The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 61: Gilbert Lockwood

Gilbert Lockwood.

Oscar could not help himself from staring at the Grade Nine prodigy. The source of Frederick's tragic past and current state was right before him. If not for Gilbert, none of it would have happened.

Despite the handsome appearance and charismatic presence that drew others in, Oscar was not affected. He knew the true character of Gilbert. The truth of his cruelty and apathy.

Gilbert noticed Oscar walking forward while looking at him. He sighed, knowing it was probably another admirer in awe of his talent.

It was only natural that his Grade Nine Exolsia would garner the attention of anyone.

He chuckled, thinking it was a stroke of luck or destiny to obtain a Grade Nine Exolsia. Yes, obtained.

The memory of what occurred almost three years ago came to Gilbert's mind. A rumbling thunderstorm arrived when he was outside near the old shed he called home.

Ever since his mother disappeared, he had lived in this shed. He was just five years old at the time, but he remembers his mother crying profusely and apologizing, telling him to stay strong and they'll meet one day again.

After that, he was thrown out of the shed for being a sickly burden since his mother could no longer protect him. He clung to the hope his mother would return and spent his days outside, waiting for her.

On his daily stay outside, a thunderstorm blew fiercely and cracked lightning and thunder every minute. Then, suddenly, a unique blue-colored thunder formed and descended on him.

Unable to dodge it, Gilbert was struck in his chest. The pain was bad, as if his heart was being fried.

Gilbert believed he was dead, but the blue thunder wriggled its way inside and disappeared. After it was settled, Gilbert felt his bones cracking and his flesh tearing.

He rushed into the shed and struggled with pain for half a day. But the results were unexpected.

His body had become stronger and bigger. His sickness was gone, and he was breathing easier than ever. His handsomeness, once masked by his frail figure and pale face, was fully displayed.

Unable to comprehend what happened, Gilbert hid for a month before coming out. If anyone saw him now, they'd think he was some monster to change drastically like that.

After some time, he revealed himself and shocked his family. They forced him to fight against the others who had bullied him, but their movements were slow and their blows so weak. He easily dispatched them and felt strength surging through every part of his body.

If this isn't a gift from the heavens, then what is?

Then his Grade Nine Exolsia core was discovered. From then on, he was the scion of his family, and the ridicule turned into praise. Even his father and other wives changed their attitude and fawned over him.

He received all the praise and power he wished for, but a question nagged him. Where was the blue thunder now? It disappeared in his body.

He tried to find any trace of the blue thunder, but it was not visible anywhere on his body. It wasn't until he saw his Exolsia core at the age of fifteen that he found it.

The blue thunder was hidden, but it firmly placed itself in the center of his Exolsia core, only detectable by Gilbert. Gilbert understood that this was the reason his Exolsia was a Grade Nine. This blue thunder transformed his body and his core.

But what was it?

Gilbert tried to find out the answer in records, but nothing resembled this blue thunder, and there were no answers to anything that could change Exolsia. It simply sparked quietly in his core, emanating an electrifying aura.

Thanks to it, Gilbert became the strongest among his peers and was already an Elite Exalt. The greatest genius of the Blue Ocean Pavilion in hundreds of years.

Once his recollection had ended, Gilbert strode to Oscar and asked, "Have you seen the princess?"

His purpose for coming here was to see Celestina. Out of all the women he's gotten to know, he never met someone like the princess. Her royal blood was one thing, but the way she carried herself and her strength were admirable.

All his previous attempts to meet her were met with a harsh rejection or flat-out avoidance.

But he knew he could get through to her if he kept trying. One day, she would see how persistent he is and how driven he is for her. She would understand his feelings.

The current him has the qualifications to pursue her, something his old, weak, and sickly self could never have.

Oscar was stunned, Gilbert asked him. Oscar knew Celestina was most likely waiting for him in their secret spot. But Celestina did not appear interested in Gilbert, and Oscar also had some misgivings.

"Sorry, I just got here. I have not seen the princess." Oscar was careful in how he rejected Gilbert. Although he did not like it, he spoke with respect. More importantly, he avoided calling Celestina by name.


