The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 463: Farewell And Homebound

Deep in the fortress airship that slipped past the reinforcements and was currently flying over parts unknown, Aldric, having recovered slightly from the battle, kneeled on a knee before a bowl, strange green flames flickering inside. He laid his sword flat on the ground and let go, placing his hands on his over his knee.

"I greet you, Deius." Aldric lowered his head before the fires representing the second-in-command of the New Dawn, Keeper Deius, above all but the leader.

"Aldric. What news to report?" The fire flickered, moving with each syllable. A magnetic voice of a well-mannered person spoke from within.

"We have lost Convecia City and Wolem Volten as well as the entire laboratory," Aldric reported.

"What?!" The fire raged into an inferno surrounding Aldric. "And you escaped with nothing to show for it! Tell me every detail."

"Helen Alkemar and Hector Brenor somehow knew about our activities. She confronted me and set the alchemists to attack, specifically setting the lab on fire."

"How is this possible? Did you betray us, Aldric? They are your former friends. Do you still have lingering attachments?" The flame imposed further, heating up Aldric's armor.

Ignoring the swelling fires around him, Aldric scoffed and stood up. "I have abandoned the facilities and destroyed all traces of our work. As a conciliation, I accumulated battle data for Kais on the Reis Core. As for how they knew, that is the point of concern. Helen was not convinced of my betrayal until I struck at her. I admit I acted rashly, but that means someone else's hand is in this."

"Who?" Deius asked from the flames.

"I don't know. But Helen mentioned a husband and wife as a question. I have a record of the census for Convecia in my hands. We can start by looking through the list of residents and recent visitors for married couples." Aldric picked up his sword.

"First, we lost an executive, a branch head, and an entire location in Shattirma. Now we have lost Convecia City. The leader will be most displeased." Deius sighed, the flames flickering away. The last of his voice sounded out, "Do not fail again, Aldric."

"I won't. I'll find whoever did this to us." Aldric took out a large book containing all the names of those who visited or lived in Convecia City. "I'll kill them and present their heads to the leader."


'It's so warm.' Oscar woke up. He smiled and realized where all the soothing warmth came from, his wife sleeping beside him, their noses nearly touching. His morning yawn stirred something in Avril, and she peeked her eyes open slowly. Her golden eyes underwent a series of changes, first confused, second focused with growing clarity, then finally locked onto Oscar with tender love spilling from her pupils.

'How can she be so damned–' His lips suddenly became dry, and he was parched. His body moved on its own, ahead of his mind, and placed his lips over hers, slowly prying them open and deepening the kiss. Her faint moans were trapped behind their locked lips, sounding ever so seductive as always, and she responded passionately.

After a while, Oscar parted from her, feeling her hot, rushed breaths on his face. She panted with a slight smile and gave Oscar a heated, entranced gaze, a wordless request. He grasped her message loud and clear and leaned closer to speak into her ear. "You had a lot of fun teasing me yesterday, right? Then, you won't be mad if I pay it back?"

"Eh?" Avril was startled, slowly pulling away. Suddenly, she yelped from Oscar's unexpected movements. He sat on the bed and placed Avril in front, hugging her from behind with a mischievous gleam. She seemed to catch onto what he was going to do and stammered out her pleas. "W-wait! T-that's going too far!"

Oscar ignored her words and kissed the nape of her neck, biting lightly for good measure and enjoying the softness. Her reaction came instantly. She arched her back like a bow and let out a cry of pleasure, her body quivering down to her toes. Not to let her relax, he reached his arms up to what she called his favorite place and kneaded, slowly unraveling her loose nightwear as her reactions intensified. Avril still had some sense and squirmed, trying to pry herself away from his attack on her neck and front. Oscar refused to let her go and continued his relentless pursuit. With each kiss and bite, she made the most adorable and alluring actions, kicking her legs on the bed, flailing her arms around until they rested limply by her side, and shouting out her lustful cries full of sweet honey.

