The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 78: Caught Red-Handed

A few days after Oscar and Emily reconciled, the activity in the Outer Hall was still widespread and disruptive.

Oscar stuck to meditating in his room while holding the ataerstone. His core was like an endless stomach that devoured all the Ein without much sign of it progressing.

After the Rainbow Didus Egg and several Elixirs, he progressed greatly, but it wasn't enough for him to advance.

"At this pace, I might advance after three months with the next few batches of Elixirs. That's too slow…." Oscar swayed left to right in thought. "I'll have to take on more missions. But the Mission Hall is a complete mess, leaving very few worthwhile ones."

The increased number of people in the Outer Hall resulted in a scramble for the best opportunities. Too few people were making their way into the Inner Hall, leaving them stagnant.

"It's getting dark." Oscar observed outside the window. "I shouldn't be late."

Today was the first time he was meeting Celestina after three months. With a big smile, he made his way to the Neptune Archives, excited to see her after so long.

The sound of humming accompanied Oscar's steps. He wasn't aware of his actions and baffled some of the onlookers.

"Huh? Is she not here yet? That's odd. She usually comes earlier than me."

The table was empty, with its seats still neatly arranged. There were no books piled on top, and the surface was clean.

Oscar set down the books he had gathered and started to read. Right now he was currently enjoying the second book of the 'Desert Walker' series.

It was an enthralling tale of an Exalt living in a desert. Oscar flipped through the pages for a while, but there was still no sign of Celestina.

Oscar nearly thought about leaving but decided to wait until midnight. Something must have happened to her for not showing up.

As soon as he thought so, Celestina popped in from behind the shelves. Her face wore a relieved expression. She didn't expect Oscar to be here since she was so late.

"Sorry for being late. I was held up. Though, you didn't have to wait for me." Celestina was remorseful for not meeting their usual time.

"You don't need to feel bad. I was enjoying myself while waiting. Why were you late?" Oscar was curious about the reasons for the punctual princess's lateness.

Celestina set down her usual pile of books and sat down with a sigh, unbecoming of a princess. She rubbed her temple as if suffering from a migraine. "I was dealing with so much ignorance."

Her lack of manners in her tone indicated how tired and annoyed she was. It was evident that she was struggling. Oscar noticed that the book on top of her pile was a manual on communicating effectively with others.

"Ignorance? Who would act so inconsiderate to our princess?" Oscar tried to liven her up with a joke, but that only made her slump more in frustration.

"Lockwood, Bellwood, and Thorn." Celestina muttered while sighing more.

"Isabella? What happened? I'm unsure if I can help, but I can help you vent." He was shocked to hear Isabella's name but thought nothing of it. At this moment, his concern was Celestina.

Celestina took a deep breath and nagged, "I didn't tell you before, but Lockwood made a public announcement right before the Grand Gathering started. He asked to be my partner if he won."

"????" That was a bold move but also too rash. Although Gilbert was a Grade Nine, there should still be some modicum of respect for the princess. Oscar clenched his hands, feeling irked.

"After you left, Lockwood kept bringing up the announcement, saying it showed his determination and sincerity. I can see that, but that doesn't mean he's a good person, especially after you told me about his relationship with your friend, Frederick."

"However, there are some people who think I'm simply playing hard to get to increase Lockwood's infatuation with me."

"And that's Isabella?"

"Isabella Thorn and Aurora Bellwood, whom I'm sure you've heard about. Their little words were bearable last year, but after the Grand Gathering, they've been relentless."

Celestina picked up her book about communication and tapped its cover.

"They would approach Lockwood closely and stare, provoking me" Celestina's eyes flickered with annoyance, recalling how Isabella or Aurora would hug Gilbert's arm with a proud look.

"I don't care what they do with Lockwood, but they won't leave me alone. Sometimes they blatantly tell me to let Lockwood go free to pursue who he wants."

Celestina slammed the table, cracking it. That was another compensation to the library in the future.

"Have I not been doing that the whole time? I constantly rejected him, but they still think I have him on some hook; they can't seem to understand that I don't want anything to do with him!"

Unauthorized duplication: this narrative has been taken without consent. Report sightings.

"So these books you have are for that reason?" Oscar pointed to the stack of books; each was about how to talk and relay ideas to others.

"I'm hoping to find something here to help me get my point across their thick, love-ridden skulls." As she kept speaking, her tone got less mannered. She seemed to notice and closed her mouth with her cheeks flushed.

"Forget that."

Oscar was confused and asked, "What?"

"Please forget how I behaved!" Celestina pleaded.

"Forgotten, it's forgotten. No need to worry. I'm your friend." Oscar panicked before the princess was angered.

Celestina looked relieved and quickly readjusted herself. Her back was straight as her regal presence returned with her royal demeanor and face.

"Thank you, Oscar. I haven't complained to anyone in a long time. Not since my mother."

Oscar noticed a flash of sadness flicker on Celestina's face. But he didn't ask.

Some things were too personal; an example was Frederick's past. But, he hoped Celestina would be willing to open up one day.

"So how was your…." Celestina stopped her question with a pale face of shock. She finally had a good look at Oscar's face. Her emerald eyes were wide in horror. "What happened to your ear?!"

Her regal bearing was again lost as she grabbed Oscar's head to pull it closer.

"Hey, wait!" Oscar felt he could not break free even with his physical strength. An Elite Exalt was certainly impressive.

"Your ear…." Celestina turned Oscar's head to look at the scars. "How could this happen?"

