The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 399: Lord of Brightburn

Oscar's army entered Brightburn City in droves, fighting to breach through the recently-destroyed flimsy defenses. The city would have a sight to behold, a strange marvel he would never find in his home country. A shame that the destructive fires and tremors from the chaotic battles took away from what it once was.

As he rode through the wreckage, the desperate pleas for mercy, the angered shouts of grievances, the hushed tones of the dying, and the warcries of the berserk reached his ears. Closing his eyes, Oscar sought to drown out the sounds, but they grew louder and more acute. Despite the flames, his body felt cold and numb.

'What on earth are you doing?' A strange relief came from Demon's icy voice, which froze out the rampant noise. He sounded as emotionless as ever, unaffected by the massacres outside. 'We've fought and heard the screams of others. We've endured the wrath of our enemies. We've killed and watched others die helplessly. What's the difference between then and now?'

'It's one thing to fight as a person. It's another to command everyone else to kill and die. In a way, I caused all of this. These deaths around me are all a result of my will.' More and more battles broke out around him. As a ringleader of this mess, he believed he held the burden of all the deaths. 'It's never easy.'

Demon was silent, a strange pause for Demon, who always retorted instantly. Oscar wandered in his mind and felt Demon was still there, just not talking. Then, Demon replied with a cold scoff. 'If it's too much for you, switch with me. I will get us home without your help.'

'No. This is my battle.' Oscar tightened his grip on Erden's antlers.

'Then open your eyes. I said I will do what you can't and face what you don't wish to see. Take it all in. Numb yourself to the screams, the smell of blood and burning flesh, the sight of the destruction you caused.' Demon jabbed in Oscar's mind. 'Personally, I don't understand why you have these annoying feelings, but don't run away from your choices.'

'Hate to say it. But I agree with Demon here. Don't worry. You're not alone in this. We all share that burden. But we must keep fighting. Fight so you can return home.' Erden said firmly.

Struck by the harshness of Demon's words and comforted by Erden, Oscar smiled and thanked them. Once opened, his eyes took in everything. It was the picture of a hellish nightmare. Bodies of his men and the enemy were sprawled over the roads, and many more were still fighting. He wished he could say he was alright, but the horrors before him still affected him severely.

Take it in. He told himself over and over again. He had to be ready. Oscar mustered what remained of his bearings and steeled himself, pressing onto the Lord's palace. A sudden movement caught his attention. It came from Avril, who came in close with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry," Avril whispered. Her soft voice turned rougher after each word. "I need to go somewhere."

"Huh? Where are you going?" Oscar stared from on top of Erden. How could she leave at this crucial moment? Her sigh carried a thousand apologies as her eyes stared toward a certain alleyway.

"I caught sight of something unbelievable, and I don't know why, but I feel the urge to go there." Avril turned back. Her eyes narrowed to an icy chill. Veins of anger popped from her forehead.

Seeing her state, those fury-filled golden eyes, Oscar knew there was no convincing her otherwise. Instead, he ordered a couple of Middle Knight Exalts to accompany her. He rested his hand on her shoulder and said in a comforting voice, "I don't know what you say, but if it gets too dangerous, come back. Adam said all Greater Knight Exalts should have fallen back to the Lord's palace, but you never know. Stay alive."

"I know," Avril rushed out without her usual smile, not turning back to face Oscar. Her entire being seemed focused on whatever it was she saw. His entourage of Middle Knight Exalts followed her.

Oscar wished he could follow her, but he was needed elsewhere. The Lord's palace was right before him. As the leader of the Azure Sea Company, he had to show himself at the forefront to gain the approval and loyalties of the others Adam gathered.

"Hmm. So it kicked in…." Adam said cryptically.

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"What? What kicked in?" Oscar wanted to grasp Adam's bowtie. He tossed aside the urge. "Is it related to Avril?"

"I hoped it would never trigger…how unfortunate. That little sister is too troublesome, as are you." Adam sighed and shook his head disapprovingly. He stopped Oscar from talking with a wave of his hand. "I'll tell you later, for now, the true battle will start."

After a burning path across the wide stretch of the city, Adam lifted his fist, a giant gauntlet materializing over his arm. The power went beyond what Oscar anticipated. This fist which Oscar expected would destroy him in one punch, bashed its knuckles against the black gates. Ripples of lightning spread from the impact, and the gate crumbled apart.

