The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 475: Rising Tensions

A few months after the siege of Hathefin, Oscar sat in a council with the three Marshal Exalts of Drakken Port deep into the night. Large candles and oil lamps were set to brighten the room around them, but the wax had melted down to its base, and the oil was burning through its last drop. He had been in this meeting for several hours now when the two suns were still at their highest peak, yet their discussions had not died down in the slightest, only spurred endlessly by the harshness of a long war.

Before him was a map of the eastern seaboard. Several marks crossed out landscapes, towns, and cities. For the past few months, they had attacked several enemy bases and occupied territories with Garantulem as their key weapon. Oscar tilted his cup to his lips only to find it was empty, another disappointment. Although he had found many victories, none reached their true purpose, to drag out the enemy and weaken their frontlines for an opening to escape into the inner region.

Oscar put down his empty cup and gazed at the other Marshal Exalts. Reni's eyes were bloodshot, and her irritation distorted her usually stoic and confident countenance. Elias still had his warm smile, but Oscar could tell it was forced from how Elias tightly clenched his hands, making his knuckles bare white. Hugh…was the same as ever. Nothing could be discerned from his aged face, two-thirds in long facial hair and one-third in wrinkles.

"In the end, we may have been irritating as pests on their back, but pests we still are." Elias finally broke the silence. "What else can be said of their complete disregard for our activities?"

"Three Marshal Exalts at their backs is not a meager gathering of pests, Elias. Nor is the might of Garantulem. I refuse to believe they're not considering us." Reni scratched her right cheek over the scar.

"Perhaps a different approach is needed. One that will grab another's attention." Hugh said, wheezing with each breath. His wrinkled finger tapped on Garantulem's current location, miles away from shore. After a few taps, Hugh traced his finger north to the stretch of enemy bases along the northern half of the eastern shores.

Oscar immediately understood Hugh's meaning, and the others did as well, judging from their widened eyes. Why did all old people seem to have deranged problems? Oscar cut off his idle thoughts and returned to the problem and the wild solution. "Attack the territories under the Earth Core Academy and Black Tortoise Empire?"

"United they may be in their cause against us, but the divisions of the past cannot so easily be washed away even during a war for their lives." Hugh made a series of low grunts that Oscar interpreted to be laughter. The old Exalt was laughing. "They should know about our attacks south as well. Assault the Black Tortoise Empire, fly the banners of Drakken Port, and they will come to the Scarlet Griffon Empire for answers and to pressure them. This time, we will get a greater response."

"What if they double the number of Marshal Exalts?" Oscar asked. "So far, only the three Marshal Exalts who always attacked Drakken Port have been chasing us. Any more, and we may fail horribly."

"It's an idea. I didn't claim it was the best or the most sound and safe. I know it will get a better reaction than we've been getting. After all these months, the enemy stays within. This might be our chance. Attack a few towns and go quickly south under eyewitnesses." Hugh advised the others. His words no longer held the raspy tone of an old man at the end of their rope but one of a warrior, ready and poised to strike.

The bits of wax finally melted away, and the oil burned for a final spark before all the lights waned into darkness. Reni snapped her fingers, creating a small mote of light, and lit up the entire room. She laughed and pointed at a northern port, stabbing her finger intently and crossing out the location by tearing parts of the map. "The three of us alone can survive, but the same can't be said for everyone else. I say we do it. We can make the opening needed to get as many of us through the blockade on the frontlines."

"As commander, that is your call. What does the shipmaster think?" Elias asked Oscar. The other two turned their attention toward Oscar, waiting for an answer.

Reading the map, Oscar fixated his gaze on the long and wide stretch of land between them and the frontlines, a place filled with seas of enemies and fleets of gargantuan sizes that even Garantulem would be hard-pressed to break through. He went silent for a few minutes before giving a faint nod. "We'll be working Garantulem to its bare metal strips."

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The decision had been made. Oscar bid farewell to the three Marshal Exalts and retreated to his room. He leaned back and laid down on Erden's side, heaving a heavy sigh. He ate a beast core and meditated on the sweet taste of Ein, feeling better from the soothing flavor.

'Do you believe it'll work? It's quite a reckless plan.' Erden munched on his batch of cores and shuffled his body to let Oscar rest more comfortably.