She slumped weakly after a thorough torture of pleasure, leaning back against him. Everywhere from her face, ears, and shoulders flushed bright red like a tomato, and faint tears of exertion flowed down her cheeks. Oscar rotated her to sit on his lap to the side and drew closer to her face. She lit up the moment she caught sight of him, her eyes flashing with desire, and proactively sought a kiss, falling sideways with Oscar to the bed.

Seeing his wife so assertive, Oscar knew her mind had been flipped, her weak spot on the nape too effective in stirring up her lust. His excitement exceeded the limit of his reason, and he sought Avril with all his pent-up passion, built up and amplified by the worry and relief of yesterday's events. He kissed her teary eyes, kissed her cheeks, bit her ear, and kissed her neck, desiring to have every part of her.

The room soon became filled with a symphony of the sounds of their love for one another. They refused to let each other go, constantly entangled in the web of their lust and passion. Oscar never let go of Avril's eyes, staring into them without pause throughout the long, pleasure-ridden session; the prettiest jewels in the world could not compare to those glittering pupils.

Eventually, the morning turned to night without pause until, finally, the movements on the bed stopped.

"H-hubby…." Avril rested weakly on Oscar's bare chest, wrapped by a thin blanket. Her soft breathing felt like flames on his skin.

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Oscar caressed her hair and rubbed her bare back, watching her struggle to stay awake. He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well. You worked hard. We'll continue tomorrow morning."

"Mmm…." Avril moaned and fell asleep, her peaceful face with rosy cheeks putting Oscar at peace. She definitely did not listen to what he said.

"If there's a couple of things I have to be grateful for being stuck in Ashen Grove, it would be meeting Gol-4, Erden, and lastly, you. I love you, Avril." Oscar whispered. His vision started to dim and fade. His time to rest was here.

The next morning, Oscar was true to his word, much to Avril's complaints, and held her tight for another time of indescribable pleasure. This time, however, he ended it short before the afternoon and went to wash up with Avril. He washed her tenderly like she did for him yesterday and dressed her in casual clothes.

"You!" Avril pulled on both of his ears, barely able to shout since her voice had run out a while ago. She blushed deeply and wrangled his ears around without care. "She can't believe what sort of deviant her husband is!"

"I'm not sorry. I love you too much." His ears still tugged by Avril, Oscar smiled and opened the door to the other room. Erden sighed and yawned, walking over to them. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Erden."

"It's fine. Hector and Helen dropped some messages for the two of you to report to the guilds and assist in rebuilding and relief of Convecia." Erden stated, transforming into his smaller form.

"We were the reason this all started, so we should help them." Avril coughed, drinking water fervently to quench her sore throat. "The portals will open in four days. She wants to do her best for everyone."

They left their rooms and exited the Hilrest Tower to see Convecia City, or what remains after the disaster. The rumors of their hearty and strong mindset shone truth at the sight of people smiling while rebuilding houses and buildings, helping each other. Avril said farewell to Oscar and went over to the Alchemist Guild to help concoct elixirs for healing and exhaustion, carrying Erden with her.

Oscar passed through the many workers carrying lumber; some were Exalts, carrying far more materials. He found the rest of the fabricators and got his instructions to help construct a new palace, using good materials for the walls. The day was long and the work uneventful, but that was how Oscar liked it. After the fierce battles and near-despair at losing Avril and dying, he yearned for this respite, a quiet work without the strife of an Exalt. This peace for him would come to an end soon. The war back home waited for him to return as an Exalt, not some farmer or constructor, but a warrior.

Hector rewarded him with many grade-three cores for his hand in protecting Convecia City. Oscar licked his lips and gulped hungrily at the reward, immediately eating one to absorb. He ate ferociously with Erden and drank the elixirs rewarded by Helen, needing to gain power for the upcoming war.

At night, he and Avril returned to their room and resumed their love-filled activities. Avril even wore the enticing and heavily-seductive purple nightwear she bought earlier for Oscar to enjoy the view through the transparent cloth and further fanned the fires of his lust. He wanted nothing more than to be with her, hear her passionate moans and cries, feel the touch of her skin, and give her everything he could provide.

