The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 419: Lands of Zeret

"That man in your arms. We smell it." A loud sniff drew in the air like a hurricane. Avril hugged Oscar closer, barely able to hold herself together against the terrifying power laced in each word from the King Exalt. "He smells like us but is human. Human….but with the aura of us. Is it Blood Transmutation?"

Before Avril could answer, a strange star-shaped fruit was thrown from the forest and landed near her feet. She huddled and inched farther from it, wary of the other's purpose in giving it to her. A low, deep grunt forced all the Exalt Beasts around her and Oscar to back away, all shivering and behaving submissively.

"The fruit will help clear your wounds. It is plucked straight from the Silverpine Tree. Our conversation will go easier if you don't die from your injuries." The King Exalt spoke, the power easing from its words, the pressure lifting.

Avril held the star fruit, the Ein within starting to electrify her sensitive fingers. It held tremendous amounts, and she gulped at the potential flavor it contained but quelled the temptations. Reaching into her space pocket, she retrieved three vials of grade-two healing elixirs and fed two vials to Oscar and Erden before drinking the last for herself.

Her wounds healed slightly from the effects, enough to bring from death's door. She placed the fruit back on the ground and bowed deeply, fearful of the King Exalt's retaliation. "Forgive me for this offense. I cannot safely eat the raw fruit unless it's first refined."

"Hmm. Right. You are human. You lack the proper means to eat these precious fruits. Right. Indeed, being human is quite inconvenient. So, tell us, why are you here? None dare to enter the abode of beasts, the Lands of Zeret, except for fools and those with malicious intent. So which are you?"

"Zeret….Zeret. That is…." Avrilt racked her brain for an answer.

"The series of continents ruled by beasts, not a single human life can be found within its depths. The beasts are said to be highly hostile towards outsiders." Oscar shifted around in her arms, panting and barely audible.

"Oscar! You're awake!" Avril was overwhelmed and hugged him with all her might. "She was so worried that they were going to die!"

"Ouch…you're going to break my neck. I haven't fully recovered yet." Oscar chuckled. He wrapped his arms around her back, nearly slipping from the slick blood across her bare skin. Old wounds, new wounds, the erratic heartbeat, Oscar felt it all within her warm embrace. He stroked her head multiple times with a slight smile. "You fought well. Sorry I couldn't help out."

"It's not your fault. You helped out enough when escaping from the ocean giant. I couldn't protect you and Erden, unlike how you two always help me out." Avril shook her head, still embracing him.

Oscar's head rested near her shoulder, and he saw the fresh claw marks and old wounds through the torn cloth. Seeing such grievous wounds itched his heart, not in a good way. Oscar lifted his head, freeing up some space to see her eye to eye, glancing quickly at her scarred face, their arms still embracing one another.

"I wouldn't have gone through the waves if not for your assistance. Here, you were fighting alone. I should have been able to help you even a tiny margin. Don't blame yourself." Oscar spoke softly like a spring breeze.

Avril closed her eyes, twisted her head with her brows tensed up, and exhaled a breath of hot air, all the tension leaving her body. "She's so tired she doesn't want to argue further. You're always doing this! Stop being so humble and say it was all my fault!"

"Well, forgive me for being so apologetic. I fell unconscious from a dodgeable piece of ice. It really is my fault." Oscar insisted. Avril looked ready to begin arguing again, rolling her eyes and clacking her teeth. Her lips drew his attention. Oscar kept his eyes on them, unable to look away. For an odd reason, they held an unusual attraction, and he knocked his head back, wondering if his mind was going crazy from the near-death they just went through.

"Ahem. Right. Are the two of you done with your little quarrel?" The forgotten King Exalt reminded them of his presence with the silent pressure emanating from the forest. "Since you're awake, tell us yourself. Who are you? Where did you come from? And why are you here? The only reason we are holding off your death is to know."

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"We are travelers and trying to find our way home. We ended up here against our better judgment because we crossed paths with a giant in the ocean." Oscar shivered from the memory of the giant.

"Wait. What giant? Describe him to us." The King Exalt raised his voice, a minute change, but enough to show his shock.

Oscar described the giant monster made of torrential waters and ice, how the ocean lost control around it, and the two vertical eyes shining like the moon in the dense fog. When he finished his tale, the forest was silent, the King Exalt not responding. Oscar and Avril held each other close, waiting in silence.