Stunned by the display of Adam's power again, Oscar burned with a yearning to reach that level. If he was stronger, he could reduce the number of casualties and become a one-man army like Adam. He followed after Adam's broad back as he passed through the broken gate. One day, his power will match, no, surpass Adam's.

Unmounting Erden, Oscar beheld a shining figure clad in white armor in contrast to the black palace around him. The Lord of Brightburn, Caen Sunifor, looked expressionless as he went down the main hall with his forces. This Lord had no pupils in his eyes, only as white as a sheet, pale skin, and a bald head.

"So, the butcher finally comes to my doorstep, bringing an army behind him, a mix of traitors and peasants. Tell me, how many of the peasants have you forced into this? How many promises will you break to the traitors when this is over?" Caen chuckled, staring at the people behind Adam. "Tell me, traitors, what did he promise you? If it's the seat of power, you are all deceived."

"Some assurances. Better than you ever did for us." One of the traitors growled. Their hate was evident from the venomous stares they directed at Caen, who scoffed and brushed their hostility aside like the ramblings of a child.

"Butcher. Is there no way to talk about this? Or…" Caen snapped his fingers. From the first floor to the second floor overlooking the main hall, his men arrived, brandishing their weapons and Ein at the ready. Caen held up two fingers. "What will you do?"

Oscar nearly laughed. As he expected, Adam smiled widely at the gathering before them. This display of power only spurred Adam further into action. Well, it wasn't as if he and Adam would sit down and negotiate. Not when victory was at hand. The battle was a set path from the start.

"I'm going to kill you," Adam laughed, mocking Caen. Suddenly, a shower of Ein, arrows, and more ranged attacks flew out toward them. Oscar raised his hand, as did Adam, and their troops all countered with defense and other ranged spells.

Adam cracked his neck as the others geared up for battle. Oscar clenched his buckler tightly as the tension rose between the two groups. A silent standoff continued until Oscar and Caen both shouted simultaneously, "Kill them!"

Following his own words, Oscar rushed with Erden. He had laid down a target since long ago, some Middle Knight Exalts at the left side. Emboldened by the Meld and Pseudo-Guise, their figures burst through the main hall, leading the attack on the Middle Knight Exalts.

Adam watched his new little brother fight well with a smile. "If only he could trust me more, but that suspicious part is good to have. If I am an enemy, he'd have a chance at survival if he keeps up that doubt. Now then…."

Across the main hall, Caen shouted in exertion. Bright beams of light flowed from his hands, blasting away anyone unprepared and burning them to a crisp. Some managed to get close, surrounded by a flurry of spells. Caen parried everything with another spell, a brilliantly carved shield of light that resembled a master crafter's work.

Adam felt a rush unlike any before. The envoys were nothing. The people in the Burning Valley were nothing. The little brother and Elder were the only ones who made his blood boil and heart stir. Finally, another opponent who could make him feel the battle was right before him. Brandishing a fierce smile, Adam burst into action, charging his large lighting gauntlet spell.

Caen snorted and stuck the shield of light into the floor. It expanded into a great wall of shimmering light. The main hall shuddered from the deafening shockwaves from the collision. Adam perked up and smiled as his gauntlet broke apart. Caen wasn't better off as his wall dissipated into motes of light, making him frown.

"It is as rumored, no, greater than the rumors. Your strength exceeds the norm." Caen unsheathed his lance, a pure white spear with a golden tip, and melded his lance anima into it, an astonishing Grade Eight.

Seeing his enemy get serious, Adam summoned his anima, a pair of brass knuckles, and melded it into his armament. His Grade Eight was on par against Caen's. Still, he thought it was odd how Caen seemed to be relaxed. As if his thoughts were read, Caen smiled and nodded.

"Beating you alone may be quite the task…so what if I had help?" Loud footsteps quaked the ground as three figures jumped from the second floor and landed on the main hall. Sensing the strange presence around these three, Adam put up his guard. He understood from a glance that the true enemy had come at last. He hit the jackpot on the first city.

Oscar and Erden coordinated to kill another Middle Knight Exalt. He swept under the man's feet with invisible Reis movements and skewered him full of holes. Tossing aside the body, Oscar breathed to recover. However, his and Erden's instincts shouted at them to dodge.

He narrowly dodged a short gold rod. The speed surpassed what his Prinstyct thought. A shadow descended on him, and Oscar raised his arms to block. He struggled against the heaviness of the blow, and his knees nearly buckled from its weight. Retreating several steps, Oscar breathed unevenly as he stared at the newcomer. His mouth barely formed the word he wished to speak. "Reis?"


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