The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 44: Grand Gathering

The rampaging Ein within the room started to calm, a sign that the advancement had ended. Sensing this, Frederick rushed into the room and saw Oscar staring at him with a wide smile as he did a while ago. "HAHA. Congratulations, Os!"

Becoming a Middle Apprentice Exalt was a huge achievement. It was the first advancement of every Exalt. A milestone hurdle that made many feel they could keep improving.

Of course, the later levels made many more feel despair. But for this moment alone, they felt validated.

"I told you. It wouldn't be an issue for me." Oscar smiled widely.

Frederick stared at Oscar with a provocative gaze. "Big words coming from someone who bled."

"Huh?" Oscar looked down at the bed. He made sure to remove all the traces of blood.

"You still have some blood on the side of your mouth." Frederick lightly pressed his finger on his cheek.

The two joked around more. The day was full of celebrations as they met with Emily and cheered for Oscar's success. They decided to go to the 'House of Comfort', a restaurant in Azure City.

"Today's meal is on me!" Frederick had the most money, being the son of a noble. Although money was not that important here, there were still places that accepted it. With a table full of amazing food, they ate and talked the night away.

"Do you know the Outer Hall's Grand Gathering is coming up?" Emily said with her hair tied behind her. It finally grew a lot in the past months to reach her back.

"I've heard about that. It occurs every year-end. I hear the Pavilion puts on a tournament, giving rewards to the top placements." Oscar said.

"That's correct." Frederick said while eating some delicious shrimp. "My aunt told me that each tournament is divided by Exalt level. The Lowers have their contest followed by the Middles and so on."

The Elite Exalts did not participate and seldom showed themselves. Once a person enters the Greater Apprentice Exalt level, they are considered for a test to enter the Inner Hall. They can try as many times as possible, but most end up failing.

Elite Exalts had a higher chance to pass, but the advancement from Apprentice to Elite Exalt realms was like a deep chasm. Many did not have the resources in the Outer Hall to help in that endeavor. That was why many Greater Apprentice Exalts took on mission after mission to accumulate points and resources.

"Os, you'll need to hurry up and get stronger as a Middle Apprentice. If you were still a Lower Apprentice Exalt, you would probably dominate it. Though, there are fewer Lower Apprentice Exalts here."

Most of the people in their year had advanced to the Middle Apprentice Exalt or higher thanks to the increased frequency of the elixir distribution and the fact the Pavilion did not admit anyone lower than Grade Four this year. The current Lower Apprentice Exalts were those like Oscar with Grade Four but did not do a mission for extra elixirs, not to mention the ataerstone that aided him.

"I'm getting excited about this." Emily had a wide smile laced with hostility. "I hope to get that idiot, Samuel. That thing is still not out of prison yet."

Oscar and Frederick slowly backed away when Emily crushed the spoon in her hand.

"I hope to get that bastard, Austin. His deadpan stares are creeping me out." Frederick also had a stern look.

"I want to test how I can do against other people." Oscar sighed.

The three of them made their goals for the upcoming gathering. They did not drink alcohol but some juice to toast their good fortunes.


"The Outer Hall's Grand Gathering?"

The next day, Celestina and Oscar had their weekly reading session in the Archives.

"Do you have anything like that in the Inner Hall?" Oscar asked.

"They do. I'm participating in it." Celestina yawned and stretched her back, acting as if the contest was unimportant. "I'd rather sit and read my books."

"I think the same, but I want to see how far I can go." Oscar's eyes shone with resolve, making Celestina blank out.

"That's right. You should make the most out of this experience. You did become a Middle Apprentice Exalt recently." Celestina snapped out of it and advised Oscar.


"What is it?"

"What is your current level?" Oscar was curious.

"Greater Apprentice Exalt." Celestina stated.

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"That's incredible." Oscar could not believe her speed. It had not even been a year, and she was already at the limits of an Apprentice Exalt.

"That's because of my Grade Eight Exolsia. If anything, you're incredible for being a Middle Apprentice Exalt so quickly for a Grade Four."

"T-Thank you." Oscar flushed red from Celestina's compliment.

Celestina smiled cheerfully and held the book in her hands. "After the contest ends, I won't be able to come to the Archives for a few weeks."

"Why?" Oscar tensed up. It had to be important for this princess to forgo her love of books.

"At this pace, I can try for the Lower Elite Exalt by the time of the contest."

"Elite Exalt? That's amazing. Congratulations." Oscar applauded.

"Don't embarrass me like this." Celestina's face tinged red. "I'll see you next week. Let's also meet up after the Grand Gathering ends."

She got up and left, leaving Oscar alone. As he got up, he clenched his fist.

"There are so many amazing people in this world." A hint of envy mixed in with his words.


The time passed as it came closer to the day of the contest.

Samuel was finally released from the Abyss Prison. But he no longer bothered Oscar and Frederick.

Oscar, Frederick, and Emily took on more missions. Unlike the mission with the Night Raptor in which Samuel intervened, they finished these missions without an issue. Though, they focused on easier missions which Emily disliked.

