The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 409: The Catacombs of Ashflame City

"Not spoil the joy you're all feeling, but there is one slight item left on the list," Adam said, apology laden in his tone. He glanced at Oscar and the others, sighing and patting Tort's shell, indicating for them to sit.

"Explain. You just said earlier, in your own words, congratulations. The Burning Valley is ours. What else do we need to do?" Oscar's eyes twitched, and he reigned in the urge to shout to not worry or scare the men with an outburst. A suffocating sensation crept into his throat, an invisible grip of stress holding him tight.

Adam paused and placed a hand on Oscar's shoulder with a different slight smile brimming with comfort and empathy. This action from Adam affected Oscar, who breathed in normally, surprised at Adam's sudden display of kindness. It welled him with assurance, a warmth filling his heart.

"First, while you all rest, let me tell you about what happened when Elder and I arrived at the Summit of Flames." Adam made himself comfortable, stretching his legs forward. He opened his mouth and closed it again, giving an unsure look. "Well, it's hard to start. So much happened at once. Firstly…."

Adam recounted the events that unfolded during the Summit of Flames. Sevon hid nearby while he led the others into the outdoor grand pavilion. Inside there were the three lords of the Burning Valley, the Lord of Ashflame, the Lord of Scorchlight, and the Lord of Magmafury. Their faces were the picture of caution and wary, but not completely lost, as though they still had something left under their sleeves.

The conversations started as typical for a gathering of Lords. They derailed the discussions with useless tangents about the proper division and allocation of tributes, territories, and the meaning of leadership. Adam scoffed, saying a baby could tell they were trying to waste time, but the mystery remained in the reason.

Adam resisted the urge to kill them so many times during their snide remarks and inside jokes. However, he kept the lords occupied here for the plan's sake, tuning out their nagging. Then, they mentioned the battle and how they planned an ambush with the help of some interested people against the army, against Oscar and Avril. Knowing this, Adam no longer held back. Since they decided to deal the first blow, he responded in kind with the order to attack.

Unsurprisingly, the lords had many New Dawn members among their entourage, high-level combatants. Adam went all out and fought the lords alone. His forces were outnumbered by the coalition of the lords, putting the situation into the dumps. Sevon appeared at this time and tried to fight, but an executive of New Dawn interrupted to hold Sevon back. This executive possessed a potent Reis core and fought madly.

The two Greater Marshal Exalts fought each other, forcing everyone away from the battle. The battle was fierce. However, Sevon, a master of Reis, a scion of the Volten Clan, had no issue bringing down the executive. All the executive had was a collection of power without all the intricate masteries, nothing but a plaything for Sevon, who directed all the Reis back into him.

"So the battle was won. Even though I injured them severely, the three lords died at the Elder's hands." Adam scowled. "Those should have been my kills. In any case, I took a grade-three healing elixir and made my way straight to you all."

"How many casualties?" Oscar asked solemnly. He couldn't imagine a battle of the highest tier of Knight Exalts in progression and combat ability.

"Don't worry about them. Most of them were traitors from the former Lord of Brightburn. They didn't join with good intentions from the start and surely would have caused trouble in the future. This battle was a good excuse to cull their numbers and the elites of the other lords." Adam flicked Oscar's forehead. "They never had the best of hopes for you. They were never allies, so don't feel down."

Oscar wiped the sweat from his brow, retrieved a bottle of water, and drank, washing off the disgusting taste of ash in his mouth. He gestured for Adam to finish. "So, what is this other thing that needs to be done?"

"Before I left to join you and the Elder killed the lords, he interrogated them. The executive died because he took his own life even though the Elder wanted to capture him. Same for all of the other New Dawn members. They're a sickening bunch." Adam sighed. "We uncovered the main base of the New Dawn hidden under Ashflame City. There lies the center of their experiments and possibly information we might need."

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Oscar sighed. An unknown location under Ashflame City was the last place he wanted to venture into. He was mistaken earlier. The war wasn't over, not by a long shot. Their true enemy held out in another place. It was only one place left to uncover, but Oscar felt grim about what may be hidden inside.

"Will Sevon go in alone?" Oscar hoped not to be a part of this to rest with Erden and Avril. Surely, a Marshal Exalt should be enough to clear out the area. The expectation building in his chest turned cold at Adam's head, shaking in refusal. "Why?"

