The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 466: Prisoner of Drakken Port

Swiftly, the dutiful lieutenant placed heavy restraints on Oscar's wrists and ankles, his men and the others posturing to act at any hint of retaliation. The bindings isolated Oscar from his Ein, seized his core, and constricted his anima, turning him into a subdued prisoner in his captor's eyes. He still maintained his flight since that was a function of his body, not the Ein itself.

"What about the beast?" A soldier asked Lieutenant Greyn, pointing his spear at Erden. He started to shout in excitement. "If my eyes don't deceive me, it's the mythical Prielapos! What a wondrous creature."

"Leave him be. He's been my companion and a good friend throughout the years. Have any thoughts about his core or antlers, and he'll slaughter you all." Oscar warned, glaring at the soldier. "You can also restrict him, but he's staying with me."

Several soldiers restrained Erden's hooves and neck, all seeming relieved at the lack of aggression. Oscar and Erden hovered in the air in chains, but he wasn't too worried about the lack of Ein. His fingers traced the restraints on his wrists, tapped them, and scratched them, gauging the material and hardness. It was well made and performed its function perfectly to inhibit Exalts. He only needed to use his Reis to break apart these bindings and escape if he had to. Hopefully, everything will be cleared up before taking drastic measures.

"No one touches them!" Susan shouted, waving the soldiers off with her staff. "This is insulting enough as it is. They don't need you to look down on them or with greed." A few soldiers were eyeing Erden with glints of greed and desire, forced away by Susan's flailing.

"Enough! Maintain a safe distance and encircle the prisoners. We return to Drakken Port." Lieutenant Greyn ordered with a powerful shout, displaying his authority. The soldiers fell in line and surrounded Oscar, treating him warily.

Oscar flew with the soldiers and Pavilion's people, heading north up the beaches. He closed his eyes and exhaled his irritation and frustration, but his frown remained. He never expected to be treated like a prisoner and enemy on his way back. His long twenty-year journey back home ended up quite pitifully for him, to be brought onto the shores of his homeland in chains. Opening his eyes, Oscar noticed Susan and Uren flying beside him. They were watching the others around him, treating him as an ally, not an enemy. Their trust in him was relieving and relaxed his anger, loosening the frown he had for a while.

After an hour of flying, he saw thick walls of stone and metal looming over the beaches. The steely walls surrounded the entire place, extending across the waters, where boats rowed through the gates along its length. Flying above, Oscar saw a pocket of the ocean held in place, sealed off from waters by the walls, and hundreds of boats docked inside. It was an impressive fleet. Oscar had never seen a gathering of ships like this in his lifetime. Every ship stationed here was a vessel created for war.

The more surprising was Drakken Port, a fortress port of incredible size, towering over a sprawling city of soldiers, merchants, and citizens. Everything was coated in steel plates, from the largest castle in the center to the houses near the walls. Taken aback, Oscar couldn't believe the sheer wealth used to boost the defenses by even the tiniest of margins with these steel plates.

"I had read about Drakken Port before, but I never thought it was this incredible," Oscar mumbled. "Truly, the iron fortress of the seas."

"You've never been here?" Susan asked.

"No, the furthest east I've ever been during my time in the Pavilion was the Sprialing Willow Forest," Oscar answered.

Their conversation was cut short by the bells ringing from the walls. Lieutenant Greyn led them down to the gates and confirmed his identity to the gatekeepers. They were greeted with praises and cheers from the populace; a few children stared with glittering eyes and raised their wooden sticks, waving them around like swords.

"It's good to see people still having high spirits. I wonder how everyone else is doing…." Oscar thought about his friends and family. Amid his pondering, Oscar was dragged to the castle, showered with hateful glares from the people around them, and shoved into a prison cell along with Erden, treated without care. He heard Susan shouting at the guards and threatening not to heal anyone if he was mistreated.

She entered Oscar's cell, frowning and fuming. "Sorry about the treatment. You're way too suspicious."

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"I can understand their wariness. What makes you so certain that I'm Oscar Terr?" Oscar asked, leaning back to get comfortable. His senses picked up the presence of three Marshal Exalts, who were not at all kind in revealing themselves to him. Escaping this cell was easy, but he would need to deal with the three Marshal Exalts.

"As if I'd mistake my savior for someone else. I realized it from a single glance. Also, you remembered me." Susan chuckled and took out some rations of bread and fish. "Rations are strained. It's good we're by the waters to get some fish. We might not need food and water as often, but it's good to fill your stomach."