They all accumulated enough contribution points to get a new spell from the Neptune Archives. They needed every advantage to win the contest. There was still a month and a half until the Grand Gathering.

In the mornings, Oscar meditated on the grassy plains. Sometimes Elder Saul would come by, and they would chat. In the afternoons, Oscar, Frederick, and Emily trained together in spars and spell mastery.

Oscar would supplement his training with the ataerstone as much as possible, leading to a slightly higher speed in his advancement. Every week at night, he'd meet with Celestina and discuss their books. It was a great time of peace for him.

The days and weeks flew by in this routine until the day finally came.

The Outer Hall's Grand Gathering was starting.

"Os. Let's go!" Frederick equipped his 'Twin Leaf Swords' on his back with a lively expression. They had been training for this moment for the past three months.

"Time to leave." Oscar had his 'Obsidian Glass Buckler' on his back. He removed his weighted bands, leaving them on the table.

There was no room to hold back. It was time to show everything he's got.

Outside, they ran into Emily. Her orange hair was tied in a ponytail that extended down to her waist. She carried her 'Iron Serpent Staff' in her hands like a walking stick.

"Ready?" She greeted and asked.

"No hard feelings if we have to fight." Frederick smiled.

"No hard feelings." Emily nodded.

"Remember to go easy on me." Oscar joked. His friends were still above him in Ein despite the ataerstone supplementing his training.

The trio departed, following the mass crowd of students leaving their dorms. Everyone was tense and serious. Now was not the time to mingle and fraternize since they would be enemies soon.

They exited the Outer Hall, heading to a large stadium. The stadium was so large that it could easily fill 1,000,000 people. There were 64 stages spread across the fields. These were their battlefields.

Oscar recalled that Celestina said the Inner Hall's Grand Gathering would be held elsewhere. Sadly, he would not see her here.

The crowd was silent as they surrounded the cluster of stages. There were several of the elders of the Pavilion floating in the center. Preceptor Frank Dullen, Lewis Walsh, Stan, and Ivanka Klein were among them.

A beautiful lady in elder clothing stepped forward. She had purple hair that flowed down and split on her shoulders. Her gray eyes were clear and full of vitality as they scanned the students.

"I am Grand Commander Margaret Ward." Her clear voice resounded through the stadium.

"Oh god, it's her." Frederick trembled.

"You know her?" Oscar and Emily asked.

Frederick shook his head. "I heard rumors about her from my aunt. She's said to be as old as Great Elder Robert."

Oscar and Emily could not contain their shock, hanging their jaws open. The person before them looked more like a beautiful, mature woman than an old grandma.

"She's is the head of the Pavilion's forces. They say Great Elder Robert handles the administrative ends, and the Warden handles the prison and criminals. But she is the main commander of the Pavilion's Exalts in times of conflict."

"All of the guards we come across are under her sway. She boasts a tactical mind and overwhelming force. The Blue Ocean Pavilion had been through several conflicts in the past, but she's led us to victory many times."

Oscar, Emily, and Frederick stared in awe at the inspiring elder. The entire crowd grew nervous from the silent pressure emanating from her.

"There will be no tournament for the Elite Exalts. They should be focusing on their Inner Hall examinations. The Apprentice Exalt tournaments will be split into each realm." Margaret paused for a moment before moving on. "Prizes will be given out to the Top 32 of each tournament. I will not unveil what the prizes will be. That is for the winners to find out."

"Lastly, if anyone is found to be cheating. I will personally induct you into my training regime and teach you some sense." Her presence did not change, but everyone, even the elders beside her, started to tremble. Margaret's silent threat was not to be taken lightly. Her tone was stern, as if she was addressing soldiers.

"I heard people would rather die than go through her training regime." Frederick gulped.

One of the elders stepped toward Margaret and whispered something. Her eyes contained a hint of annoyance as she sighed. "One more thing. After this event ends, the Ein Amassing Elixir distribution will increase. You will receive an elixir every two months."

The Pavilion had never been this generous before. The distribution went from the original six months to three and now two.

Oscar felt something was wrong, but he was just a student. Perhaps his master would know, but he had no opportunities to contact him.

Normally the crowd would erupt in an uproar at this news, but Margaret's lion-like grey eyes shut them up before they could start.

"These stages will be for the Greaters. The ones there are for the Middles. The remaining ones are for the Lowers. Fight hard and do not disappoint." Margaret flew to a large terrace in the stadium. She had a view of all the stages from this height.

"As the Grand Commander said, move along to your respective stages. We will call your names to each stage."

The elders on all sides started calling out names and directing them to a stage.

"Frederick Klein!" An elder shouted.

Oscar bumped fists with Frederick, "Good luck, Fred."

Emily patted him on the shoulder, "Break a leg."

"I'm going." Frederick straightened his back, heading for the elder.

The elder designated him to a stage before continuing.

"Emily Nevena!"

Emily strode forward with heavy steps. She gave a final nod to Oscar.

Oscar was now alone, waiting for an elder to call his name.

"Oscar Terr!"

At the call of his name, Oscar stepped forward.

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