The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 58: Frederick's Past II

Years passed by.

Frederick was now fourteen years old.

His green hair had grown to his shoulders and his face matured handsomely into his adolescence. The subsequent years of training had forged a small, confident bearing and presence.

"Frederick, what do you think is going on? The rumors about Gilbert."

Next to him, Teresa excitingly asked as her hands fidgeted around. She had grown a little, and her face showed early signs of great beauty. Surely, in the future, she will be regarded as one of the most beautiful ladies in the Empire.

Frederick patted her head to try to calm her down and said, "I'm not sure. Gilbert's sickness was not something that could easily be healed. His family doesn't have the resources to get a cure if there was one."

"I hope it's true. If his sickness is gone, then that would be amazing!" Teresa's eyes shined with hope. She loved Gilbert and wanted the best for him. Although she was prepared to care for a sickly Gilbert for the rest of her life, being together in good health sounded far better.

"Then let's go inside. Gilbert should be waiting for us." Frederick briskly walked with Teresa in tow toward the great palace before them.

Today was the day young nobles around the age of fourteen would undergo examination before everyone else and discover their Exolsia. Their Exalt training does not start until the age of fifteen, but at least they have an idea of their potential.

The open roof let the light of the suns shine down on the majestic halls of the great palace. There were many children inside, accompanied by their parents.

Frederick and Teresa saw their parents inside. They had been chatting with the other adults, waiting for their children to make their way here. It was an exciting day for everyone.

"Where are the Carters? Father." He asked his father. The Carters were usually early to events to keep up their gilded appearance and face.

"They said that boy, Samuel, is too sick to make it here. But from what I hear, Samuel was sent off to their remote villa to cool off. That boy is far too impulsive and emotional that he causes trouble. He'll be tested in the normal assessments when he's fifteen."

"Hehe. It serves him right. I hope he doesn't have any Exolsia."

"They may be a declining noble family, but their bloodline is still somewhat potent. There's very little chance he won't have Exolsia." Frederick's father, Clarence Klein, scolded his son.

Frederick ignored his father's scoldings and looked around. Gilbert was nowhere to be found.

"Father, is the rumor about Gilbert true as well?" Frederick was not in the loop on the information nobles exchanged. He was curious about the current status of his friend.

"The Lockwoods should be coming soon. You'll know when you see Gilbert."

Frederick patiently waited, as did Teresa. Their eyes were locked on the entrance, waiting for their friend to come.

Moments later, a sharp tall figure with his back straightened appeared. His blue hair and eyes were almost glowing in the bask of the sunlight. His face seemed full of vitality and confidence.

Frederick and Teresa looked in astonishment at their close friend. The difference between Gilbert now and before was night and day. It was like a stranger had walked in.

"Gilbert!" Teresa walked forward to greet Gilbert with her face flushed in red. She was happy to see Gilbert in good health. He also looked so much more handsome than before that she felt dizzy looking at him.

"Hello, Teresa." Gilbert softly smiled and greeted her back.

"How did this happen? You look so strong." Teresa asked.

Gilbert shook his head and said, "I don't know. One day, I just woke up like this, and I didn't feel any discomfort or heaviness. My throat was completely clear, and my body had become stronger."

Frederick jumped into the conversation and patted down Gilbert's arms.

"Incredible, your thin arms have become like steel." Frederick was shocked at the toughness.

"It's so-so." Gilbert replied.

The trio chatted for a little while longer, but Frederick noticed something was off about Gilbert. His tone and demeanor were confident, but Frederick could tell a hint of apathy.

Teresa was unaware of this, as she was too absorbed in listening to Gilbert.

What happened to Gilbert? Frederick pondered this mystery about his friend. Something felt off about Gilbert, but Frederick could not discern what it was.

Finally, a loud gong cut everyone's conversations short. It was now time for the main event to begin.

"Welcome, everyone! The Blue Ocean Pavilion is excited to know the children who will hold the future on their shoulders." Someone from the Pavilion had come to host this ceremony.

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"A warning to everyone. The Blue Ocean Pavilion has decided to change its policy and accept only children with Exolsia of Grade Four or higher."

Despite being mannered nobles, they could not help but cause a ruckus. The guest elder from the Pavilion shouted to quiet them, "This is the decision. I will hear no objections. Otherwise, we can record your family as non-desirables."

This threat made the crowd clamp their mouths shut. To be placed on the blacklist of the Pavilion is to lose all chances of becoming students there. It was the death warrant of any family.

With the people settled down, the children were called up one by one. Whenever a child managed to get an Exolsia of Grade Four or higher, the parents breathed sighs of relief. But when a child failed, they and the parents cried tears of blood at being rejected.

They desperately wished to appeal, but one look from the elder was enough to deter them from attempting it.

"Remember, Frederick. You must get a Grade Six at least." Clarence Klein said sternly, making Frederick nervous.

Finally, Frederick was called. He took deep breaths to calm down, but his trembling legs gave away his anxiousness. Under everyone's eyes, he placed his hand on a huge white crystal.

"Grade Five! You met the requirements." The elder said indifferently.

Frederick walked down with a slightly sullen look. He feared his father's disappointment.

"Sorry, Father. I'm not talented." Frederick apologized with clenched teeth.

