The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 436: Purchasing An Elixir

After Oscar was led into a grand room with a soft, clean sofa under the glittering light of glass chandeliers adorned by immaculate glass birds, the receptionist told him to wait for the next available officer. Minutes later, a well-dressed person entered the room, a stern expression betraying the few wrinkles along his brow, emanating the power of a Greater Knight Exalt.

"Welcome. I understand you wish to purchase a grade-four Supreme Healing elixir. May I know the name of the valued customer?" The officer was dressed in fine blue fabric, woven to fit his figure, buttoned up to the collar, giving Oscar the impression of a scholar. A fine black belt secured the man's waist as the rest of his robes flowed freely to the ground.

"I am Oscar Terr." Oscar nodded.

"Welcome, Mr. Terr, to the Convecia Alchemist Guild. I am Gabriel Aldere. To get you a fair price and priority for the two elixirs, especially the grade four, I suggest you upgrade your membership to gold. But platinum would be best if you could afford it." Gabriel never moved from his fine posture, his back like a spear stabbing straight to the sky.

Without a word, Oscar took out his second space pocket and poured out several grade-three ores and herbs. Seeing no reaction from Gabriel, he held in his scoff and placed more on the crystal table. Finally, Gabriel twitched in his seat.

"That is enough to take you to gold membership. But not enough for platinum." Gabriel carefully appraised each item Oscar put out with a faint nod of approval.

Oscar leaned in closer and said in a low whisper, "What if I can provide a key ingredient for the grade-four Supreme Healing and extra for elevating my status to platinum membership."

"Well…that sounds like a good deal." Gabriel's eyes gleamed with interest. "Show me."

Oscar took out a small vial of golden sap. He had separated the glob he received from Hons in the leaf wrapping into multiple vials for this occasion. Bringing out too much at once sounded like a disaster waiting to happen.

"The Wildersap? Grade-four? Where did you get this?" Gabriel's face finally fell into shock, losing the previous prestige and professional look. "This is a rare material, only found in the Lands of Zeret. A human can not simply walk in a get…." His eyes focused and narrowed on Erden, his lips parting like a fish. "Did your beast procure this for you?"

"How I got it does not concern you, does it? I want to know what this vial can do for me. Can it get me a platinum membership?" Oscar didn't correct Gabriel's misunderstanding—the fewer who knew about his Blood Transmutation, the better. It worked out perfectly for him to have an explanation for this sap being in his possession, even if it was a false one.

"This vial can get you the platinum membership and more points to work toward the orichalcum membership. However, it might be cheaper to offer this as material for the elixir with your gold discount."

Oscar pulled out another vial of Wildersap, making Gabriel stand up, his hands hitting the crystal table. Gabriel's fervent gaze was alarming. Oscar clenched his fists, wondering what kind of trouble might find him if word spread. "These two vials….Use one to give me a platinum membership and the other as material for my request. Can I trust the Alchemist's Guild will not disclose any of this?"

Gabriel inhaled deeply and returned to his proper posture, losing the outbreak of emotion from earlier. "Yes. We ensure there is no leak of any information, barring extenuating circumstances." He snapped his fingers and nodded to the attendant who entered at his call. "Take Mr. Terr's silver token and bring him a platinum one."

As quickly as she left, the attendant returned, carrying a golden tray with a red pillow. In the center of the red pillow a shining platinum card. Gabriel picked up the platinum card as if it were the most precious and delicate gem and held it out for Oscar to take.

Taking the card, Oscar stored it in his space pocket and slid one vial of Wildersap to Gabriel, who received it and placed it on the attendant's tray. The first part of the transaction had ended. Oscar held the second vial, fiddling it around in his palm, and placed it back on the table with a soft thud. "How much will the grade-four Supreme Healing elixir and grade-three Pristine Glow elixir cost if I give you this with the platinum discount?"

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Gabriel set out a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled some numbers neatly on the white sheet and handed the paper to Oscar. "The calculated cost. You can see the full original cost here, followed by the deductions from your platinum membership and the donation of the Wildersap."