'You can always abandon Garantulem and look for another way inside. Who cares about the lives of these people? They owe everything to you and Garantulem. It's only right that we can use them.' Demon spilled his poisonous words again.

'Since when did you believe in what's our right to do or not? You always did as you wished.' Oscar ate another core and downed it with an elixir.

'I don't. I speak from your view. You believe in these ridiculous concepts, not me. We have a better chance of surviving by ourselves. We could lie in wait for years until the empire can push back the invasion.' Demon peered into Oscar from the inner world.

'Survival is the key. While we should fight our hardest to get everyone through, we must consider ourselves first and foremost. If the situation is too dire, I can't believe I'm saying this, but follow Demon's plan.' Erden snorted and sneezed, a strong aversion to linking with Demon.

"We'll see how the enemy reacts…." Oscar didn't want to sleep in his bed tonight and rested on Erden's side.

The next week, he commanded Garantulem north into the territories occupied by the Black Tortoise Empire and devastated their towns and cities. Fleets fell before their might, stripped bare for Garantulem's needs. They recruited more Exalts to their ranks and quickly retreated south, awaiting the enemy's response.


In the remains of Drakken Port, a once iron-clad fortress city, droves of Exalts in red entered the city. The man flying in front zoomed over the city streets and descended near the fortress entrance. He saluted the soldiers at the sides and entered the throne room where three Marshal Exalts waited for him, two in red and one in black.

"They say Drakken Port is an iron fortress, metal coating every inch of the streets and buildings. Yet, there is nothing here, all gone." The man approached the three Marshal Exalts but did not bow. He removed his cloak and gave it to his attendant. His figure was dashing, garbed in a fine red uniform, and his face was handsome, glowing from his white hair and red eyes.

"Willet Claude. You are bold and arrogant. Kneel before us." One of the Marshal Exalts in red snarled.

"I'm afraid not. Your failures so far have undone any amount of authority you might have possessed." Willet smirked and held a large scroll. He snapped the cord around it to reveal the contents to the Marshal Exalts. "By the authority of General Drusus of our beloved Scarlet Griffon Empire and the approval of General Omon of the Black Tortoise Empire, I have been granted command of all the forces here, including the three of you."

"What?!!" The three Marshal Exalts all rose from their seats, disbelief swirling in their shaky wide eyes.

Willet handed the scroll to his attendant to give to the three Marshal Exalts. On the scroll were two distinct stamps, one of a red griffon and the other of a black tortoise, signatures of the two generals, and the written decree that gave him all power and leadership. He could see the three Marshal Exalts grow increasingly angered and distraught. But so what? They didn't dare to wrinkle the scroll in their hands, much less go against the orders on it.


"Why?" Willet sighed and shook his head. "We received a rather unkind missive from the Black Tortoise Empire. The enemy you've been chasing around went north and attacked several territories and destroyed a multitude of ships."

The two Marshal Exalts in red had lowered their heads, their face darkening into indescribable shame apparent over their brows. Willet sharpened his gaze and turned to the map hanging on the side wall, following along the crossed-out locations. He pointed at several northern territories and used his Ein to cross out more places.

"The responsibility falls mainly on our Undying Flame Sect and Scarlet Griffon Empire. We had two Marshal Exalts, and the enemy initially escaped to the south. Now we're pressured to deal with this threat since they've infringed on the Black Tortoise Empire. If any sense is left in you, you would realize the gravity of this failure and the embarrassment you've all caused us." Willet turned his back toward them and exited without waiting for their response. These dullards had caused too much trouble for the war already, and now he was forced to leave the frontlines to clean up their mess.

"Sir, the fleet has arrived as per your orders." His second-in-command, Sasel, bowed.

Willet flew into the air and beheld his fleet of airships. He smiled and said to Sasel, "Do you think a resounding victory here will stir the heart of my dear Maia?"

"To accomplish what three Marshal Exalts could not, and to take care of a problem plaguing two empires, will certainly put you in her good graces. Your greatness will sway the lady." Sasel said, still bowed.

Willet laughed and nodded, "I agree. Let's dedicate this victory to her."

His distant cousin from the main branch, Maia Claude, was always on his mind. Seeing her smiling figure as his goddess of victory, Willet clenched his fists and vowed to be victorious, to return to her with the accolades and acclaim to stand by her side. He only needed to destroy the enemy before him.

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