The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 440: Security

The blue Stormgate elixir rested in the vial, veins of thunder coursing like a pulse throughout the liquid. Confident of her craft, Avril handed the vial to Elder Roslin, holding it gently in her gloved hand. Elder Roslin wiped his glasses, gazed at Avril, and took the vial. With that, it was all settled. Avril stepped aside for Elder Roslin to judge the vial using tools. He was a true alchemist, utterly focused and meticulous in every movement and carefully handling her elixir. Avril clenched her hands softly as faint sounds of pondering came from Elder Roslin.

"Hmmm. I see." Elder Roslin poked a needle into the solution, dripped a drop into a tool that resembled a scale, and leaned closer to watch, his glasses a thread away. The scholar watched the reactions occurring in the drop, and his face brightened, the glow of the light of the room casting away the previous stiff aura. "Well done. The purity of this elixir is around eighty percent. Very passable for commercial use."

"Thank you for the compliment." Avril bowed. She was so excited she could barely contain it, holding it back to the point only her hands were trembling.

"Here is your three-star alchemist's badge. However, some questions for you before you leave." Elder Roslin gave her the badge. Her delight in receiving her first real step into alchemy was dampened by the stern gaze behind his glasses, forcing her to gulp audibly. Avril stiffened and waited for Elder Roslin's questions.

"Your husband made quite the purchase when you first arrived here. Do you know where he got the Wildersap?" His question confused her. A Wildersap? She avoided allowing confusion to show on her face, knowing this was related to Oscar. Avril closed her mouth, pondering what a Wildersap was until a possibility struck her.

'Is he referring to the golden sap from the Great Tree? Did Oscar take some when we left the Lands of Zeret?' She knew now how serious this was. That amazing healing sap surely would interest anyone, especially alchemists. Straining her head for an appropriate answer to avoid trouble, Avril opened her mouth and said as if it was not a big deal, "Our beast traveled to the Lands of Zeret by itself and brought back the Wildersap. My husband has a use for it."

Elder Roslin readjusted his glasses, never blinking at Avril, who remained silent. Being silent was the best strategy right now. She knew her big mouth might make things worse.

"I see." Elder Roslin dropped that topic and moved on, "We received reports that your husband is a fabricator." His tone dropped several degrees, causing a chill to travel down Avril's back. "While we don't forbid marriages, having a fabricator husband may be harsh for you in this guild. Others might cause trouble for you based solely on that."

Understanding what Elder Roslin was implying, Avril wanted to lash out and yell but only smiled wider. "That is my business. Besides, I won't be here for long. We'll be leaving when the portal opens two weeks later."

"It was just a warning. Don't take it to heart. While I despise those unruly fabricators, I won't intervene in someone's personal life. We're far better than that. Though, I can't say the same for those rowdy hammerheads. You can always stay here if things go south." Elder Roslin left the test room with a final word of congratulations.

Seeing his departing figure disappear out the door, Avril heaved a sigh of relief, leaning on the table for support. She raised his hands to the bright light of the ceiling, a few beams flickering past the gaps between her fingers onto her face. Her hand clenched as if it wished to grab the light, and she frowned, angered by Elder Roslin's words. "That bastard…She wishes she could take those glasses and smash them on the floor. How dare he insult Oscar?"

Her anger nearly overwhelmed her. Avril realized her hands were clenched so tightly that the seams of the gloves started to tear. She loosened her fists and relaxed on the table, a deep yearning escaping from her lips. "Let's go see Oscar."


In the Alchemist Guild, a receptionist led Oscar into a private room. Inside it, Gabriel Aldere stood and bowed to him. "Welcome, dear customer, Mr. Terr. We have been expecting you. The Wildersap pleased our most esteemed alchemist. She came out here to meet you herself." Gabriel gestured to another doorway.

A graceful middle-aged woman stepped through with measured steps, slow and elegant strides that exemplified her regal demeanor. She had rosy lips and white cheeks from makeup, and her brown hair flowed to one side, complimenting her blue eyes. Her blue robes swayed around her ankles and wrists, held from falling by the white sash across her waist. "I am Helen Alkemar. As a grade-four alchemist, working with the Wildersap gave me joy, a rarity to us humans."

"Hello, Lady Alkemar. I thank you for concocting the elixirs." Oscar bowed. A grade-four alchemist meant the lady before him was a Marshal Exalt.

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"Lady Alkemar is also the branch head of Convecia Alchemist Guild. She took the time out of her busy schedule to work, especially on your request." Gabriel smiled and backed away, exiting the room. Only Oscar and the powerful Helen remained.

"Here they are. The two elixirs. One grade-four Supreme Healing and one grade-three Pristine Glow." Helen held out a golden box and opened it to show the two elixirs resting on red velvet. She closed it and gave it to Oscar as she studied his face, not being polite in her wide gaze.

"May I know what the Guildmaster wants?" Uncomfortable from her staring, Oscar asked as he stored the box in his pocket.