As Gabriel said, the paper was detailed in every cost broken down to the other materials, the cost of hiring the alchemist, and the commission to the guild. Everything looked up to standards and norms, but the price was still staggering. Oscar took out ten space pockets, piled them on the table, and placed the vial on top. He had come prepared, storing everything in the dimensional cube in Erden's stomach. With no money, he only possessed his materials and space pockets as payment. He felt relieved to have the Wildersap because the price would have been astronomically worse without it.

"Ten space pockets….To my knowledge, you'll need two more empty ones." Before Gabriel could finish speaking, Oscar took out two more and put them on the table. His constantly shocked face nearly made Oscar burst into laughter to see this prim and proper alchemist be overwhelmed. Gabriel coughed and patted his robes to clear up some creases. "Mr. Terr has quite the wealth. This Gabriel Aldere will ensure we hire the services of one of the best alchemists in the city. I'll personally visit her shop in the northern district and have her work on it."

"Am I the first in her queue?" Oscar asked.

"I will make sure to satisfy your requirements. Isn't your wife currently taking the three-star examination? Please enjoy the city for a few days and come back. I will have your two elixirs ready for you by then." Gabriel placed his hand over his chest and bowed elegantly. He opened the door and stepped aside for Oscar.

Oscar nodded to Gabriel and the attendant outside and exited the Alchemist Guild with Erden. Glancing around, he couldn't find any signs of people following him, but he had to be careful. Wealth bred trouble. Whispers turned to rumors. Oscar moved down the street, mingling with the other Exalts. Great warriors clad in the lion's armor patrolled around, several young Exalts followed an elder's instructions, and the rest wandered around, glancing from store to store.

'There are many guards. Lots of factions from other places have come as well.' Oscar noted the groups of varying uniforms, lots of young Exalts reminding him of the old days. He didn't like it. With so many factions and interests in place, it only made it more dangerous for him to move around.

'My only option is to become a certified three-star fabricator and get the support of the Fabricator Guild.' He needed backing in this city until his departure to avoid any unforeseen troubles. Avril, with her backing from the Alchemist Guild, would not be enough. His feet moved briskly, passing through the crowd until he came upon a building of iron, smoke rising from its large silo.

Inside the Fabricator Guild Branch, Oscar inhaled the dry, hot air full of the smell of coals and burning metal, sighing in satisfaction. Since Avril needed a few days to finish her exam, he had time to waste. Oscar approached the scruffy-breaded man sleeping on the stone block they called a desk.

"Excuse me. May I take the three-star fabricator examination?" Oscar placed his two-star badge on the stone, but the scruffy-bearded man didn't wake. Annoyed, Oscar flicked his Ein onto the man's forehead, snapping him awake from the pain.

"Ah? What the? Who interrupts my nap?" He exclaimed.

"Sir. May I take the three-star fabricator examination?" Oscar said in a rough tone.

"Is that all you need? Fine. Fine. Go to workshop four and wait for your examiner. Now leave me be. I was just having a good dream." The scruffy-bearded man waved Oscar away and rested on his arms, fast snores resounding in Oscar's ear.

"Thank you. I guess?" Oscar chuckled and navigated with Erden down a large hallway of bronze. He wandered around, passing by other fabricators with a greeting and eyeing the large furnaces of roaring flames. Workshop four appeared as a door to the right hallway. Entering it, Oscar put on his fabricator uniform, all fixed up, and took out his hammer. Seconds and minutes flew by. Oscar grew frustrated, venting through the breathing tubes.

'Where is the examiner?' As he thought that, the door to the workshop flung open, and the same scruffy-bearded man yawned on his way inside. The bastard had been sleeping the whole time. He nearly burst a vein from looking at the lazy old man but held his rage from showing. Reminding himself of the reasons he needed to pass, Oscar stood up and bowed, "I greet the examiner."

"Ah, yes. Here are the materials. You may start. I will grade you from start to finish." The scruffy-bearded man chortled and sat on a stool near the corner, leaning his head back and already snoring.

'Hold it in. Hold it in.' Oscar shook his head and changed his view. Fresh new materials, a roaring furnace, and a large anvil full of sentiments awaited him. Oscar smiled, retreating to his happy place, and picked up an ore.

"Let's begin!"

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