Her hands trembled, and her voice was shaking with worry.

Oscar took a moment to catch a breather and was about to explain, but then someone intruded.

"Princess?!" The voice was full of shock and disbelief, laced with envy.

Celestina and Oscar both turned to look. Oscar trembled and felt fear and shock surge from within while Celestina's face turned to her noble countenance with an icy, detached gaze.

It was a man with blue hair and blue eyes; his face was like a sculpture carved by the gods.

Gilbert Lockwood

Why is he here?! Oscar and Celestina internally screamed.

"Princess….who is this man?" Gilbert tried to hold up his refreshing smile, but it was wavering. He knew for sure that Celestina would be his, but here she was, touching another man.

Anger burned in his heart with unwillingness through his veins.

Celestina turned to see that she was holding Oscar's head and quickly let go. "This person is my good friend. I was checking an injury he had. Why are you here?"

Careless, she was careless. She didn't expect Gilbert to come to the library so late. Not only that, her outbursts earlier must have caught his attention. Celestina cursed herself in her mind for dragging Oscar into this.

"A friend? Oh, I see his ear is gone. The princess is very kind to be so caring about others." Gilbert spoke candidly.

"I can help your friend, Princess. Some rare treasures could help grow back a limb. I can acquire one in the future."

This was a chance. He didn't know the nature of the relationship between Celestina and Oscar, but it was an opportunity for him to interact and get closer to her.

"It's fine. I lost this ear because of my own mistakes. I'd prefer to restore it myself. However, I thank you for being so charitable." Oscar put on a mechanical smile and tried to distance himself from Gilbert's attention.

"Hahaha, that's determination. I quite like people like that; what's your name?" Gilbert asked.

"Lockwood. Leave." Celestina's voice held an authoritative tone worthy of royalty, making people feel like bowing down. She had never spoken like that to Oscar.

"Princess. I'm just getting acquainted with this friend here. Surely I can do that." Gilbert put on an innocent smile that wooed many others, but Celestina was not amused.

"Don't think I don't see what you're doing. I will never be with you. I don't like you."

The air trembled as vast amounts of silver Ein burst out like flames from Celestina. Her powerful presence made Oscar feel like he was under a mountain, crushing him. Gilbert, however, looked fine, but his brows tightened.

"Princess, please calm yourself down. We're in the Pavilion."

Celestina did not respond but increased the output of her Ein. If looks could kill, Gilbert would have been dead.

She understood and was dedicated to her duties as a princess and a member of the Pavilion, but she was still human. This place was her one solace from all of that, where she could read freely and relax.

Where she finally met someone with whom she could have a fun conversation, a fellow book lover like her mother.

But this man had intruded into her private and favorite place. This playboy refused to stop bothering her without regard for her feelings.

"If words won't make you understand, how about force?!" Celestina took a brief step forward, prompting Gilbert to unleash his own Ein.

A glittering, golden Ein wrapped around him like a river of stars descending on a human. This compounded the pressure on Oscar, who could not believe this much power was from someone his age.

'These two are incredible.'

The Silver and Gold Eins stood opposite each other.

Celestina was about to step closer, but Oscar managed to break free of the pressure with great effort, soaking in sweat, to grab her wrist. She turned back to see him pointing to her book on communication.

'You didn't want to lose yourself in anger. Remember what you wanted to do!' Oscar's message was clear.

She swallowed her anger and set it aside. Her silver Ein went back into her leaving her usual calm self.

Gilbert was grinding his teeth at the scene. But he did not move since doing so could make things worse. He couldn't understand.

'I've been through a lot in my life. I suffered bullying and persecution from my own family. My mother disappeared somewhere unknown. But I've climbed up and shown my merits and strengths to everyone. I'm a Grade Nine! I'm the hope of the future! But why can't she see that? Why can't she understand everything I've been through.'

People admired him from everywhere. They admired how he was once a lowly person that rose to the top. But not her. Moreover, she was close to this man.

From Oscar's reactions to their Ein, Gilbert could tell he was not even a Greater Apprentice Exalt. How did someone like this take away his princess?

"Let me clarify."

Celestina's voice cut off Gilbert's thoughts.

"I am here to spend some time with my good friend. Don't misunderstand anything. He is my friend, not my lover. Even if he was, he is not the reason I don't like you. You're the problem."

Her cold words cut deep into Gilbert, whose face twitched for a split second.

"Let's go outside." Celestina dragged Oscar out, leaving behind a stunned Gilbert.

The library was silent with their departure except for the labored breathing of the handsome blue-eyed Gilbert.

"I won't give up on you. I will show that I am the most worthy of your attention." His eyes burned fiercely with his resolve. This was not over.


"Thanks for stopping me." Celestina expressed her gratitude with a bow.

"It's no good to be fighting in a library." Oscar was slightly pale and weak. The pressure of two Elite Exalts was too much for him to bear as a Middle Apprentice Exalt.

"I'm sorry this happened. We will have to find a new place to read." Celestina sighed.

"No, we can just stay there. I think he understood there are some boundaries he can't cross with you. Otherwise, it'll just lead to a fight happening again."

Celestina thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Let me know if he tries to get to you. Let's meet next week, Oscar."

"Yup. No problem." Oscar made an ok gesture, and the two split off to return home.

A few moments later, Oscar bolted to get out of there with all his speed. There was no telling when Gilbert would come out.

"I need to be stronger." Oscar muttered.

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