"Thank you. I didn't eat at all." Oscar devoured the bread and fish without pause. He had rushed here without eating and drinking, so his stomach craved a good meal. Satisfied, Oscar patted Erden's head, running his fingers along the great white fur. "Can you tell me about the war so far? I heard it started ten years ago. That's quite odd considering the advantages of the Divine Essence."

"That's right. I'll have to start from the beginning. After we exited Ashen Grove with the Divine Essence, the fighting immediately broke out between our elders." Susan shivered, her hands gone white as a ghost. "It was frightening. Our Pavilion Master came himself to hold others back with the Dragnar Ancestor. The other side also brought their King Exalts, outnumbering us."

"But!" Susan perked up with a smile. "Elder Saul came out of nowhere and smacked several of them back. I couldn't believe it! That old gardener in the Outer Hall was the strongest Tricrown King Exalt!"

"Elder Saul?" Oscar remembered that old wrinkled man who enjoyed eating fruits and giving him dry biscuits. He knew Elder Saul was more than he seemed, but a Tricrown King Exalt? His thoughts paused in disbelief, never thinking Elder Saul would be that powerful.

The stages of a King Exalt went from Monocrown, Bicrown, and finally, Tricrown King Exalt. When a person advances to the King Exalt realm, their Ein manifests into a crown floating above their heads, starting with a single prong. Each subsequent advancement meant a new prong on their crown, ending at three prongs.

Elder Saul being a Tricrown King Exalt meant he was at the peak of King Exalts, which meant he was a step below the mysterious Primaere realm. This news filled Oscar with delight at his home having such a strong backer. But it also made him wonder, confused and curious, how he had attracted Elder Saul's interest to the point of even training him for a little bit.

The face of Metures came up in his mind. He remembered the Ancient of Metal mentioning Elder Saul as a former candidate and that it also played a part in him becoming one as well. The endless questions muddied his thoughts, and Oscar found no answer.

"Thanks to him, you all safely escaped. That doesn't explain the ten years after." Oscar forced away the questions on candidates, the Ancients, and others. He needed to focus on the present, on where he was now.

"After everything settled down, we all prepared for war. However, no attack came. I don't know, but they said something about an agreement and ten years. Sorry, I'm not high up to know." Susan apologized, her gaze sharpening right after. "When the ten years ended, we were attacked on all sides."

Susan narrated the events of the war so far, which lined up with what Oscar knew. The surprising detail she told was about the military academy that was set up years ago to take in the lower grade Exolsias the Pavilion rejected. They helped out tremendously as well-trained soldiers and commanders of the army, the fine result of a plan bearing fruit after a decade.

The rest of her topics focused on the happenings around the eastern shores of the Drakken Sea, the skirmishes, and the assaults they weathered through to keep this port safe. Her eyes dropped, and her words slowly lost their enthusiasm as she relayed her experiences. Her saddened figure slumped lower as inexplicable emotions flickered across her brow.

Oscar sighed and patted her head. "That's enough. You don't need to force yourself. Everyone's been through a lot in these years."

"Sorry. I can't help it." Susan covered and rubbed her reddened eyes. "It's just been a long ten years…."

"By the way, what's all the deal with me being a hero? How on earth did it spread so wide?" Oscar changed the topic. Being called a hero was strange. He never thought he would become so famous.

Susan brightened up and smiled widely. "That's because you dove in and took the Divine Essence away against all odds. All as a Grade Four! Everyone respected your sacrifice in bringing out the Divine Essence and praised you as a hero. Many people like Lieutenant Greyn and lower-grade Exalts see you as an idol because you showed that everyone can have an impact."

"Huh. I'll be damned." Oscar chuckled.

"It's like you told me a long time ago. It didn't matter the grade or realm. As long as we can do what we can, an opportunity can come." Susan was about to speak further when the fortress suddenly shook; an explosion of violent Ein could be felt above. She headed toward the gate and asked the prison guard, "What's going on?"

"Another attack! Quickly, go assist them." The prison guard opened the door and hurried for Susan to exit.

She paused and turned to Oscar. "I'll be back. Don't worry. We'll get you freed soon enough." Her feet dashed through the door and disappeared off to the stairs. The prison guard locked the door and watched the prisoners dutifully.

"An attack…." Oscar lifted his hands, holding the restraints at his eyes. He was contemplating his next move. "This sounds like either a good opportunity or a severe misunderstanding about to happen."

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