"Okeanes…you ran into Okeanes, the Ancient of Water and Ice…and was sent into a vortex to find yourselves here?" The voice nearly lost its dignified bearing.

"Ancient? Is that similar to Xures? We saw him as well before meeting the water giant." Oscar exclaimed. So his thoughts proved correct. Xures and this Okeanes were the same.

"Right…." The voice returned to its regal tone and came closer, footsteps quaking the earth. From the forest, a large boar forced a path through the trees. Its height wasn't impressive, reaching only halfway up the 100-foot trees. Its white body reflected the light of the two suns, making it seem holy and divine, and the tusks curled up, pointing to the heavens. "This form wouldn't be as accommodating to you humans. But as ones that Okeanes and Xures touched, we must show our sincerity."

Cracks resounded from the boar's joints, the veins squirmed around like earthworms, and the muscles tensed and twisted. Oscar didn't look away or blink, unable to handle the idea of missing a single moment. King Exalt Beasts not only gained the ability to talk but also learned to enter a human visage. That was happening right now before him. The boar transformed into a human figure, a towering figure with a broad face, a defined jawline, a bed of messy red hair, and large well-toned muscles. Two large tusks rested on his shoulders, their tips pointing backward, and he wore a pair of white pants, completely shirtless.

"Little humans who have the fortune of coming here with the blessing of Okeanes and Xures, we welcome you to the Lands of Zeret. We are Almos, the King Exalt of Hakkebarens." Almos turned to Erden, who was lying down, still unconscious. "Normally, we would have killed the woman and taken the beast and human with Blood Transmutation, but you're all in luck."

Erden flew into Almos's arms before Oscar could react. Almos gave him a reassuring smile and turned back to the forest. "Follow us. You are under our protection now and will be given good dwelling."

"Guess we have no choice. He has Erden." Avril struggled and failed to lift herself up, plopping back into his arms and letting out pained grunts.

Oscar cradled her in his arms, lifting himself slowly not to cause any pain to Avril. He sighed and smiled at her disheveled face. "You're too tired. Just rest easy and go to sleep. I'll wake you when we arrive."

"Wait. She reached out behind, wanting to recover the mask. What about my mask?" Avril coughed. A paleness overwhelmed her face.

"I'll make you a new one. For now, just go to sleep." Oscar walked ahead, watching Avril slowly fall asleep, using him as a pillow. Seeing her condition improve from the relief of rest, he quickly followed Almos, who hadn't gone far. After ten minutes, the forests shifted colors, the leaves fluttering through the winds with a bright blue color, the blades of grass pricking his feet with their blue strands.

"Excuse me, Lord Almos." Oscar hastened his steps to be behind the King Exalt Beast. To go in front or side by side would be a sign of disrespect. "Do you happen to know a way to the human continents? We'll be right out of the way after healing up."

"Right. Right." Almos repeated. "Well, we don't know if that's up to us or you. You ran into Xures, and Okeanes's vortex sent you to us. Whether that is a coincidence or purposeful does not matter. What matters is that you arrived here."

"But that doesn't mean anything, does it? We just want to go home." Oscar sidestepped several stumps, making sure Avril didn't wake up. "You mentioned they are Ancients. What are they?"

"Ancients…the primordials, the firstborns. They go by many names, but what is certain is that they wander the world. We can tell you more later, but this is for certain…many can see them, fewer can witness their power, and rarely can one meet two and survive an encounter with one. We are interested to see why Okeanes' waters washed you ashore here. So stay and find out." Almos said in a deep, forceful tone, not letting any room for a retort.

"I…I understand." Oscar sighed. After an hour, Almos stopped and led them into a huge tree, bigger than the Great Trees in Ashen Grove. Within the tree, pools of blue sap flowed like molasses, and creatures skittered around, watching him with apprehension and hostility. Almos laid Erden down in a small chamber, the air refreshing with the scent of oak and sweet honey.

"Rest here. The sap here is fit for Knight Exalts. Use them to mend your wounds and fill your bellies. We will take tomorrow." Almos's steps sank into the thick roots as he exited.

Oscar glanced at Avril and Erden. He felt another wave of exhaustion overcome him. Okeanes and Xures never ceased to leave his mind, appearing with their towering figures. Despite trying to distract himself, Oscar could never stop thinking of them. What the hell were they?

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