Oscar heard Gilbert click his tongue in annoyance.

"Then I have taken up your time for nothing. Maybe someone else would know." Gilbert said farewell to Oscar and went back to his spot to wait.

Oscar quickly made his way inside and let out a sigh of relief.

"He's an asshole." Oscar did not hold back cursing Gilbert. From the very beginning, Gilbert did not even look Oscar in the eye, and he could tell Gilbert was not asking but ordering from the tone.

After walking through the library absentmindedly and taking some books, he arrived at the secret spot. On the table, Celestina was smiling while flipping through the pages of her recent book, the third book in the 'Red Hat' series.

Unauthorized tale usage: if you spot this story on Amazon, report the violation.

Her silver hair was neatly tied and draped over one side of her neck, and her emerald gem eyes were full of delight.

This beautiful scene of a princess enjoying a book made Oscar unconsciously smile. He was glad to have a reading friend here, especially after Frederick left.

He sat down and started to read, not wanting to disturb her. His focus for today was survival guidelines and Anima training. However, unlike survival tips, there was barely anything for Anima training.

The Anima is a part of the person; thus, only that person could progress the Anima in the way best suited for them. Even if Oscar could find someone with a deer anima like him, they wouldn't be able to help because his deer anima was his own.

Shifting through the pages, Oscar found the only real known aspect of Anima training was to build up the bond and relationship with it. Something he knew he had neglected.

It reminded him of Phillip, who only used his sword anima for combat. The Raeven family must have put a big emphasis on Anima training.

"Oscar? When did you get here?" Celestina finally noticed Oscar across from her and asked cheerfully.

"I got here recently. I didn't want to disrupt your reading." Oscar smiled.

Celestina pouted. "You don't need to be like that. You can stop me if you want to."

Her cute action stunned Oscar; his cheeks slightly blushed.

"You're right. I won't hesitate to bother you next time."

"Good." Celestina happily tapped her book. "How was the Grand Gathering?"

The question led Oscar to let out a sigh. So much had happened at the Grand Gathering.

Where to begin?

He told her about every match he fought: Mary's fierce bear, George's long-range tactic, and Phillip's indomitable sword. He was still depressed about the loss against Phillip, and it showed on his face.

"That's amazing. I know Phillip since the Raevens are a loyal family that followed the Royal family from the start. He's an incredible fighter, and you pushed him that far." Celestina said with praise for Oscar.

"Even though you lost, you made it farther than anyone expected. Don't beat yourself over it, be happy and relax."

These words of praise made Oscar's heart tremble. He had been stressed from the loss and Frederick's decision. These soothing words resonated with him.

"Thank you." Oscar said with slightly reddened eyes.

"Did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?" Celestina was panicking and didn't know what to do. She was only praising him, but why was Oscar tearing up?

"No, no. It's not that. It's been so rough lately."

Celestina softly laughed. "I see. I'm glad to be of help." She understood that Oscar was dealing with a lot and needed some comfort.

After a moment, Oscar calmed down. His face had a better glow than his previous pale and tired look.

"How was your Grand Gathering?" Oscar asked with interest. He was curious about the competition in the Inner Hall.

But contrary to Oscar's expectations, Celestina's face fell into a frown. Her grinding teeth were audible to Oscar, who was across from her. This behavior was not matching with the beautiful princess.

"I lost in the finals to Lockwood." She called Gilbert by his family name with unfiltered hostility. "I seriously hoped to teach him a lesson, but I failed."

"Gilbert….That reminds me. He was outside, asking people where you were."


Celestina had gripped the table so hard that the wood splintered and cracked. She stared dumbfounded at the damage she had caused and hung her head in shame.

"Ah. I'll send compensation to the Pavilion."

"You don't seem fond of him." Oscar downplayed the sheer anger and hate Celestina displayed for Gilbert. "I thought everyone held him in high regard."

Celestina scoffed. Her emerald eyes narrowed, and she asked coldly, "Do you admire him?"

"I don't. In fact…." Oscar's face fell into a frown as he told Celestina about Gilbert and Frederick's past. Although Oscar knew it wasn't right to tell Frederick's past like this, Celestina was a good friend who Oscar trusted.