"It is the largest network. The Ashflame Lord remarked it as a large maze of winding paths and deep tunnels extending to the city's width and deep into the earth. We need all hands on deck to explore and eliminate rogue elements." Adam chuckled. "I'm heading down with you. We can clear this place out as long as we don't separate. There should be simple enough. Master Tort! We make for Ashflame City."

Tort groaned and started to move, his heavy steps trembling Oscar, and he sat down to stabilize himself. He heard his Azure Sea Company army cheer and march alongside Tort, the loud footsteps resonating into a singular stomp. At least their spirits were lifted. Oscar felt invigorated by their resolute shouts and lay down on Tort's shell to rest—no use in fussing around until they arrived.

After a long march, Oscar rested well except for Avril. She had beads of sweat flowing down her focused brow as she wrote six spells into her Meld scroll staff. Seeing her preparing for the possible battle, Oscar drank an elixir, gulping down a core with it, and meditated to train.

Finally, Ashflame City appeared in the distance. Its tall watchtowers loomed over the tall gray walls. Oscar heard many bells coming from the city, followed by the clamor of a panicked crowd. A bright barrier rose to surround the city, and Oscar cursed at the fact they still had to lay a siege to enter the city.

Nodding to Fenu, Oscar ordered the Gatnons to start firing and the Exalts to use long-ranged spells and attacks. Ripples and bright sparks suffused the barrier as it was surrounded by countless Gatnon rounds and spells. Oscar ate a piece of meat while gazing at this scene, a beautiful view.

The bombardment continued until, at last, the barrier fell apart. His army swiftly entered the city and occupied it. He ordered them not to hurt the populace too much unless some retaliated. Fortunately, the residents had given up all hope without their main army here to protect them.

Adam leaped off Tort and beckoned Oscar and Avril to follow him. Oscar rode on Erden with Avril, keeping pace with Adam. Fenu, the division captains, and other elites followed him inside the Lord's palace on his orders. He trusted the mission would be more bearable with more people.

The halls of the Lord's palace were similar to the ones in Brightburn City. The air inside was nice and cold, chilled to a refreshing cool by the mechanisms inside. The palace's grandeur expressed itself through the bright chandeliers of red crystals and floors of black marble, reflecting their figures in fine detail.

Oscar followed Adam down into the palace's basement, but Adam did not open the way further into the secret chambers. After a short wait, Sevon arrived downstairs and greeted everyone.

"Excuse my lateness. I had to go through the other two cities and clear them out before coming here. Now I know for certain this is it." Sevon brushed past Adam and Oscar. He retrieved a severed hand from his space pocket and placed its palm on a certain brick. "Let the way be opened."

Runes circled the severed hand, changing in strokes and lines every second until light outlined the shape of a rectangular gate. A click echoed from behind the seemingly ordinary brick wall, which parted to show a large tunnel with three paths.

"I sense something off in the middle path. I will go alone. We can cover more ground if we split. Moving all at once will impede our progress." Sevon turned to the rest, and Oscar could see the concern on the old man's face.

He stepped up and said, "Good luck, Elder, and good luck to everyone else. Fenu and the others will go right. I will go left with Avril and Adam."

"Spoken like a leader. Haha. The time on the throne has steeled you well." Sevon grasped Oscar's shoulder firmly with a single nod and smiled at Avril. He smoked a final pipe and faced the darkness hiding behind the tunnels. "Good luck to the rest of you. May we all meet back on the surface." He vanished inside the middle tunnel.

Fenu and the others bowed to Oscar before heading toward the right path: their steely faces, the apex of hardened warriors. Oscar lowered his head in gratitude for their bravery and loyalty. He glanced at Avril, Adam, and Erden.

"Tort is digging underneath to access the place from below and provide potential escape paths." Adam stepped before the boundary between the door and the tunnel.

Oscar lifted Avril on Erden and got on. Erden's hooves crunched on the pebbles, the only sound he could hear besides Adam's steps. They walked and entered the tunnel in silence, and a rush of heightened alert crawled over Oscar's skin. Forcing out the fears through sheer willpower, Oscar descended into the unknown.

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