Their days passed on. Other than eating, training, and helping out in Convecia, they spent the rest of their hours in the deepest depths of their lustful desires. Avril never once refused Oscar's advances, just a few complaints here and there, but always sought to return his passion double-fold. He wanted the same for her, and they delved into an endless cycle of increasing pleasure.

Finally, the day finally arrived, the day the portals would open. Oscar packed up his things and left, holding hands with Avril the entire walk to the platform with the portals. Luckily, the explosion and earthquakes never reached this part, leaving it intact.

"The portals will open soon!" The portal master shouted.

"Farewell, young ones. You have changed Convecia for the better. I cannot thank you enough." Hector, in disguise, gripped Oscar's shoulder with a smile under his scruffy beard.

"Remember always to keep calm and never falter. I hope the two of you will be blessed on your journey." Helen bowed her head and gripped Hector's hand. Their love for each other had rekindled lately, and Oscar and Avril smiled brightly at their change of heart.

After the Marshal Exalts departed to continue their work, Oscar turned to Avril, and she turned to him. He didn't speak for a while before sighing. "We're too stubborn. I hope you can find your family."

"I hope you can end the war quickly and see your friends and family." Avril hugged him, and he hugged her back. She glanced up at him and bit her lip. "She doesn't want to let go but needs to take this step, as Old Yule said." Her eyes became moist with tears.

Oscar wiped her tears and smiled, "Don't make this a sad parting. It's only ten years. I want my last view of you to be one where you smile brightly."

Avril sniffed and held back her tears. "Do you remember what you promised me a few days ago?"

"Of course. I promise I will make it out alive. Even if there's an entire army in my way, I will return and find you. What about you?" Oscar held her hand and rested his forehead on hers.

"I promise. In ten years, I will come back and find you. If not, I will go looking or wait for you." Avril said, choking out her words. She raised an eyebrow and glanced down. Her eyes went wide, and she lifted her hand to see a ring on her left ring finger. "You…."

"I made this in secret while fixing up Convecia City. Do you like it?" Oscar showed her his finger, which had the same ring on it. He had forged the ring with a nice silver band and a golden intricate jewel as the finisher, complimenting Avril's golden eyes.

Avril's cries stopped, and her sad face turned bright, the golden pupils shining brighter than the two suns. Her smile blossomed and reached the corners of her cheeks. "I love it!"

Oscar lifted her in his arms and kissed her. The onlookers stared but turned away from a single growl from Erden, his deadly Ein emanating from his figure.

"The portals are open! The ways north, south, east, west are now available." The portal master shouted again.

Reluctantly, Oscar separated his lips from Avril and set her down. He got the view he wanted, a lasting smile on her face that was brimming with love and hope, not the sadness of their parting. Oscar paused and kept his stare on Avril, engraving this face in his memories, and she seemed to do the same.

"Farewell, my sweet wife." Oscar kept his heart hurt but kept his smile. "I'll see you soon."

"Goodbye, my tall, idiotic husband. Don't be so reckless with your life. And don't dare to cheat on me!" Avril seemed to be in high spirits to be joking.

Oscar couldn't help it and gave her one quick kiss before turning to leave. Halfway through, he took a quick peek behind him and met gazes with her, who did the same quick peek. They smiled at each other and turned back toward their portals.

He paid a sum of gold coins to the guard and breathed in. The swirling vortex of Ein was hypnotizing, something calling for him to enter. Oscar patted Erden on the head and stepped through the portal, the world and his body distorting, squeezing, and passing through a string of light.

Coming out the other end, Oscar found himself in a new city, surrounded by masses of people trying to enter the portals. He exhaled deeply and inhaled the fresh air. He took out a map and saw his current location dotted on a continent. Above it was a stretch of land with the words Farsky Continent written on it. He had been through so much for the sake of returning home to fight in the war. The memories of surviving Ashen Grove with Gol-4 and Erden, meeting Avril in the strange forest, traveling to the Burning Valley, training with Adam and Sevon, conquering cities, fighting against the New Dawn, meeting the Ancients and a Primaere, evolving in the Lands of Zeret, and freeing Convecia City all flowed in his mind.

"Let's go home."

Oscar was finally going to be home.

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