Celestina's face grew colder and expressionless with every sentence Oscar said. Her posture was still prim and proper, but her eyes glinted a dangerous chill.

"Undeserving…." Celestina muttered. "Undeserving of a Grade Nine. Undeserving to even be here. I knew Lockwood was not of good character, but this makes it worse. He's downright dreadful." Her voice was louder with each word.

"Frederick is obsessed with revenge and doesn't want to be held back by Emily or me. What do you think?" Oscar thought perhaps Celestina would give a better answer than Elder Saul.

However, contrary to his expectations, Celestina shook her head and replied, "I don't know. I can't even begin to understand his feelings and what he went through. I cannot speak for him, nor can I for you. But you're best friends, so I believe it'll work out in the end!"

Her smile beamed with confidence.

Oscar sighed but could not say anything against that bright smile.

"But that Lockwood….I tried my best to win, yet his Grade Nine was unstoppable." She looked a bit sad.

"But second place is still amazing in the Inner Hall." Oscar tried to comfort her, but the princess simply shook her head.

"As a member of the Royal Family, I have to set an example for others and excel. How can I be the role model, a beacon, for everyone if I'm not first."

The air around her became dignified. Her eyes and face showed a regal bearing, fitting of a princess. Her steadfastness and dutifulness were on full display.

Truly, it was the look of a leader, an empress.

Oscar felt overwhelmed by her presence that he almost felt like bowing immediately. This was the true Royal Princess, Celestina Lovre Dragnar.

"The princess is very admirable. To want to lead by example and not to shame her family name." Oscar copied his master, Draven's, elegant attitude and spoke jokingly.

"Stop that. I don't want my friend to act like that." Celestina groaned.

"I'm joking." Oscar put both his hands up as if he was being arrested. "How were your other matches?"

"I didn't have to fight a lot since people surrendered against me. Part of it was because I'm the princess, but I wanted to scold them for being so weak-willed. I flipped through and fought a match against Isabella Thorn."


The mention of his old childhood friend stumped Oscar for a moment. This odd response was not hidden from Celestina, who gazed with a look of interest.

"You know her?"

"She was my childhood friend." Oscar sighed weakly, thinking about Uncle Carlson, Isabella's father.

"Was? You're not friends anymore?" Celestina asked with a concerned voice.

"She chose to distance herself from her family and me. I thought she was joking, but she was dead serious. She acted like she didn't know me and asked I do the same." Oscar said solemnly.

Celestina looked at Oscar's dejected face. She stretched her arm and laid her hand on his head, much to Oscar's surprise. Slowly, she patted his head in a comforting manner like a mother would her child.

"If that was her choice, then it's her loss. You're an amazing friend, and she's blind not to know that." Celestina smiled as she kept stroking Oscar's head.

Oscar tried hard to calm himself and quickly shook her hand off. "Isn't this improper for a princess?"

"Nope, it's something friends do. I read about it in a story where a comforting hand can be everything a person needs." Celestina boasted.

"Thank you."

"No need. However, it's almost creepy how fitting Isabella and Lockwood are. Both abandoned their friends like they never cared."

"She's close to him?" Oscar asked.

"She's one of his biggest supporters. She's very popular in the Inner Hall but clings to him and ignores any admirers. It's even to the point where she talks back to the people who insult Gilbert out of jealousy." Celestina laughed coldly. "She's tried to provoke me multiple times because Lockwood is chasing after me."

Even though Oscar tried to put Isabella out of his mind, he was still worried for her. What if Gilbert never responds to her affection? How will she hold herself together?

The time shortly went by, and Oscar realized it was time to leave.

"I'm leaving for three months to the Hurin Plains." Oscar said. "I hope to see you later when you're an Elite Exalt."

"Take care of yourself. Don't forget to bring rations and medicine." Celestina was quick to get him organized. "Also, stay alive. Take care of yourself.".

Oscar was speechless at this perfect picture of beauty with a caring smile. He could only nod his head.

After giving his farewells, Oscar exited the Archives. However, he soon sighed in low spirits.

Isabella was standing there with her head moving from place to place, searching around.

Why is all of this happening today?

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