Clarence Klein did not say any words of comfort. He glanced at his son with little interest and simply said, "Grade Five means you can support the family in some regard. Our hopes will have to be placed on your younger cousins."

Frederick clenched his hands so tight that his nails dug into his flesh. Blood slowly trickled down his hand.

He was constantly reminded about his aunt's genius and achievements by his father and mother. The expectation in their eyes did not escape the young Frederick's observation. This was the one chance for him to step up, but he fell short.

The next batch of people from the Klein Family would be tested after a couple of years. Frederick was the only person for this year.

Fighting back the tears, Frederick focused his attention on the rest of the ceremony. If his Grade Five Exolsia weren't acceptable, he would make it acceptable.

"Gilbert Lockwood!"

Gilbert strode up with a confident but also slightly arrogant manner. He placed his hand on the crystal, and it burst into a fierce golden light.

The entire audience, including Frederick and Teresa, were dumbstruck; their jaws opened so wide they could reach the floor.

"GRADE NINE? GRADE NINE!" The elder said with great fervor. Such an amazing talent that is on par with the Pavilion Master himself. This boy will surely soar high above the others and mark his name in history.

"Certainly the greatest blessing on our Empire!"

"The Lockwoods must have saved the world in their past lives."

"Why couldn't it be our family…."

The mixed reactions from the crowd consisted of the unwilling, the loyal, and the resigned. They had not seen a Grade Nine at all in their long lives.

The only known Grade Nine is the Pavilion Master, who has been in seclusion for a long time; even the Emperor only possesses Grade Eight.

Gilbert stepped down proudly and smirked, making Frederick believe something was wrong with his friend. The old Gilbert never put on pretenses and was a gentle person.

Teresa could not help but applaud happily. Others followed her claps. They had no choice but to accept this was happening and show a display of good faith toward this incredible talent.

Gilbert walked back to his spot with his family, looking at him in awe and immediately fawning over him.

"Frederick, you're good friends with Gilbert, right?" Clarence Klein asked his son.

"I am. We know each other well."

"Good, good. Make sure to maintain this relationship. If Gilbert can support our family, we'll be more influential than ever before." Clarence smiled.

Frederick looked at his father with a deadpan face and shook his head in disagreement. Friends shouldn't take advantage of each other. Putting aside his father's scheme, Frederick focused on Teresa, who was now walking up.

'Please let Teresa pass!' Frederick made a desperate prayer.

But his hopes were crushed as the elder announced, "Grade Two."

Teresa's face paled. She stumbled on her feet from the result. Her mouth timidly opened up to try to say something.

"Teresa!" A man to the side with sharp teal hair called out. His eyes stared straight at Teresa with anger.

"F-father. I…."

"Back. Now!"

Under the pitiful and mocking gazes of the others, Teresa meekly walked back to her family, who received her with indifference and cold eyes. She felt like crying her heart out, but this was not the place to do it.

On the other side, Clarence Klein said, "Don't associate yourself with that girl again."

"Father!" Frederick clenched his teeth in anger. "She's only Grade Two, but that doesn't mean she isn't a good friend!"

"If you waste your time with people like that, you will be infected by their weakness." Clarence said sternly.

"So, Aunt shouldn't have helped you out?" Frederick retorted.

Clarence clenched his child on the shoulders, making Frederick take a knee from the pain. "Never disrespect your father. You'll be punished for a week in lockdown."

Frederick hated this. His family, the nobles, the way everyone acts and talks–all of it.

"I'll let you say your goodbyes to her after the ceremony is over." Clarence allowed his son this one moment.

Finally, the ceremony ended.

Frederick bolted toward the dispirited Teresa. Although it was only an hour or so, Teresa looked like she withered like a wilting flower. The usual glow and cute air around her were now dreary and depressing.


"Frederick?" Teresa looked like she was about to cry. "What am I going to do? Father and Mother don't even want to talk to me, and Gilbert was taken away to a private room."

"It's going to be alright. Even if it's only Grade Two, you can still become an Exalt. Your family won't want that chance to go to waste. Any Exalt is a boon. Train hard at home, and I'll come to visit you as much as possible." Frederick held Teresa's hands with a determined look. No matter what anyone says, this is the girl he loves.

"Fred…." Teresa finally started crying a little. She wiped her eyes with her handkerchief and gave a small smile. "Right. As long as I keep training, we can still be together. You, me, and Gilbert."

Frederick could tell the smile was very forced. It was not Teresa's usual bright smile. He wanted to comfort her more, but a large commotion cut their conversation short.

Everyone was crowding and fawning over Gilbert, who had come out of a private meeting with the elder.

Teresa and Frederick tried to get closer to speak with Gilbert, but they could not get through the mob surrounding him. They tried to call for him, but the clamor of the others drowned out their voices.

Frederick desperately tried to look at Gilbert and get his attention. Teresa was a bit shorter, so she could not see anything.

Gilbert turned around and glanced at everyone, locking eyes with Frederick. But only for a moment, Gilbert quickly broke contact and spoke with some of the nobles.

"Gilbert…." Frederick could not believe his friend would just brush him off like this.

"What happened? Did Gilbert see us?" Teresa asked expectantly.

After some silence, Frederick said, "No, Gilbert didn't see us. He's too busy talking with the other nobles. They're all high ranking, so we can't cut in."

He didn't want to hurt Teresa, so he lied. All for her sake.

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