"Nothing. Just a bit curious. Fabricators and alchemists are like oil and water, always at odds and never finding common ground. Even when creating golems, we separate ourselves, barely talking to each other. Take it as a personal interest of mine to wonder how you and your wife got together." Helen chuckled, hiding her laughter behind her sleeves. Still, Oscar caught a glimpse of something other than playfulness. A sadness leaked from her eyes.

"Through lots of things. Lots of life-threatening events. I'm not the only one. I remember someone else boasting of their great marriage with their alchemist wife." Gol-4 never shut up about his various wives, some of whom were alchemists. Oscar regretted not listening more to the golem's outlandish tales of his past. A bitter taste filled his mouth as his heart ached. 'You can never know when they might be gone.'

Helen gave Oscar another glance over, judging him from head to toe. "I suppose there are always exceptions to the standard. Your wife may have a hard time in the guild by the prejudice against fabricators here. Both sides begrudgingly sell our products to each other, but we're far from being friends."

"To that end. May I request something?" Oscar stared unwaveringly.

"Often, when someone requests, there must be a price to pay." Helen rubbed her thumb and fingers together, indicating what she wanted.

Oscar retrieved a third vial of Wildersap, smiling at Helen's stunned look. He didn't give her the vial yet and waited for her to speak. For a negotiation like this, he needed to have some control in this conversation, or else all would be at Helen's discretion.

"Cheeky little brat. I am probably twice your age or more, and you dare to negotiate as an equal. Haha. I don't know if the fabricator trait of being so stone-headed is a good thing, but it's quite nostalgic." Helen rested her hands by her side, a playful smile across her lips. "Fine. What is your request?"

"In exchange for this. I want your guarantee that nothing will happen to me and my wife until we leave this place two weeks later." Oscar gripped the vial of Wildersap.

"You want a good backing for your duration. Why the fuss? You're leaving in two weeks anyway. Just hole up in your room and move on." Helen focused on the vial, never letting it leave her sight.

"I've already given many others a reason to be interested in what I might have. Suppose someone followed me from the alchemist's guild, or someone saw me taken to a private room and decided to look into me." Oscar held out the Wildersap. "I don't want there to be any chances. I want full protection for me and my wife."

"And what's to stop me from just taking everything you have right now and searching through your space pocket." Erden's growl from the side didn't intimate Helen. Her Ein rose dangerously, taking control of the room and leaving them with no way out.

"Well, if you try anything, I think the fabricator's guild would know. I am due to see them tomorrow for some work, and Hector personally said he will ensure our protection. I'm sure he'll have no trouble causing chaos in the Alchemist Guild. It's what fabricators enjoy the most." Oscar resisted the hostile Ein. He knew Helen was simply gauging his reactions. If she truly wanted him dead, she wouldn't need to talk.

"Hector…that old bearded coot? You already have his protection, and now you want mine as well? Quite greedy, aren't you? Your poor wife must be at her wit's end." Helen twitched at the mention of Hector and snarked back.

"Two is better than one. Anything to protect us." Oscar walked up with the vial. "Do you agree?"

Helen was silent for a few seconds. Then, she laughed, her hair becoming disheveled from how hard she laughed. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Helen swiped the vial away, a motion Oscar couldn't even see. "Agreed. If that Hector can even get off his sleepy rear to help you, then as a superior alchemist, I can't fall behind. Besides, seeing you do all this for your wife is quite sweet. Alright. Off you go. Your wife's exam should be finished." She walked out the other door.

'Phew. That was close, but we did it.' Oscar was delighted to have the protection of the Alchemist Guild and Fabricator Guild. 'From how she regarded Hector, he must also be a Marshal Exalt or someone of equivalent status. Is he the branch head?'

'Did we have to waste another vial to get her protection?' Erden walked out with Oscar.

'Any amount of resources is inconsequential if it means surviving.' Demon's cold voice spoke from within. 'An event like the Grand Gamble is a gathering of factions. Who knows if any might stir up trouble? A safe means home is our priority, not the resources.'

'Hate to say it. Demon's right. Even though it's all my idea.' Oscar walked outside, where he saw Avril come out. She seemed lively as she ran toward him and hugged him without reserve.

"Huh?" Oscar wondered what had come over her. "Is anything wrong, Avril?"

"Nothing. I just feel much better now." Avril sighed and hugged tighter.

Strange gazes and whispers surrounded them. Oscar quickly dragged Avril out of the Alchemist Guild, his face slightly red from embarrassment. Something definitely happened to her in there that made her act so strangely. He was sure of it. Oscar led her up the Hilrest Tower and showed her to her room, a sizeable place with a table, couch, and wide bed.

"This door connects the two rooms, so if you need anything, just knock." Oscar knocked on the middle door and opened it to show his room. As Avril got settled in her room, Oscar placed the golden box on the table. "I got you a gift."

"A gift?" Her curious figure neared the table, overlooking the box.

Oscar opened it to show the two elixirs he painstakingly bought with many space pockets and Wildersap. All of it for her. "You'll love it."

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