintained so the people aren't disturbed by the constant turning." Shipmaster Gen laid out his findings for Willet to read.

"It had an easier time firing when faced with an attack from one side due to its rotation mechanism. As for an all-encompassing attack, it had to stay put. But as our fleet became stretched thin, they were easily blown apart." Willet laid down the report.

"To surround it will require far more airships to keep rushing in on those intervals between shots. But the tactic that got the deepest was the two-sided pincer. Their guns on the top and bottom couldn't aim directly at our ships in their arrow formation." Sasel had recorded the position of every ship before it was destroyed and showed it to everyone.

Captain Edgil laughed and said, "It's big but rigid. If two arrows bothered it, I suggest we use four. My Lord, I will lead them and take the black sun in your name."

"Four…not a bad idea." Willet cupped his chin. "The problem is the barrier. I didn't believe it at first, but the reports of its defenses are without exaggeration. We will need a good ram to break through it or open the passage through." He gazed to his left. "Shipmaster Gen, how many of the Vorpalare do we have?"

"My Lord is wise. But is it wise to utilize them? They–"

Willet interrupted. "I'm aware of their expenses and time consumed to create. We could garner all kinds of hell for wasting them or losing them. However, if we acquire this black sun, everything else is inconsequential. Instead of worrying about our current assets, think about the future."

Shipmaster Gen nodded and said, "Four."

Willet laughed, "Edgil's senses are still as sharp as ever. It's uncanny how you can be so accurate. Four Vorpalare, four arrows. That can work." Facing forward, he said, "Sasel, return to Drakken Port and assemble the rest of my fleet. Captain Edgil, ready the troops and prepare them for battle. Shipmaster Gen, think of the best setup for our arrow formations."

"Yes!" They all shouted and bowed.

"To victory, my dear brothers." Willet downed his wine and exhaled. He clenched his fist and vowed to return to Maia in victory. With the black sun and the decimation of the enemy at their backs, she would surely accept his affections. A slight smile was about to form on his lips, but he forcibly tightened to suppress it. He wasn't the victor yet.

"Enjoy this pyrrhic victory, my formidable enemy. Celebrate and get drunk on your delight. I'll soon stab into your hearts."

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